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Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:29 am
by Petr
Hi all,

The below is a work in progress and is liable to change depending feedback of the 2 sides.

If you want to discuss a particular point or points, please open a new thread.

This topic will be adjusted as we move along and will be your main resource to check the current status.

For the plane set discussion check here: viewtopic.php?t=3082

Let's start by setting the scene for phase 2.

1. A new mod pack will be provided before phase 2. It will contain:
a. Ini files
b. Skins
2. IL2 4.12.2m + HSFX7.01 & Expert mode
3. Missions:
a. Phase Length: 16 missions. Leaving sooner will automatically result in a total victory for the remaining side!
b. Day: SUNDAY
c. Start: 21h30
d. Length: 2h15
e. Seats:
i. Allied: 32 + 24 AI (can only be used for transfers or new planes entering the map)
ii. Axis: 50 + 24 AI (can only be used for transfers or new planes entering the map)
f. Planner:
g. Hosting server:
h. Admin: StG77_Petr

With the defeat of Operation Crusader and the fall of Tubruck the Axis high command turns its attention to Malta. During the last 4 months, Malta air based strike forces have sunk more than a dozen ships carrying supplies and ground reinforcements to Panzer Armee Africa. Almost a full 50% of the shipping making the crossing was sunk. Both OKW & Commando Supremo agree that now is the time for an all-out attack on Malta.

Operation C3 (or Hercules) is brought to new life and impressive naval, air and ground forces are being assembled and trained in Sicily to execute the invasion. The elite German and Italian airborn divisions will play a key role in any attempt to storm the island and will need to drop in daylight, which makes air dominance over Malta absolutely vital. The current planning allows for June/July as the earliest moment that the invasion force will be ready (mission 8 ). This gives the Axis a several month period for a determined air offensive against Malta. To this end, massive German Luftwaffe reinforcements, withdrawn from the Russian front, are arriving in Sicily and can be deployed immediately to start the attack. It speaks for itself that any attempt to resupply or reinforce Malta must be opposed with determination. Nothing can get through!

Even while the reduction of Malta is absolute priority, our troops in NE Africa still need supplies and replacements and convoys should not be ignored.

With Operation Crusader in tatters and Tubruck fallen, The PM, the War Cabinet and the Chief of Staffs are pondering their options. Thanks to Ultra the Axis plan to invade Malta is known to be under preparation as is the apparent determination to see it through, and the large forces allotted for the invasion. Although the Chief of Staffs urge caution, and several members of the cabinet waver, the PM, slowly but surely convinces them that the loss of prestige by the fall of Malta, so soon after the setbacks recently suffered, could be fatal for morale, if not for the British themselves than for their Allies who are still pushing hard for a Channel invasion in 1942. With the Atlantic conference scheduled for August '42, and the Torch landings at stake, nothing less than the whole Allied strategy of World War 2 hangs in the balance. Malta MUST NOT FALL!

With the decision taken, your orders are clear. Reinforce and resupply Malta without delay. You have major naval assests of the Home fleet at your disposal including 4 Carriers giving you a 200 plane strike force although with fairly obsolete planes. At the same time it is vital that sufficient fighter reinforcements are ferried in to protect the island from Axis bombing. We must keep air dominance of Malta if we are to have a chance in the defense of the island!
Don't neglect your offensive forces on Malta either. High Command expects a vigerous bombing campaign to interfere with the training and loading of the amphibious forces. Every chance must be taken to weaken the Italian Battle Fleet before the Invasion is launched.
Lastly, interdiction of Axis supply convoys should not be ignored eventhough they are secondary objectives.

