Newbee User Feedback

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Newbee User Feedback

Post by VT-51_Thud »

I apologize if my comments do not make since to you. I'm new to buiding mission plans. Here is a few things I've noticed. It's possible that it might be "how" I'm doing it.

I am not sure which version we are using. Mel maintains the SEOW programs.

1. I noitced that I have to double check the fuel load out between steps because it always changes back to 50% each time I perform a step.

2. There is no "Empty" Weapons loadout listed when I try to create a Recon flight.

3. While building my waypoints, if I try to remove the current waypoint, all it does is move it to wherever the remove current waypoint option button was at the time I clicked it.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Thud,

The MP displays its internal version number on the first few layers of pages.

1/ Depends what you mean by "step". There is a sequence of operations that will mean that you only need to check the fuel once:

(a) Select unit, strength and launch time.
(b) click out waypoints on map, setting speed, altitude and task as you go (the first couple of speeds/alts are fixed)
(c) click last waypoint at destination airbase
(d) right-click, select Finalize (automatic "LAND", brings up loadouts etc in left column)
(e) edit loadouts, fuel, briefing, escorts
(f) click big yellow "Commit" button.

The idea is that you only select Finalize once you are completely happy with all your waypoint speeds/alts/tasks. If you find that your Fuel is being refreshed to 50%, then you are doing something wrong in the sequence, like trying to edit waypoints AFTER you have hit Finalize.

2/ Recon flights are automatically assigned loadouts according to the aircraft type. All aircraft with class "PFI" (fighter) are given empty loadouts, while everything else gets default regardless of what the commander enters.

3/ Removing last waypoint: this has been used thousands of times by people around the world, so maybe the problem lies in the way you are doing it. Normally, using Internet Explorer 6, you just right-click the context menu on and select "Reject Latest Waypoint". That should do it.

SEOW Developer

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Joined: Sun 21 Jan 2007 10:20 am
Location: Virginia, USA

Post by VT-51_Thud »

Thanks for the replies. As far as #3 goes, that's exactly what I'm doing. I will post samples later to show you. It's a toughee to explain.
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