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New SEOW Release: SEDCS v3.2.15, MP4 v4.710, SEDB32F

Posted: Sat 25 Sep 2010 10:24 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades

The SEOW Development Team is delighted to announce a new milestone release of the SEOW system. This release culminates nearly a year of play-testing (via the successful June 1942 multisector campaign) and feature development. Some of the most important new features are:
  • Seven new sectors: Aleutians, Bay of Biscay, Cartagena, Coral Sea, Darwin, Sinai, Slovenia
    MP Autoupdater technology
    HSFX 4.2beta compliance
    Vastly improved SOG support for multi-sector campaigns, including programmable transit delays
    Sophisticated CCCI functionality
    Integrated support for driveable recon vehicles
    Stable ship damage tracking and strategic radar
In putting this release together, PA_Dore and II/JG77Hawk_5 have done enormous amounts of specialized work, and No457_Squog has contributed a CVS repository update tool for the MP that will revolutionize MP maintenance for admins. I thank them for their efforts. =69.GIAP=Petr, IAF.ViFF, 22GCT_Gross and 242Sqn_Chap deserve special mentions for their contributions too. Finally, a special thanks to the HQ team (Brandle, Warg, Ikey, Hawk5, Badger, Hitcher et al.) who have provided excellence in concept development and beta testing.

The new SEOW release versions will be designated as follows:

SEDCS v3.2.15
MP4 v4.710
MP4 Statistics v1.144

Because of changes to the internal database structure, this SEOW release and its individual components will not inter-operate with previous SEOW release components. Retrofitting of existing campaign databases is possible and relatively quick, but not trivial.

Watch this thread for download details as they become available. Documentation revisions will begin appearing at the SEOW Wiki shortly.

Here is a list of the changes made to the software since the last public releases:

Changes in SEDCS v3.2.15
*) Forced all damaged submarines to surfaced form.
*) Added code to basMissionBuilder.subInitiateSeaMission() to auto-generate "speed" governor waypoints. (No457_Squog)
*) Generalized .properties filename search to include "" variants.
*) Added logic to read target object definitions from new database table Destruction_Targets.
*) Altered factory default Idle settings.
*) Corrected partial range calculation in subAdvanceUnit() where fuel ran out en route.
*) Corrected range estimation in subMakeMobile() to include movement cost factors.
*) Corrected paratroop assault registrations for case of multiple smoke events (only use the first).
*) Further corrections to ship damage handling.
*) Added linkage between morale and engagement range for artillery-capable units.
*) Added timestamping to PilotMissionData to assist in Statistics Pilot Details flight time distribution.
*) Disabled funeral pyres for VRI units.
*) Added dispersion to successful paratrooper assault drop coordinates. (=69.GIAP=MALYSH)
*) Reduced probability of artillery furniture placement in basMissionBuilder.subPlaceArtilleryFurniture().
*) Corrected handling of Combined Unit total destruction. (EAF_Classic)
*) Improved handling of quotes in Skin names. (JG26_Badger)
*) Added support for Campaign_Notices table.
*) Added support for flight penalty calculations.
*) Improved handling of malfunctioned flights.
*) Added support for automatic reduction of transit delays.
*) Corrected flight breakdown reporting for Axis flights.
*) Corrected application of ship damage to "in progress" waypoint speeds in successive missions.
*) Added Transit logic to withdraw missions queries in modMissionAnalyzer.subAllocateAirLosses().
*) Added support for driveable vehicles. (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Added support for locking of production orders. (II/JG3K.Brandle and 242Sqn_Chap)
*) Added support for logging to Campaign Notices of failed production consignments and for cancelled flights due to insufficient fuel at airbases. (WTE_Ikey)
*) Corrected isBridgeDestroyed() logic. (PA_Dore)
*) Removed capture events from subGenerateFuneralPyres() query.
*) Disabled Build and Analyze buttons immediately upon click. (AG51-Cobraj)
*) Removed VMI class from the infantry CGM selector. (Paddington, IV/JG7_Warg)
*) Added support for CS_Enemy_Proximity, CS_Create_Supply_Points, CS_Forward_Supply. (=69.GIAP_Petr)
*) Recast CS_Supply_Unit_Weight as a double.
*) Revised Drop/Assault success for Human Drop Flights.
*) Incremented splashscreen dates to 2010.
*) Revised mission event timing to handle drop/paratrooper/recon events better over midnight changes.
*) Added handler for pilot disposition timestamps to subStorePilotRecords().
*) Corrected handling of sequential KIA/crash events.
*) Revised subSeatOccupied() to track "trying to occupy" messages as well to catch server seat logging bugs in HSFX.
*) Corrected carrier loss allocations in subAllocateAirLosses().
*) Test for host flight in modMissionAnalyzer.subSeatOccupied() branch.
*) Corrected "double jeopardy" bug that saw downed aircraft possibly re-destroyed if their home carrier took a hit also. (Hitcher)
*) Added Campaign_Notice support for captured driveable vehicle events.
*) Complete revision of AdvanceClock Idle Use feature. Now does proper refueling of units from nearby resources etc.
*) Handled flight names with "(" characters in hasDropMissionOccurred(). (=69.GIAP=Tushka)
*) Extended ship damage model to includ more non-hull vital chunks list; revised non-hull chunk weightings. (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Corrected ship repair routine to ensure that fuel is not expended if the ship is undamaged.
*) Corrected AdvanceClock logic to reproduce all shipping regardless of fuel and destruction status (242Sqn_Chap)

