Hi all,
To my deepest regret the ES community decided to leave the campaign and as such the campaign is on hold until further notice. Unfortunately we proved unable to find a compromise and solve our differences.
The ITA community will look for a NE ground commander in their ranks in order to restart the campaign as soon as possible. With some luck this could be next week but it is too early to say.
Let me thank the ES community for the many hours of work they put into making the campaign MOD pack, for the considerable effort on behalf of the commanders and the fun missions we have flown against all the ES pilots. Best off luck to you all.
Campaign on hold until further notice
Moderator: Petr
Campaign on hold until further notice
Last edited by Petr on Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:19 am
Hola a todos.
Soy =gRiJ=Ruso , y actualmente ocupo el cargo de comandante del escuadron español =gRiJ=.
En primer lugar quiero pedir que se me disculpe por mi falta de conocimiento del ingles , por lo cual este post lo he traducido con la herramienta "Traductor Global" , y soy plenamente consciente de sus limitaciones.
Este post es a titulo personal , y proximamente se hara publico uno consensuado entre los integrantes de la comunidad española , explicando los motivos que nos han llevado a tomar la decision de dar por terminada nuestra participacion en la misma.
Dicho esto , quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todas las personas que han trabajado para que un proyecto tan ambicioso se pudiera poner en marcha , y especialmente a Petr.
Tambien quiero pedir disculpas a todos los camaradas , de tantos escuadrones y paises distintos que han participado estor dias en esta S.E.O.W. , por dejar un proyecto en el que se han metido innumerables horas de trabajo de una forma tan prematura.
Los motivos , como ya he comentado , se explicaran en el post conjunto.
Por mi parte solo dire que , mi apoyo a la decision de dar por terminada nuestra participacion , se debio a la injustificada situacion de escalada verbal , con descalificaciones personales y menosprecios en los correos mantenidos entre los comandantes de esta S.E.O.W.
Nunca podre entender algunos comentarios malsonantes , y mucho menos compartirlos.
Entiendo la tension y el cansancio acumulado , pero si no podemos contenernos y respetarnos en lo personal , no tiene sentido continuar con una actividad pensada para disfrutar junto a otras personas.
Espero que podais continuar disfrutando de esta S.E.O.W. , y os deseo lo mejor en un futuro proximo a todos.
Aparte de pediros disculpas , solo puedo daros un consejo ..... " antes de enviar un e-mail leerlo un par de veces , y poneros en el lugar de la persona aludida en ese e-mail" ...... por mucho trabajo que tenga , ninguna S.E.O.W. vale mas que una persona.
Espero volver a veros a todos en el aire ...
Un saludo ...
Hello everyone.
I am = gRiJ = Ruso, and currently occupy the post of Commander of the Spanish squad = gRiJ =.
First of all, I want to ask that me I apologize for my lack of knowledge of English, so this post so I have translated with the tool "Global translator", and am fully aware of its limitations.
This post is to title staff, and soon will make public one consensus among the members of the Spanish community, explaining the reasons that have led us to the decision to terminate our participation in the same.
Having said that, I want to express my thanks to all those who have worked to ensure that a project so ambitious could be started, and especially Petr.
I also want to apologize to all comrades, many squads and different countries involved estor days in this S.E.O.W. for letting a project in which have gotten countless hours so prematurely.
Reasons, as I have said, an explanation in the joint post.
For my part only dire that, my support for the decision to terminate our participation is due to the unjustified situation of verbal escalation, with personal attacks and menosprecios in emails between the commanders of this S.E.O.W.
Never will I understand some offensive comments, and much less to share them.
I understand the stress and the accumulated fatigue, but if we can't contain us and respect us personally, it makes no sense continue with an activity designed to enjoy along with others.
I hope that you can continue to enjoy this S.E.O.W., and I wish you the best in a future next to all.
Apart from apologise I, I can only give you advice... "before sending an e-mail to read it a couple of times, and put you in the place of the person alluded to in that email"... by busy having, no S.E.O.W. is worth more than a person.
I hope to see you all in the air...
Soy =gRiJ=Ruso , y actualmente ocupo el cargo de comandante del escuadron español =gRiJ=.
En primer lugar quiero pedir que se me disculpe por mi falta de conocimiento del ingles , por lo cual este post lo he traducido con la herramienta "Traductor Global" , y soy plenamente consciente de sus limitaciones.
Este post es a titulo personal , y proximamente se hara publico uno consensuado entre los integrantes de la comunidad española , explicando los motivos que nos han llevado a tomar la decision de dar por terminada nuestra participacion en la misma.