Designers note
I think the above is a very historically plausible "what if" that came very close to actually happening and builds on the results of phase 1. More importantly, I know this will be a lot of fun for both sides.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:59 am
by Petr
1. Plane situation remains and is moved over to phase 2. The on map numbers are substracted from reinforcing planes. For example, 25 Mc202's remain after phase 1. 96 new Mc202's are agreed for phase 2, then 96-25=71 will be added to the resupply point.
a. Some changes/adjustments for balance could be necessary and will highly depend on the ending posistion of phase 1.
b. Some issues may need a custom solution and must be looked at per case.
i. For example: upgrade of on-map planes to phase 2 version. Ju-87B2 to Ju87D3, etc...
2. All ships for both sides will be refuled and placed in a port of the commander's choosing.
a. Axis: anywhere in Sicily and Calabria.
b. Allied:
i. Malta: CA's and DD's only.
ii. Bone/Gibraltar: all types.
3. Ship damage will be handled as follows:
a. Lightly and moderately damaged ships will be repaired to no damage.
b. Heavily damaged ships will be placed in the respective ship resupply points and will be delayed for 4 missions.
4. Supply will be kept as end of phase 1.
5. Damage to Docks will be kept as per end of phase 1.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:04 am
by Petr
1. Carrier launch zone moved to BI row (is now BN) to make it slightly more difficult to attack by Axis.
a. Note: historically the launch zone was off-map to the West and very difficult for the Axis to attack. While I like the extra fun associated with forcing the Allied to use carriers for this purpose and the possibility for the Axis to attack, I think the BN row is just to close. (also note I'm assuming no night missions)
2. While it made sense to have the green zone so high North in NW, while the NE sector in play and tied in to Tubruck ownership, with only NW sector in play for phase 2, and as such no chance for the Allies to attack the convoys by transferring Malta planes to NE, it would make transfer to NE much too easy. Hence the green zone will be moved North to the 15-16 border (a 50km shift).
a. Please note up to 12 VP can be earned by moving convoys to this zone during phase 2. More of this under victory conditions.

The shift of the boxes is accepted as above. In addition:
1. No Axis fighter can escort farther to the West than the BJ/BK line. This will be indicated in the planner.
2. Axis bombers and recon can perform any type of mission upto the AX/AY line. This will be indicated in the planner.
3. No Allied carrier strike can be launched West of the indicated line with the exception to attack Axis ships within 60km of the Carrier strike force.


Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:27 am
by Petr
1. Continue with plane situation as is at end of phase 1. (depends on final NW mission).
a. All reinforcing planes need to be flown on the map for both sides. (see moving from phase 1 to phase 2 for more info)
b. Restrictions are possible concerning loadouts, and fuel. This needs to be discussed during the pre-campaign meetings.
c. The Axis side will have 2 missions with F4's versus Hurri's only.
d. Allied Carrier (HMS Furious) available pre-loaded with 24 Spits/Hurri's (Allied commander's choice) starts within carrier launch zone. Planes need to be flown to Malta and landed immediately. Spits transferred this way will be available on mission 3. On mission 4, the spits will be set to no refueling delay as the other fighters.
2. Focus of phase 2 is on Malta.
a. Mission 1 to 8 on achieving/denying Axis air superiority.
i. Allied have extra troops/supply available to reinforce Malta.
1) Approx. 1 Division of infantry & 1 Bgde of Crusaders.
ii. The Allies can earn points for unloading supply at Malta:
1) For each 500.000Litres of supplies unloaded in Malta the Allies earn 3VP's.
iii. Axis can earn VP's by transporting tanks to transfer zone on East edge NW map.
1) 0.1VP per tank transferred. The Axis will have a total of 120 tanks (60 start, 60 arrive turn 4) that can be ferried, total of 12VP's to earn.
2) These tanks cannot be used for the invasion of Malta and will be removed at the end of mission 8.
iv. Axis can earn points by moving ships to Tripoli:
1) For each 500.000litres of supply unloaded at Tripoli, the Axis earn 3VP's.