Changes in MP4 v4.710
*) Corrected Libya mapping support. (22GCT_Gross)
*) Corrected Submarine status info in unit tooltip.
*) Corrected display of recon decay rate units in Options screen. (=69.GIAP=Tushka)
*) Air leg travel times now use TAS rather than IAS. (IAF.ViFF and No457_Squog)
*) Support for enhanced CCCI models - now units can be designated "autonomous" for CCCI purposes.
*) Radar Screen now handles CoopManager mission naming automatically by ignoring any "nnn_" prefixes to the standard SEOW mission name. (June42 addition)
*) Corrected display of freight capacity for shipping. (II/JG3K.Brandle)
*) CCCI radius multiplier modification. (=69.GIAP=Petr)
*) Copied North and South Korea emblems for European theatres; added Korea to FBRegion function in MP-Misc.php. (PA_Dore)
*) Removed PHP $Meta1 warning from MP-RadarScreen.php for "No radar" section.
*) Corrected Verbose names display for Allied reinforcements. (=69.GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Corrected display of idle usage rates in MP-OptionsScreen.php to cater for 0.1% resolution.
*) Added "(SOG)" text to all SOG-active resupply point tooltips.
*) Corrected CC load/unload functions. (IAF.ViFF)
*) Correction of Escort landing/takeoff wayoints in MP-Head.js and MP-RegisterMission.php. (JG26_Badger)
*) Added support for SupplyOnly transport units.
*) Enhanced maps for Sevastopol, Kerch and Lenino. (=69.GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Added Tractor_US image. (II/JG54_Emil)
*) Added Midway Large images. (IAF.ViFF)
*) Corrected handling of backslashes in mission briefs. (JG26_JobboFett)
*) Corrected FreightTools in MP-Head.js to make sure the nearest non-empty fuel dumps are selected as potential freight sources, rather than just the nearest fuel dumps. (=69.GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Added feature to allow commanders specify exact waypoints in mission plans. (=69GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Corrected handling of Dissolved units in toggle functions of IEmenu. (=69.GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Added coordinate selectors to freight unload tool.
*) Support for ship supply/fuel redistribution.
*) Enhanced Central Med, Libya and Channel 1942 radar pages. (PA_Dore)
*) Added refueling time to Costs screen. (No457_Squog)
*) Added costs displays to Factory production tooltips and menus.
*) Corrected displayed Freight Load radius for ships.
*) Corrected Fuel/Supply redistribution limits for carriers.
*) Corrected counter error in SOG reserves lists (242Sqn_Chap);
*) Corrected display of endurance for partially destroyed Combined Units.
*) Improved New Guinea mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Corrected (x,y) placement of supply drops. (=69.GIAP=Ratnik)
*) Corrected Immediate Carrier Transfer code in MP-NUCommit.php to make sure that transferred flights have the same X,Y coords as the destination carrier. (242Sqn_Chap)
*) Corrected display of disembarkation delay duration. (IAF.ViFF)
*) Changed changeSubState() to prevent damaged subs from changing state.
*) Added Darwin mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added Sinai mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added Slovenia mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added Cartagena mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added Aleutians mapping support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added password requirement to Merger Tool.
*) Added Known Supply toggle for right-click menu. (IV/JG7_Warg)
*) Added display of dismbarkation status to unit tooltips.
*) Fixed undefined skin values in MP-NUCommit.php.
*) Corrected escort air start altitudes, and corrected some strpos testing in MP-RegisterMission.php to identify from/to base IDs.
