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Mission #1 15/09/1943 08:00

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:07 pm
by PA-Dore
Request from the french community:

Tonight some pilots joined at 22:15. It's too late for many of us. We would like the server should be closed at 22:00 and mission start immediatly.

About lag:
As all others pilots we had lag continuously.

2 reasons:
1. Too many active units (ships, ground active units..) generating local lag
2. Too many pilots generating on-line lag

In this mission I think that the 2nd point had more importance because many ships were not in fight.

Around 80 pilots were in game.
Around 90 airplanes were ordered

So, using the "rnzoli rule":
For server uplink (server PC -> Internet) bandwidth, calculate with the following formula:
X bytes/s * A * N
where A is the number of AI aircraft, N = human aircraft, and X the client connection setting. e.g. 2000 bytes/s is equivalent for the setting of 14.4 kbit/s modem setting for each player.

Here, many players are set to 10000 o/s
We obtain 10000 x 80 x 10 = 8.000.000 (8Mo/s) too high for the server

One solution is to decrease the client connection rate. e.g. 4000 will give 3.2Mo/s for the server.
Another solution is to limit the air orders up to 80.
e.g. 70 humans, 10 AI, and rate =4000 will give 2.8Mo/s

My advice:
1. Reduce client connection rate to 5000 o/s
2. 80 air orders maxi
3. Reduce infantry rate of fire (technics.ini)
4. Remove some units all over the map in 2 sides that are not necessary

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:14 am
by LLv34_Untamo

I concur on the starting times. Mission should start sharp on the designated time, no waiting for "few more players". Everyone should be in the server and ready to fly before the start time.

I think that when the straglers are left out of the game for a couple times, they will learn to come in on time ;)

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:15 am
Hi JP,

The Server bandwidth we get from NGZ is 100 MB up and down. More then enough to handle 80+ clients. The size of the mission will obviously need to be considered. But before we go to reduce the clients bandwidth I suggest first to take some other measures that will reduce network load.

I recommend for Thursday perhaps we can use a different TS server, maybe the 102nd? or the one of the French community?

i.e. lets make sure that the IL2 Host and the TS Host will be separate machines, separate networks. Not all on the same root server and IP.



Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:01 am
by PA-Dore
Yes, using a different TS server is a real way to reduce the server network trafic.
We usually consider that 20% of the bandwidth must be reserved for TS.

FRA-SEOW TS could be available if needed:
password: fraseow

About upload: Are you sure of 100Mb upload? Anyway it's a max value for closed clients. In this campaign, clients are all over Europe ^^
And the value has to be divide/8 according to the speed IL2' setting (octets/s)

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:43 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Completely agreed for the starting time, Untamo.
Consider yesterday as the starting situation, we go to apply the rule from the next.

I too dont think it's necessary to go back with netspeed.

Here som infos from log

Code: Select all

CR:27:51.155 Time overflow (729): tickLen 47
CW:27:51.155 chat Mission playing anomaly detected (time overflow event limit reached).
This alert was shown as the mission has started.
Time overflow (729): tickLen 47 indicates a freeze on the server. It's not from the graphic card but from il2fb.exe in itself.
During the mission, we had 282 tickLen occurences. The last one occurred 6 minutes before the end (mission duration about 90 mins)

FPS on the server: 5/8 for about 45 mins, 22 after 1 hour (usually 150+)
OVERLOAD on the server: always 100+ (usually = 0)
Bandwith used by each player < 4000 b/s (<8000/10000)

I and VIff ran the same mission later:
1. using only the core #8 at high use
FPS on the server: 170
OVERLOAD on the server: 0

2. 30 mins later - only Viff - dont know the core settings
FPS on the server: 239
OVERLOAD on the server: 0

3. 1 hour later - VIff & Classic - dont know the core settings
FPS on the server: 1
OVERLOAD on the server: 112

Viff is working around right now. What I can say as priority:
1. CPU management for il2fb.exe;
2. Reduction of the ground movements; (strongly while we have the convoy moving)
3. Reduction of the players;
4. Using a different TS (anyway);

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 5:28 pm
Hi all,

I have been able to achieve 260+ FPS with only a few clients connected. I think this is the best I can do.

I leave it up to you now to decide how much you want to reduce ground and sea movements to ensure a smooth mission with many clients connected.


Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:09 am
by 102nd_HR_cmirko
that should do it Viff with concern to server performance :)


Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:09 am
by 102nd-YU-devill
I would suggest the following:

Diego, build the mission with current movements, and then restore the DB and reduce movements. Then the planners can delete surplus movements, make ready another mission with less ground moves. Then you build the mission again and save it as a different mission.

On Thursday we can first try to run the big mission and see how it goes. If it is too much, we can stop it within 10 minutes and reload the light mission. Like this, the pilots will have a mission to fly and we will also be able to test.

I hope this is not too much trouble concerning setting up the mission analysis and SEDCS in general. I would run both missions manually, and do a manual analysis afterwards, just this time.

P.S. You could also reduce statics by reducing the number of airfield lights to 10%. This was a morning mission so I think the generator put them as well.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:06 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
If the first attempt fails, I will restore the "planned" database.
The 2 commanders will take 3 minutes to select the ground missions and delete them in one shot. If we would agree to delete all ground missions, the admin can do that for them.
Then we will be able to rebuild the new mission in 5 minutes.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:58 pm
by greykitten
Which TS server do we use?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:59 pm
we will advise shortly

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:04 pm
by 102nd-YU-devill
You are all welcome on 102nd TS.

TS 102nd
pass: vertikala

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:10 pm
confirmed. 102nd ! thanks!