b. Mission 9 to 16 invasion of Malta. The Axis must invade!
i. The side who has ownership of the Valetta CP at the END of phase 2 will gain the associated VP's.
ii. Substantial Allied naval forces are free to try and interfere. The assumption is that Churchill would decide on an all out defense of the island.
1) Naval resources need to be defined, but the Allies will have the 4 Carriers listed below at their disposal.
iii. Axis side will receive invasion force (naval & ground) on mission 6. Please note: we have the hard limit of 100 ships per side.
iv. Allied must keep up a constant reinforcement of fighters through ferry trips.
1) IMPORTANT: you must see this within the context of keeping the plane situation of phase 1. So, only the remainder of the hurri's from phase 1 would be on Malta giving the Axis at least 2 turns in a hugely advantageous situation.
3. Docks bombing and airfield bombing allowed by both sides without restrictions on altitude.
a. Beaufighters, Beauforts and none carrier fighters/fighter bombers are not allowed to cross coast as per phase 1.
b. Allied can try and destroy/reduce port capacity used by Axis to embark invasion forces.
c. Allied ground forces on Malta will be deployed at the start of the phase and, as such, can be bombed.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:42 pm
by Petr
1. AI planes for reinforcing planes is increased to 24 per side.
2. Radar Long range is replaced with 30km variant for both sides. 3. Engineers to repair docks damage:
a. Set DCS to auto infrastructure repair.
i. Damage will be repaired automatically in 4 turns for both sides (SEOW does not allow different config for both sides).
ii. A minimum of 35000l can be unloaded in Malta, per mission, even if all docks are completely destroyed.
1) A port could never be totally destroyed. This allows the unloading of a minimum even when things are very dire indeed.
iii. For other ports use the following rule:
1) For ports with a maximum default capacity of 100Tons or lower, a minimum of 10% can be unloaded even if all docks are completely destroyed.
2) For ports with a minimum default capacity of 100Tons or more, a minimum tonnage of 1 undestroyed dock can be unloaded even if all docks are completely destroyed.
4. Ship speeds:
a. Generally, transports speeds will be increased by 20%. This is to compensate for weather effects. Also, with no night missions it is better to speed up movement slightly in the case of perfect weather.
b. Sub speeds when sufaced will be increased to be slightly faster than transports.
5. Ship ranges will be doubled. This will allow ships to sail longer without refueling.
6. Night missions:
a. There will be no night missions at all.
b. Frankly, this creates more problems than it is worth and is mostly to the disadvantage of the Allies as they will not have the night mission to move naval units unopposed.
7. 20km rule from coast is limited to Sicily, Calabria and North Africa. Other area's will have shore batteries.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:21 pm
by Petr
1. Each squadron/Staffel/Squadriglia name allows for 12 flights to be commissioned for a total of max. 48 planes.
2. A Squadron name can only be used for the type of planes indicated and for the correct nationality.
a. For example (Fighter) squadrons can only be used for fighters etc...
b. Italian squadron names can only be used for Italian planes, etc...
c. Naval squadron names can only be used for Carrier capable planes even if those planes are stationed on land (Swordfish at Malta for example).
3. If you run out of squadron names for a particular type, you cannot bring more planes of that type on the map. Any remaining planes of that type must stay in resupply until a name of the correct type becomes available or must be flown in as top-ups.
4. Planes can be withdrawn from the map in order to free slots for a particular type.
5. Please note that this is specifically done to keep an overall balance of planes on the map. It also forces commanders to consider their logistics (available names) when bringing in new planes. This is also important to avoid Malta becoming completely overcrowded with planes while it had a very hard max capacity historically.
6. Please note that in some cases there may not be enough planes of a particular type to fill the allowed squadron name. In this case these names remain unused.



Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:55 pm
by Petr
1. Ports and their unloading/loading capacity will play a fundamental part of the campaign.
a. Each port has one or more Factory plate (area's) objects representing Docks. The total tonnage that can be unloaded, per dock, is mentioned in the name of the dock.
b. Loading/unloading of supply and/or ground units costs port capacity.
c. A dock can be destroyed or reduced in capacity by bombing or ground fire.
d. Always use the sum of all individual docks (taking damage into account) to determine the capacity of the port for loading/unloading.
e. It is the commander’s responsibility to take reductions into account and only load/unload the total remaining capacity per turn. Always round down!
f. Unused capacity will be lost. It cannot be accumulated and carried over from mission to mission.
a. If an enemy unit is within 1.5km of a dock, this dock cannot be used for loading/unloading. Should an enemy unit no longer be within 1.5km, the dock will work as normal again.
b. Cargo must be unloaded within 1.5km from a functioning dock and must be at least 1.5km away from an enemy unit. If these conditions cannot be met, no loading/unloading can take place.
c. A single ship MUST unload it's cargo (per mission) in a single spot that meets the conditions defined in point h. above.
3. Repair of Docks will be automatic and will be set to 4 missions.
a. Set DCS to auto infrastructure repair.
i. Damage will be repaired automatically in 4 turns for both sides (SEOW does not allow different config for both sides).
ii. A minimum of 35000l can be unloaded in Malta, per mission, even if all docks are completely destroyed.
1) A port could never be totally destroyed. This allows the unloading of a minimum even when things are very dire indeed.
iii. For other ports use the following rule:
1) For ports with a maximum default capacity of 100Tons or lower, a minimum of 10% of the total capacity can be unloaded even if all docks are completely destroyed.
2) For ports with a minimum default capacity of 100Tons or more, a minimum tonnage of 1 undestroyed dock can be unloaded even if all docks are completely destroyed.
4. Docks cannot be upgraded during phase 2.
5. Docks can be destroyed by Engineers of both sides. This action does give VP's. Note: this is necessary for otherwise the stats would be very confusing.
6. VP gain associated with unloading supply are explained in detail under the section VICTORY CONDITIONS. Supply unloaded for this purpose is subject to the enemy proximity rules above, and loading/unloading capacity of the ports involved.
a. For example, a tanker is loaded with fuel in the departing harbor subject to all the limitations of the rules. When it arrives in Tripoli, it again is subjected to all limitations of the rules.
b. Note to Naval/logistics Commanders: It sounds more complicated than it is and yes, it does require a bit more effort to organize and keep track of it all. On the up side, these are very realistic limitations that give ports historical importance they had and will lead to very immersive and fun missions on both sides.

Factory plate locations: ... plates.mis

Link to files: ... _Malta.jpg ... ipoli2.jpg



File: ... y_Aid2.jpg


Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:33 pm
by Petr
Winning the campaign can be done through collecting the most VP's over the phases. The results per phase will be totaled to arrive at the result.
1. VP's can be earned/lost through:
a. Destroying enemy ships. For each lost/destroyed ship the following VP's will be awarded:
i. Medium Transport: 0.5
ii. DD, MS, DDC: 0.5
iii. Large Transport/Tanker: 1
iv. CL/SUB: 1
v. CA: 2
vi. BC, CVL, CVE: 3
vii. BB: 4
viii. CV: 5
ix. USN WASP CV: 7
x. Please note: the campaign will track ship losses between the phases.
b. +5 VP's to the side losing less overall personnel per phase (awarded per sector).
c. +5 VP's to the side losing less planes per phase (awarded per sector).
d. +5 VP's to the side losing less human pilots per phase (awarded per sector). KIA & MIA count as loss.
e. +25 VP's to the owner of the CP Valetta at the end of phase 2
f. -0.1 VP Per para capable infantry company (200 men) lost.
g. Destroying Dock factory plates. The same dock can be destroyed multiple times during the same phase and will yield the associated VP score each time.
i. +0.50 VP's per dock of 25Tons capacity or less.
ii. +1 VP's per dock of more then 25Tons capacity and less than 50T.
iii. +2 VP's per dock of more than 50Tons capacity or more.
iv. +3 VP's per Malta dock destroyed.
h. +0.1 VP per Axis tank which is withdrawn to a resupply point at the East edge of the map. A maximum of 12VP's can be earned this way by the Axis side.
i. +3 VP's each time 500.000 litres of supply is unloaded:
i. Tripoli for the Axis.
ii. Malta for the Allies.
2. Victory will be decided by the difference in VP's gained by either side at the end of the campaign, which could last multiple phases.
a. Less than 50 VP difference => Draw.
b. 50 VP's or more difference => Minor victory.
3. An new xls file will be created to allow both sides to keep track of the VP situation as the campaign unfolds.

