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Phase II Across the Meuse BOF

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:48 pm
by JG26_Badger
The purpose of this thread is to discuss Phase II of the campaign. Due to the large area of the IL2 West Front 40 map, I have decided to break down the campaign into different phases. Phase II will begin after the conclusion of Phase I the Battle of Holland BOH. Phase II will cover the same time periods and dates as Phase I which will be from May 10, 1940 until May 16, 1940. During Phase II BOF Battle of France “Across the Meuse” all commanders must restrict any plan movements to row 17 and below (row# 1-17) in the SEOW mission planner. No movements can be planned to row 18 or above.

Below is a brief description of the victory requirements during Phase II "Across the Meuse".

Phase II Across the Meuse BOF
DATE: May 10, 1940 (0400hrs) to May 16, 1940 (0000hrs)

Axis (Blue Team): Army Group A
1. Successfully cross the Meuse and Sambre Rivers. For this to be achieved the axis forces must capture and hold Cambrai, St. Quentin, Laon, and Soissons by May 16, 1940 0000 hrs (midnight).
2. 50% of Axis armor survives.
3. Kill or Capture French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud. This ends French resistance and all French forces surrender.
1. Successfully cross the Meuse River. For this to be achieved the axis forces must capture and hold Hirson and Rethel by May 16, 1940 0000 hrs (midnight).
2. 50% of Axis amour survives.
Allied: Belgium, France, Great Britain BEF
1. Defend the Meuse River and KW line. This is done by allies controlling the cities and towns of Brussels, Namur, Dinant, Charleville-Mezieres, and Sedan by May 16, 1940 0000 hrs (midnight).
1. Defend the Sambre River, for this to be achieved allied forces must control Charleroi, Hirson, and Rethel by May 16, 1940 0000 hrs (midnight).

If neither team is able to achieve any of the defined Victory Conditions, we will use total victory points to determine the winner of that particular phase. Victory points are derived from a combination of points gained by capturing key locations like control points (key cities, airfields, railway stations, supply points). Victory points are also tallied from factories destroyed, port facilities destroyed, and industrial targets destroyed or captured. Losses of material such as aircraft, aircrew, pilots, officers, and % of armor lost also can have a factor in awarding victory points.
