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Central Med Teaching Campaign

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:38 am
by Kopfdorfer
In the near future ( two weeks , of course !) I will be hosting a very short ( 1 Day , 6 Missions)
simple campaign designed for new commanders to cut their teeth on.
The unit types will be streamlined , and the Victory Conditions will be simple and
free of nuance.

The Scenario is Central Med , March 1942.
The time is before the Allied implementation of the "Club Run" Reinforcement convoys to Malta ,
so no Spitfires have arrived as of yet.
The Axis (BLUE TEAM) is running short of supply on Pantelleria and Lampedusa.
They have collected a number of merchant ships along the south coast of Sicily loaded
to the brim. To win they must have at least 1 merchantman at anchor at BOTH
Pantelleria and Lampedusa at campaign end.

The Allies (RED TEAM) , based solely on Malta , must prevent the BLUE Victory Conditions
by either preventing the arrival of the merchantmen , or sinking them at anchor
before the sun goes down.

North Afrika is not in play. All BLUE Units are based on Pantelleria , Lampedusa ,
Linosa , and Sicily.

Intel will be limited at the start , requiring a lot of recon work for the RED TEAM

Neither side will know the OOB of the enemy.
Red will not know how many Merchant Ships the BLUE Team has at start.

Unit Object types are limited to Aircraft , Ships , AAA , Command and Control and Transport.

Aircraft Types May (or may not) include :
Hurri IIB , Hurri IIC , Fulmar Mk I , Swordfish Mk I , Beaufighter Mk IC , Beaufort Mk I ,
Wellington Mk IC , Sunderland Mk I , Walrus Mk I , Maryland PR Mk II , Dakota

Bf109E-7B , Bf109F-2 , Bf109F-4 , Bf110D , Bf110E , Ju87D , Ju88A-4 , Ju88C-2 , Ju88D-1,
Ar-196 , Ju52
Cr42 , G50 , MC200FB , MC202 Series III , Re2000 , Ju87B , SM79 , CantZ506 , SM75

If any of you experienced campaigners is interested in mentoring - NOT hands on command ,
solely in providing advice , please contact me.

Anyone is welcome as a pilot.

I will do the best I can to accommodate the most time zones possible ,
but the Mission Times will be selected to suit the majority of the
committed participants.

I look forward to hearing from anyone interested in this learning


Re: Central Med Teaching Campaign

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:49 am
by Kopfdorfer
Central Med 1942 Mini-Campaign is ready to go.
Teams are sorted ( Pilots still welcome - contact me , Kopfdorfer)

6 x 2 hr Missions
Saturdays 2000 hrs Atlantic ( UTC-3)

Starting next Saturday Oct 20


Re: Central Med Teaching Campaign

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:39 pm
by Kopfdorfer
Central Med 1942 Teaching Campaign is complete.

6/6 Mission were flown.

I (Kopfdorfer ) acted as the Admin - with notable assistance from AH_Kawilder , CSThor , and 4Shades to get over my technical hurdles.

11th Frog was the Allied Commander , and Emmett Grogan was the Axis Commander.
Neither had ever commanded an SEOW Campaign prior to this experience.
I want to thank them for their contribution of time.
I learned alot , and every week brought new discoveries about being an Admin.

We had a pool of about 20 pilots in total , but averaged about 10 per session.

The result of the Campaign to resupply Pantelleria and Lampedusa in March 1942 resulted in a draw :
The Axis was able to resupply Lampedusa , with the Bf110s of ZG 26 decimating the final attack of Fairey Swordfish attacking the freighters headed there.
A brutal and successful multi-aircraft strike at dusk following a long flight dead reckoned accurately destroyed the Resupply Force arriving at Pantelleria , and prevented the resupply there.

I look forward to the feedback form the pilots and the commanders , which can only make my next campaign attempt better.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.