Only the score gained on the NW sector will be taken into account for the overall campaign. Unfortunately, this is necessary due to the ending of the NE sector.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:15 am
by Petr
1. FIGHTER BOMBERS (Please check MP for details!)
a. AXIS:
i. Re2000 has bombs.
ii. Bf-109F4 has bombs. (109's were used historically to bomb Malta)
i. Spitfires and HurriBomber IIb & IIc have bombs.
1) Only 2x44Gallons drop tanks are available.
2) Should this ability be abused to gain an unhistorical advantage this capacity will be removed. For example, using hurricanes to escort bombers on attacks of Sicily is considered unhistorical.
2. Load outs will be very restricted.
a. It is strongly recommended to check the load outs through the cost page in SEOW.
b. Generally, the CW will have only 1000lbs bombs or lower.
c. Generally, the Axis will have only 500kg bombs or lower.
d. This represents historical limitations AND will also make it harder to sink ships.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:21 am
by Petr
1. It is not allowed to land in Vichy controlled Africa for both sides in the NW sector.
a. Planes starting from Allied bomber resupply MUST land at Malta.
b. Only Short Sunderlands are allowed to land at Gibraltar/Bone.
c. Axis planes are not allowed to land except at Axis controlled airfields.
d. Standard penealty applies. In addition the plane will be lost and the pilot killed.
2. Spitfires, Hurribomber IIb & IIc & Beaufighters
a. British single engine non-carriers equipped (no hook) fighters are NOT allowed to cross the coast of Sicily or North Africa even should fuel permit.
b. Beaufighters are NOT allowed to cross the coast of Sicily or North Africa even should fuel permit.
c. Note: During phase 1 and phase 2, the Allies simply did not have this capability and were fighting for their lives at Malta. Let's focus on historical capabilities and keep things fair. Standard penalty applies if this rule is violated.
3. Fighters which are transferred to Malta in this way MUST fly in a direct route to Malta and are not allowed to perform any other mission on route to Malta. Once arrived at Malta they are allowed to fight normally. Standard penalty applies if this rule is violated. In addition, once violated, the fighters will start the mission with empty loadouts.
4. No British or Axis air units are allowed to fly over Vichy held territory. Historically, the French even went so far as to intercept and attack British planes if they came to close to the coast.
5. Skip bombing has the following restrictions for BOTH sides:
a. NO single engined fighters or fighter bombers are allowed to skip bomb or to attack ships in any way.
b. Flak will be set to 33% of historical.
c. All ships on both sides will be set to veteran skill. This will only affect the accuracy of the AAA fire.
d. All bombers or ground attack planes for both sides are free to use any technique they want.
e. We can see which damage is done by which plane in the stats. Violation of this rule will result in all damage done to enemy ships and cargo repaired, even if damage was also done in a legal way, and 4 of the best planes and tanks to the opposing side.
f. EXCEPTION: All planes are allowed to attack amphibious landing vessels.
i. TYPES: See amphibious invasion below.
6. Para drops can only be performed by qualified paratroop capable troops (limited quantity & depending on timeframe/Phase).
a. They cannot be replaced within the period of the phases.
b. Per para capable infantry platoon (75 men) lost there will be a -0.1 VP penalty.
7. Propaganda drops are NOT allowed.
8. Refueling times for British fighters in NW only, have been reduced to zero. They can fly immediately without refueling delay. This is necessary to simulate the special circumstances of the historical Malta situation.

