Remote access error

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Remote access error

Post by Riksen »

Hi guys ...

I was able to set up a db connection for my seow campaign remotely and it has been working fine for the last two missons. That is, I was able to sucessfully generate a mission from a different computer in a different network. However, today, when i tried, i keep receiving the following two alerts:


I thought the problem was related to the db computer lossing internet access but i was able to connect to it via TeamViewer and nothing appeared to be wrong ... DOo you guys have ever encountered something like this?

Thxs in advance
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

First of all, trying Googling it "mysqld server has gone away".

Some people say:
Usually this means that your 'max_allowed_packet' setting in my.ini is too small.
That is, change your MySQL server settings to increase max_allowed_packet to something sensible, e.g. max_allowed_packet=64M.

This is a start. It could also be internet packet loss, or a range of other issues.

SEOW Developer

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