Dicho esto , quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todas las personas que han trabajado para que un proyecto tan ambicioso se pudiera poner en marcha , y especialmente a Petr.
Tambien quiero pedir disculpas a todos los camaradas , de tantos escuadrones y paises distintos que han participado estor dias en esta S.E.O.W. , por dejar un proyecto en el que se han metido innumerables horas de trabajo de una forma tan prematura.
Los motivos , como ya he comentado , se explicaran en el post conjunto.
Por mi parte solo dire que , mi apoyo a la decision de dar por terminada nuestra participacion , se debio a la injustificada situacion de escalada verbal , con descalificaciones personales y menosprecios en los correos mantenidos entre los comandantes de esta S.E.O.W.
Nunca podre entender algunos comentarios malsonantes , y mucho menos compartirlos.
Entiendo la tension y el cansancio acumulado , pero si no podemos contenernos y respetarnos en lo personal , no tiene sentido continuar con una actividad pensada para disfrutar junto a otras personas.
Espero que podais continuar disfrutando de esta S.E.O.W. , y os deseo lo mejor en un futuro proximo a todos.
Aparte de pediros disculpas , solo puedo daros un consejo ..... " antes de enviar un e-mail leerlo un par de veces , y poneros en el lugar de la persona aludida en ese e-mail" ...... por mucho trabajo que tenga , ninguna S.E.O.W. vale mas que una persona.
Espero volver a veros a todos en el aire ...
Un saludo ...
Hello everyone.
I am = gRiJ = Ruso, and currently occupy the post of Commander of the Spanish squad = gRiJ =.
First of all, I want to ask that me I apologize for my lack of knowledge of English, so this post so I have translated with the tool "Global translator", and am fully aware of its limitations.
This post is to title staff, and soon will make public one consensus among the members of the Spanish community, explaining the reasons that have led us to the decision to terminate our participation in the same.
Having said that, I want to express my thanks to all those who have worked to ensure that a project so ambitious could be started, and especially Petr.
I also want to apologize to all comrades, many squads and different countries involved estor days in this S.E.O.W. for letting a project in which have gotten countless hours so prematurely.
Reasons, as I have said, an explanation in the joint post.
For my part only dire that, my support for the decision to terminate our participation is due to the unjustified situation of verbal escalation, with personal attacks and menosprecios in emails between the commanders of this S.E.O.W.
Never will I understand some offensive comments, and much less to share them.
I understand the stress and the accumulated fatigue, but if we can't contain us and respect us personally, it makes no sense continue with an activity designed to enjoy along with others.
I hope that you can continue to enjoy this S.E.O.W., and I wish you the best in a future next to all.
Apart from apologise I, I can only give you advice... "before sending an e-mail to read it a couple of times, and put you in the place of the person alluded to in that email"... by busy having, no S.E.O.W. is worth more than a person.
I hope to see you all in the air...
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:45 am
(Just to make a 2nd english review...still with errors from my side
This post is strictly personal, and soon will make public an official one coming from the Spanish community, explaining the reasons that have led us to take this decision of end up with our participation in this SEOW.
For my part I will only say that the main point to end with the SEOW is due to the unjustified situation of verbal escalation, with personal attacks and reproaches in emails between the commanders of this S.E.O.W.
I will Never understand some offensive comments, and I cannot accept and agree on them. I can understand the stress and the accumulated fatigue, but if we can't respect each other, it makes no sense continue with an activity designed to enjoy aand have fun with others.
I hope that you can continue with this S.E.O.W., and I wish you all the best for the future.
And last but no least important, let me suggest that "before sending an e-mail, read it a couple of times, and put yourself in the place of the person who is going to read it or is alluded in that email"..., no any S.E.O.W. is more important than a person.

This post is strictly personal, and soon will make public an official one coming from the Spanish community, explaining the reasons that have led us to take this decision of end up with our participation in this SEOW.
For my part I will only say that the main point to end with the SEOW is due to the unjustified situation of verbal escalation, with personal attacks and reproaches in emails between the commanders of this S.E.O.W.
I will Never understand some offensive comments, and I cannot accept and agree on them. I can understand the stress and the accumulated fatigue, but if we can't respect each other, it makes no sense continue with an activity designed to enjoy aand have fun with others.
I hope that you can continue with this S.E.O.W., and I wish you all the best for the future.
And last but no least important, let me suggest that "before sending an e-mail, read it a couple of times, and put yourself in the place of the person who is going to read it or is alluded in that email"..., no any S.E.O.W. is more important than a person.