1. Fighter resupply planes for Malta can only be done by Carriers from the BI area indicated on the NW Africa Overview map.
a. While the Carrier is in Bone harbor, "load" ferried planes on Carrier. Make post on SEOW HQ forum and specify which planes are to be ferried. Please note, that these planes are not actually loaded. Restrictions on squadron names apply
b. Move the carriers anywhere within the indicated carrier launch zone.
c. Request supply point close to the carrier.
d. Ferried planes will be loaded into the supply point and are ready to be planned. These can be AI & Human flights.
e. The Carrier(s) is allowed to move out of the launch zone during the mission the planes are launched. Obviously, if the carrier is sunk before reaching the indicated zone, the ferried planes are lost.
f. The above conditions apply each time a launch attempt can be done.
g. Carriers can ferry planes up to maximum capacity. (exception USN WASP)
h. A mix of carrier planes and reinforcements is allowed.
i. These missions can be both AI or Human flown.
j. For ferrying in planes from carriers ONLY, the 24 AI slots can be used. These ferries, cannot be longer delayed than 20m maximum.
2. Two or four engine planes are allowed to transfer to Malta from the indicated zone on the NW Africa Overview map. They are allowed to make a bombing run on their inbound journey.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:03 pm
by Petr
1. Only the Maltese Islands can be invaded during phase 2.
a. As indicated on the picture below some area's cannot be used for amphibious invasion.
b. A direct assault on the port is not allowed. Would be too difficult to simulate within IL2.
2. Amphibious ships have to be loaded with troops and supplies in a harbor subject to conditions and restrictions described under section PORTS above.
3. Only ships designated as amphibious capable are allowed to drop troops and supplies on the beach.
a. An amphibious capable ship must be WITHIN 2KM of a beach to unload.The ship CAN be redeployed for this purpose for a MAX of 3KM!
b. Troops and/or supply which are bing unloaded on the beach MUST be placed as close to the water as possible. The beach must be directly infront of the transport. From there on they can move inland.
c. There is no Loading/unloading maximum for beaches. (simply too difficult to keep track off).
d. The unloading amphibious transports are allowed to move away the same mission.
e. Enemy proximity check is ignored for the purpose of unloading troops on the beach.
4. Amphibious ships:
a. RM Piroscafo - PF
b. RM Piroscafo da Carico - PFC - Supply only.
c. RM Nave Traghetto - NT
d. RM Posamine - PM
e. RM Motozattera - MZ
f. RM Motoveliero - MV

Example: The Italian high command has decided to invade Gozo with the aim of capturing the island and to construct a landing strip (Gozo airfield). See special rules below.
It details 6 transports for the operation but decides not to use FJ or Parachute Infantry as resistence is expected to be light.

File link: ... asion2.jpg


1. Only the Axis will have parachute capable units during phase 2.
2. Only Malta & Gozo Islands can be invaded during phase 2.
3. Para's are not allowed to be dropped on urban area's, harbors, airfields and/or factory plate objects and will be eliminated if so. This is a manual action by the admin.
a. Please note: that dropping a large formation of para's was not easy and required well defined flight parameters which are enforced by SEOW.
b. Please note2: IL2 has a HUGE FPS hit when dropping large amount of parachutes. Since playability is the first priority, units will be dropped by pressing smoke which SEOW registers and then places the unit in that location for next mission. As such, there is no ground fire for descending units (and no potential losses). It therefore makes a lot of sense to place some restrictions of where para can be dropped as for example airfields. It would just be to easy otherwise.
4. Proximity limit to enemy troops (ie. within 1.5km) does not apply for para drops. ... _zones.jpg


1. After extensive testing by StG77_CountZero (much appreciated!) it has become clear that Gliders operations in IL2 are very, VERY tricky. Towing them is very difficult and depends on which plane is doing the towing. The best planes are not flyable (AI only) as are the gliders (also AI only).
2. As far as we know, there is no key in IL2 to release the glider (does anybody know?) which complicates things even more.
3. In addition, gliders often crash against buildings, etc… causing a very high casualty rate. This can be considered realistic but it also has the potential to be very annoying.

All things taken together I would propose to limit gliders operations to friendly bases only. In phase 2, this would mean the Axis need to capture an airfield on Malta or Gozo before gliders can be used. TBD

After some more testing by StG77_Count and Rip it seems that the Me323 is flyable afterall AND, even better, it can land in most spots, even without an airfield. So, replacing the gliders with the Me323 seems like the best choice.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:08 pm
by Petr
1. Some new ships become operational during this phase. All arrive mission 8.
a. RM Roma BB (Littorio Class)
b. RM A.Regolo CL
c. RM Corsaro, Bombardiere, Velite DD's
2. Transports: Phase 1 + (available from start phase2)
a. 10 Large Tanker
b. 10 Large Transports
c. 10 Medium Transports
3. Amhibious ships: 63 ships (available from start mission 6)
a. 5x RM Piroscafo - PF
b. 3x RM Piroscafo da carico - PFC - Supply only.
c. 2x RM Nave traghetto - NT
d. 3x RM Posamine - PM
e. 35x RM Motozattera - MZ
f. 15x RM Motoveliero - MV