*) Extra Midway Large support. (LLv16_Justus, PA_Dore)
*) Revised The Slot support (II/JG77Hawk_5, PA_Dore)
*) Revised Fortress Malta coordinate transformations. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) New HD map for Lvov (II/JG77Hawk_5).
*) Revised delay time limits on mission plans.
*) Fixed desired ship supply issue for new unit commissions. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Corrected endurance range calculation for Task Forces. (EAF19_Classic)
*) Correction of bug that saw Supply Drops detected via GATTACK point. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Disabled the ability of freighters to draw from enemy controlled airbases (242Sqn_Chap and 22GCT_Gross)
*) Corrected ship TF speed error that saw past ship damage states being applied, intermittently yielding negative TF speeds. (No457_Stonehouse,242Sqn_Chap, 6S.Maraz)
*) Improved Iasi mapping. (Fisch)
*) Corrected getRange() function for destroyed shipping.
*) Normandy mapping extensions. (=69.GIAP=Petr)
*) Revised Kiev_AP mapping. (PA_Dore)
*) HD map for Henderson in The Slot. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Enhanced tooltip support for Transporters.
*) Added HQ unit icons. (=69GIAP=Petr)
*) Corrected test for determining submerge/surface state of submarines.
*) Added context menu tools to toggle CC units and to show their CCCI influence ranges. (LW/JG10_Armwaar)
*) Korea and Smolensk updated support. (PA_Dore)
*) Added Coral Sea mapping support. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Corrected air supply unloading at temporary airbases. (JG26_Badger)
*) Admin users now have the ability to change unit locations. (PA_Dore)
*) Fine adjustments to Smolensk mapping. (PA_Dore)
*) IE8 natve support (no need for Compatibility Mode) and improved browser detection.
*) Improved location/bearing functions integrated with CCCI.
*) Display of total freight loading.
*) Incorporation of Enemy Proximity logic for relocations and logic for Supply Point Creation. (=69.GIAP=Petr)
*) France updates and added Bay of Biscay mapping support. (PA_Dore).
*) Improved Lvov support. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Added Landing Penalties support.
*) Added support for Campaign Notices display.
*) Support for Reinforcement transit delays.
*) Improved display of past Scheduled Missions (locked).
*) Corrected isInCCCI() function logic for influence of airbases and supply points.
*) Enhanced sector support for MP-Admin and auto-updater, and reformatted noConnection headers in MP-Misc. (No457_Squog)
*) Corrected Big Yellow Button double-click for Firefox/IETab2.
*) Added support for driveable mode switching (WAGEN/JEEP objects).
*) Enhanced the demolitions tool to show all targets within range. (22GCT_Gross)
*) Support for SOG functions with unit restrictions and transit delays.
*) Cosmetic fix for deletions in MP-DeleteScheds.php. (22GCT_Gross)
*) Added the SEOW favicon to the default-green and default-iron pages. (No457_Squog)
*) New Resupply Points tool for MP-ManageCampaign.php.
*) Added support for locking of production orders. (II/JG3K.Brandle and 242Sqn_Chap)
*) Added informational alert for flight plans where the airbase supplies are too low. (WTE_Ikey)
*) Revised display of Supply Point data.
*) Corrected BaseFuel() usage in estimating fuel resources.
*) Added new section for "Drivable Recon" units to Costs page.
*) Added support for new campaign settings, updated README.
*) Large Stalingrad map. (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Extra high-res maps for Lvov. (=69GIAP=Petr)
*) Added HSFXbeta airframes.
*) Corrected $IconLocations value in MP-Configuration.php for MP4public release.

