Campagne meta-SEOW

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(en cours de traduction)

Les campagnes meta-SEOW utilisent les mêmes principes que les campagnes SEOW traditionnelles, en particulier au niveau des séquences et des intervalles temporels entre les missions. Dans les missions SEOW conventionnelles, les fichiers de mission et les logs sont situés dans le dossier de jeu d'IL2. Mais pour meta-SEOW nous avons besoin d'utiliser les données de Iron Front/Arma2 (IFA2).

Lancer une campagne meta-SEOW

Les procédures sont très similaires à une campagne SEOW habituelle. Les deux principaux paramètres modifiés se situent dans le choix du mode de campagne dans le DCS (voir ci-dessous):

meta-SEOW campaign modes

et le DCS demande également le script "DCS Web Script URL" dans l'onglet Remote Functions pointant vers l'URL du moteur de carte du dossier MP4public/Scripts. Pour un DCS installé sur la même machine que la base de données et le Mission Planner, l'URL pourrait avoir l'aspect suivant:


meta-SEOW engine URL

Si tout fonctionne correctement, ce script génèrera toutes les missions Iron Front et mettra à jour les évènements de mission. Le script MM-Engine.php fait appel à deux autres scripts::

  • MM-BuildMission.php - construit toutes les données de mission Iron Front à partir des ordres de mission de la base de données.
  • MM-AnalyzeLog.php - scanne le log d'Iron Front pour générer les statistiques et mettre à jour la base de données.

Ces deux scripts requièrent l'emplacement du log d'IFA2. Par défaut ce fichier est situé ici:

C:\\Users\\4S\\AppData\\Local\\ArmA 2 OA\\ArmA2OA.rpt

Vérifiez que ces deux scripts pointent vers un emplacement correct dans la variable $EVENTLOG (vous devez éditer chaque script pour le vérifier). Pour un système Windows l'utilisation des double anti slashes "\\" est recommandé.

Hoster des missions meta-SEOW dans IFA2

Après l'opération habituelle de génération de mission dans DCS, le script MM-Engine.php exécutera le script MM-BuildMission.php. Cela va créer un dossier distinct dans MP4public/MM pour chaque meta-map Iron Front définie dans la campagne. Les noms de ces dossiers sont construits à partir de::

  • le nom de la meta-map
  • la date et l'heure de la mission, dans le format habituel de SEOW
  • l'identifiant du terrain de la meta-map

Par exemple un dossier nommé


se réfère à une meta-map nommée "Zapolyarniy" pour la mission commençant à 12H le 3 octobre 1944, utilisant le terrain IFA2 "ZAP_10km_139_169_s". Cette mission ne pourra pas être jouée tant que le host et tous les joueurs n'auront pas chargé et installé le fichier "ZAP_10km_139_169_s" dans IFA2 en tant qu'add-on.

Les dossiers de mission contiennent toute l'information de chaque meta-mission, mais écrite dans un format single-player. Avant d'hoster une mission multi-joueurs IFA2, le host doit copier chaque dossier dans le dossier de missions Arma2 (habituellement Documents/ArmA 2/missions) et ensuite utiliser IFA2 pour convertir la mission single en mission multi-joueurs. c'est une opération rapide et facile, suivre simplement ces étapes:

  • démarrer IFA2
  • aller à Single Player
  • démarrer l'éditeur
  • charger la carte concernée, par exemple "ZAP_10km_139_169_s" pour l'exemple ci-dessus.
  • cliquer sur Missions sur le côté droit de la fenêtre et charger la mission voulue.
  • Cliquer sur Save sur le côté droit de la fenêtre et sauvegarder avec l'option "Export to multiplayer mission".

Charger la carte Charger la mission Export multiplayer mission

Vous pouvez maintenant hoster votre mission multi-joueurs pour tous les joueurs qui ont déjà installer la carte correspondante.