1. Battle Ships: Remainder Phase 1 +
a. The HMS Duke of York & HMS King George V BB's.
2. Battle Cruisers:
a. HMS Renown BC
3. CA's: Depends end Phase 1
a. 6x CA's.
4. DD's: Depends end phase 1
a. 20x DD's
5. Oilers:
a. 2x Oilers - With large fuel capacity which cannot be used for resupply Malta.
6. Transports:
a. 10x Medium Transports
b. 15x Large Transports
c. 4x Large Tankers
d. 2x Ohio Class Tankers
7. Carriers
a. USN WASP: On-map at Gibraltar but not allowed to be moved until mission 3.
i. Full complement is 96, Max ferry capacity is 46 with 20 carrier planes on board. Ratio is 1 ferried plane for 2 carrier planes.
ii. 48x F4F-4's
iii. 24x SBD-3
iv. 24x TBD1'37
b. HMS Victorious:
i. Full complement 36, max ferry capacity is 36
ii. 20x Seahurri
iii. 8x Fulmars
iv. 8x Swordfish
c. HMS Indominable:
i. Full complement 36, max ferry capacity is 36
ii. 16x Seahurri
iii. 4x Fulmars
iv. 12x Swordfish
v. 4x F4F-3 Martlet II
d. HMS Furious: Starts phase on map. TBD where.
i. Full complement 34, max ferry capacity is 34
ii. 20x Seahurri's
iii. 10x Swordfish
iv. 4x Fulmars

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:23 pm
by Petr

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CAMPAIGN SETTINGS, LOADOUT, UNITS, ETC... CAN BE REVIEWED IN THE MP ... Sector.jpg ... ied_NE.jpg ... Screen.jpg ... screen.jpg