Changes to MP-Statistics v1.144
*) Corrected calculation of Pilot flight time distributions for missions spanning midnight.
*) Removed tilde translations in PilotDetails and PilotChart, to support callsigns containing tildes.
*) Corrected infkills recordset reference to ensure that the Verbose field is filled out in the Confirmed Kills Listing table.
*) Corrected counting of ship damage kills in MP-Missions and MP-PilotDetails.
*) Corrected handling of TU crash losses.
*) Corrected latest date display with spanning midnight for active sectors on Statistics front page.
*) Corrected miscounting of some allied naval losses in the axis air losses tables in MP-CumulativeLosses.php and in MP-Missions.php.
*) Added support for driveable vehicles in MP-PilotDetails.php

Changes to SEDB32F
*) Removed several obsolete tables.
*) Added Destruction_Targets, Campaign_Notices tables.
*) New structures for ObjMissionData, PilotMissionDisposition, Resupply_Points and Resupply_Replacements tables.
*) Data for 7 new sectors: Aleutians, Bay of Biscay, Cartagena, Coral Sea, Darwin, Sinai, Slovenia.
*) Heavily reworked Highways and Railway_Waypoints tables.
*) Major changes and additions to Campaign_Settings, Object_Specifications, Airbases, Object_Costs, Industrial_Installations, Resupply_Points, Tile_Map_Codes, AircraftLoadout, Airforce_Units, Railway_Stations.

Posted: Sun 26 Sep 2010 5:10 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
Very impressive job, Shades! Thanks forever.

Posted: Sun 26 Sep 2010 6:37 pm
by II/JG7_Warg
G'day 4Shades,

Did the Singapore and Marianas map industrial and fuel coordinates data make it in?

Posted: Sun 26 Sep 2010 7:12 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes. :)

Posted: Mon 27 Sep 2010 10:11 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
The SEOW release files are now available for download at the Sourceforge file release site:

For all MP administrators, check out Squog's MP AutoUpdater tool. This works extremely well on XP32, and is a great way to access the latest MP bug patches with just a mouse click.


Posted: Mon 27 Sep 2010 8:06 pm
by PA-Dore
Many thanks for this new release. :D

I used Squog's MP AutoUpdater tool, it works very well.

--> Mike: Katana answered me: He had a problem with his Wiki'server. He works on it. I hope it will be ok in a few days.

Posted: Mon 27 Sep 2010 10:32 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks JP! Best wishes to Katana in his efforts.


Posted: Tue 28 Sep 2010 2:47 am
by II/JG54_Emil
Wow, thanks a lot 4Shades!

Since the Wiki is not online and I would want to start getting our rootserver updated I ask this question:
Do I put the con tent of the MP4public folder into the old MP4 folder and then update, or does it need to keep it name MP4public?

If it needs to be MP4public, how do readjust the rest?

Posted: Tue 28 Sep 2010 3:16 am
by 102nd-HR-cmirko
great addition 4Shades - congrats to you and to all of the people who helped with this fine release :)


Posted: Tue 28 Sep 2010 5:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks Cmirko!

To Emil,

You should keep MP4 (old, deprecated) separate from MP4public. They are now separate code bases and they will diverge further. MP4 will no longer be updated or supported - it is dead. MP4public is the recommended release for all purposes from now on.

Since the MP technology is entirely self-contained, it is perfectly feasible to run multiple MP instances side by side on the same web server. For example, if you have a "SEOW" folder on your web server, you might conceivably wish to have the following versions operating simultaneously:

SEOW/MP4 << old version using SEDB32E databases
SEOW/MP4public << new version using SEDB32F databases
SEOW/MP4public-customized << new version for local experimentation

Just give your pilots the correct URL for their campaign use. How you run your server is up to you!

By the way, this kind of question belongs in the Technical Discussion Forum.


Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010 8:55 am
by =69.GIAP=BOOS
Nice work! I am currently fiddling around with the Jeep to see what you can do with it!

Thanks 4Shades and everyone else who made this great piece of software!


Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010 9:00 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Shades, which directory the Mp automatic updating will overwrite on? MP4Public?

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010 1:21 pm
4Shades, awesome update

Thank you for your hard work for our community man, hopefully you win lottery or something :P :P :lol:

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010 7:03 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Gross,

As I understand it, the MP updater should maintain the MP4public folder. All questions and feedback on the MPupdater should be directed to this thread for Squog's attention.


PS: Thanks Boos and Koshka!

Posted: Sat 16 Oct 2010 4:44 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Patch update to DCS, now incremented v3.2.17. This fixes the automatic resupply of partially destroyed vehicle columns. Thanks to PA_Dore for the bug report.

New Pilot Roster tool for MP, now incremented to v4.719 (available only via MPAutoUpdater).