Saving the meta-SEOW logfile in IFA2

Unlike IL-2 which can be configured to save logging data automatically at the end of each coop mission, the host needs to issue a log command in IFA2 at the end of each meta-SEOW mission. Thankfully meta-SEOW missions are built with a pre-configured logging script enabled on the Alpha radio channel in game. The logging script is executed by the host hitting the number keys zero, zero, one in sequence inside the IFA2 game while a meta-SEOW mission is running. This will enable the Alpha radio channel which executes the SOEW log script. A dialog will appear on-screen (see below, visible to all players in the mission) and the host can click the save button. The save button will instantaneously write logging data to the Arma2OA.rpt file, and this information will be incorporated into the SEOW battlefield by the MM-AnalyzeLog.php script at DCS Analyze time. The IFA2 mission can then be terminated.

meta-SEOW Logging Script

Below is a sample log entry for a meta-SEOW mission run from 19:00:00 to 19:21:51. The mission reports on a Finnish truck "Jalkavaki Kompannia, Prik 1, Rykm 4, Ptn 3" encountering Red Army units including a T-34 "1 Tank Division, Bgd 1, Polk 1, Btn1" and two rifle platoons belonging to the 104 Infantry Brigade. The mission ends badly for the truck! You will also note references to AxisHQ and AlliedHQ units - these are command units generated automatically by meta-SEOW to assist in commanding multiple units on each side during the action. The log file contains sections for EVENTS, ending LOCATIONS and SCORES. This data is used automatically to update the SEOW campaign order of battle with exact locations of all units in the IFA2 battle map, so that movement orders can be issued for the subsequent mission with proper reconnaissance intel and unit disposition information.

"****** SEOW log file for mission "Zapolyarniy-194410041900", created in ArmA2OA"
"SEOW Mission starting at 9:21:8 on 9 Aug 2015"
"SEOW: 19:10:6 __ u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3 (Andreas Bosch) was killed by u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1 (4Shades) at location [5923.76,5412.26,27.7153]"
"[LOCATIONS at 19:21:51]"
"SEOW: Unit "u_AlliedHQ" is at location [6071.02,5771.54,335.24] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1g" is at location [6081.78,5766.38,304.111] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1g" is at location [6068.27,5746.13,0] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1d" is at location [6068.27,5746.13,0] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c1" is at location [6067.99,5776.4,125.997] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c2" is at location [6061.43,5777.95,216.777] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c3" is at location [6069.84,5783.49,131.137] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c5" is at location [6054.97,5779.21,216.889] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c6" is at location [6071.88,5790.41,124.317] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c9" is at location [6047.77,5780.87,167.686] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c10" is at location [6073.67,5797.01,78.2195] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c11" is at location [6039.63,5781.74,72.5755] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c2" is at location [6086.51,5776.1,141.793] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c3" is at location [6079.86,5779.12,183.837] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c4" is at location [6089.94,5782.67,141.691] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c5" is at location [6073.77,5782.99,184.895] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c6" is at location [6093.96,5787.86,141.17] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c7" is at location [6067.74,5786.8,202.751] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c8" is at location [6097.57,5793.48,143.525] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c9" is at location [6061.88,5789.53,180.932] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c10" is at location [6101.29,5799.62,149.012] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c1" is at location [6062.65,5775.82,178.807] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c2" is at location [6056.09,5777.52,226.847] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c3" is at location [6064.69,5782.19,84.2677] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c4" is at location [6049.02,5779.27,220.935] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c5" is at location [6066.7,5788.5,80.496] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c6" is at location [6042.24,5780.94,225.587] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c7" is at location [6068.87,5794.84,81.4299] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c8" is at location [6035.4,5782.63,225.602] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c9" is at location [6070.51,5801.53,78.9806] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c10" is at location [6028.64,5784.37,224.378] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c11" is at location [6072.21,5808.5,111.915] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_AxisHQ" is at location [3547.01,2130.86,36] with supply 1 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1" is at location [6068.27,5746.13,316.239] with supply 0.702964 and damage 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3" is at location [5925.07,5414.79,27.4877] with supply 0 and damage 1."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3" is at location [5925.07,5414.79,27.4877] with supply 0 and damage 1."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3d" is at location [5925.25,5415.91,0] with supply 1 and damage 1."
"SEOW: Unit "u_AlliedHQ" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1g" achieved score 3."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1g" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1d" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "O 1-1-B:4" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c1" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c2" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c3" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c5" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c6" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c9" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c10" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m1_c11" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c2" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c3" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c4" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c5" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c6" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c7" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c8" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c9" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1_m2_c10" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c1" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c2" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c3" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c4" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c5" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c6" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c7" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c8" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c9" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c10" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_104_Infantry_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_2_m1_c11" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_AxisHQ" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_1_Tank_Division_Bgd_1_Polk_1_Btn_1" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3" achieved score 0."
"SEOW: Unit "u_Jalkavaki_Kompannia_Prik_1_Rykm_4_Ptn_3d" achieved score 0."
"****** End of SEOW log file for mission "Zapolyarniy-194410041900""