a. Because of the small size of Malta and the difficult terrain of the island, unit speeds have been very reduced. Check the Med_Detailed_Info_Phase2.xlsx (currently under construction) for more info.
b. Movement is set to simple for all types of units.
c. A unit is not allowed to move below a factory plate and will be eliminated if so. This is a manual admin intervention.
d. All types of units can move off-road as desired with the exception of Depot supply units. (not in phase 2)
e. Depot supply units must stay within 1km of roads. It is the commander’s responsibility to abide by this rule at all times.
i. Should this rule be violated the offending depot unit will be placed back 50km further away from the frontline than the starting position.
f. Obviously real life restrictions apply. Ground units cannot cross the sea or rivers without a functioning bridge.
g. Note: SEOW allows admins to view the previous planned movement paths so any mistakes made will be visible.
h. Planning a deliberately false move will be penalized by eliminating the offending unit(s) & giving the opposing side 4x his best planes and tanks in play at that time. Commander’s choice.
a. HQ's are indicated by the symbol "H" in the MP.
b. There are two main types of HQ's:
i. HQ's which are mobile: Regiment/Brigade, Divisional, Corps HQ and Army HQ
1) Can only have jeep or Kubelwagen as cargo between missions.
2) Use HQ's to redeploy units using the FREIGHT option in the MP.
ii. HQ's which are stationary: Harbor HQ
1) Can only have supply loaded between missions. No units/ships can be loaded between missions.
2) Use harbor HQ's to move ships in and out of a harbor for loading/unloading using the FREIGHT option in the MP.
c. HQ's project a range which is called the Command and Control range or CCCI.
i. This is indicated on the top left in the unit display screen in the MP. (For example: CCx2)
ii. Non (Auto) indicated units need to be within the CCCI range of an HQ to be able to move.
iii. Ranges vary depending on which type of HQ. This is indicated in the Top Left of the unit display screen
iv. Regiment/Brigade HQ's are considered combat HQ's and should be close to the units they command.
v. Corps & Army HQ's have special abilities and should be kept well to the rear. To promote this they also have very limited Command and Control ranges.
d. Special abilities Corps/Army HQ
i. Corps HQ's can establish supply depots. To do so, move your Corps HQ to a spot with 3km of a road/railroad and ask the admin to place a depot unit next to it. (not available in phase 2)
ii. Army HQ's have a resupply point associated to them. This resupply point can be used to combine depleted units and/or to bring columns back to full strength. (not available in phase 2)
a. Mot. Column: intended to quickly move ground units and which move at tank speeds & have a flak element build in. (not available phase 2)
b. Supply Column: intended to move supply from supply dumps to the forward fighting units and attached at the Bgde/Div level which move at tank speeds. Do not have a flak element build in.
c. Depot Supply Column: large capacity supply units intended to move supply from the rear area to supply dumps. Must stay within 1km from the roads & moves very fast. Do not have a flak element. (not available in phase 2)
d. Note: Because all Mechanized unit types move at the same speeds this will allow you to move complete formations in any desired order without running the risk of overtaking. This is especially important since supply consumption will be very high.
e. Note2: Phase 2 being all about the capture of the small islands of Malta & Gozo, depot columns are not necessary.
f. Note3: The FJ & Folgore Parachute Division did not have many vehicles in their organization. Likewise, the Italian amphibious assault divisions left almost all their vehicles behind in Sicily when embarking.
g. Note4: In this "what if" scenario the British can try to reinforce Malta (it will have to be seen if, or how much, actually arrives) with the 78th British Infantry Division which also has left all its Motorized transport in England as not useful on Malta.
a. Each unit which has a freight capacity can, in principle be used for redeployments. However, HQ unit have a large freight capacity especially for this ability and will therefore be the most effective in this role.
b. HQ/Column redeployments is a term used to indicate the process of loading/unloading friendly units using the FREIGHT option in the MP.
c. HQ/Column units have a high freight capacity to facilitate the loading - unloading process. Damage sustained will reduce the freight capacity accordingly.
d. HQ/Column units are column objects which can be viewed in the FMB.
a. A friendly unit cannot be moved farther than 6km from its starting position through redeployment.
b. Any combination of loading/unloading using HQ's/columns can be used as long as the unit does not exceed the 6km limitation.
a. A friendly unit cannot be loaded on an HQ /Column if the unit is closer than 1.5km of an enemy unit. Please note, this includes enemy columns.
b. A friendly unit can not be unloaded (ie placed on the map) closer than 1.5km of an enemy unit.
c. Ignore question marks (??) on the map.
i. Para drops.
ii. Glider cargo.
iii. Air transport cargo. (ie. A transport which landed on a friendly airfield carrying units can unload)
iv. Amphibious invasions.
v. For Glider and air transport the units transported must be unloaded directly NEXT to the glider or air transport.
vi. For amphibious invasions, see AMPHIBIOUS INVASION PROCEDURE above.
vii. Enemy planes are ignored for the proximity check.
viii. Enemy ships are ignored for the proximity check.
e. IMPORTANT: SEOW has a very detailed recon system which is very realistic. However, this also means that sometimes enemy units are not visible, or are indicated by question marks if intelligence is low. As such, one side could violate the above rules without actually knowing. It's important that all commanders use the above more to the spirit, than to the letter of the rules.

EXAMPLE: This is the actual situation in Tubruck mission 9, in Africa NE. As you can see it is a very complex situation and is the perfect example for the REDEPLOYMENT rules.

I know there is a lot on the picture, but re-read the rules above while looking at the picture and, I hope, things will be much more clear. ... oyment.jpg


Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:25 am
by Petr
1. GOZO AIRFIELD At the time of phase 2, Gozo airfield did not actually exit. However, if the Axis capture the "airfield" and have an Engineer unit within 1.5km of the airfield, for a full mission, it will be considered contructed and can from then on be used by the owning side.

2. Neither side's air forces are allowed to fly over Vichy controlled NW Africa!

3. Radar stations for both sides will be repaired after 4 turns. It is the commanders responsibility to point this out to the admin through a forum post.

4. Each side has 24 AI slots for transferring planes on/off the map and/or to other bases. These flights must start later in the mission to reduce the server load. Delay them as long as possible but still land within the missions time.
No combat missions can be flown using these slots. This includes recon or supply flights.
The only exception is planes being ferried from Carriers. These AI slots can be used for this purpose. They are not allowed to be delayed for more than 20m. In addition, if using these slots, they must land immediately at Malta and are not allowed to CAP upon arrival.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:21 am
by Petr

Please read and let me know of any errors/issues asap.
