
Révision datée du 27 juillet 2014 à 12:03 par PA-Dore (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Les commandants et les joueurs SEOW ont un besoin vital de retour d'informations de la part des unités amies lorsque celles-ci rencontrent des troupes adverses. Cela éta... »)
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Les commandants et les joueurs SEOW ont un besoin vital de retour d'informations de la part des unités amies lorsque celles-ci rencontrent des troupes adverses. Cela était le rôle des unités de reconnaissance au cours de la WW2. Nous les appellerons ici "Signaleurs" (Signallers en anglais). Ces unités sont censées détecter les positions et mouvements ennemis et les rapporter en temps réel aux centres de commandement. Des exemples de signaleurs étaient les guetteurs côtiers (coastwatchers) (dans le Pacifique), les officiers au sol d'observation de terrain (FOO), les appareils de reconnaissance, les vigies sur les gros navires, les opérateurs radar etc.

Catsy a récemment développé une nouvelle version de son excellent mode triggers pour HSFX7. Dans cette version Catsy triggers mod (v1.2.1) sont présentes de nouvelles fonctions qui autorisent un trigger à:

  • être associé à un objet (le signaleur)
  • détecter un objet en approche (l'ennemi)
  • initier un ordre de mouvement pour un objet (le scrambler)
  • afficher un message écran contenant la localisation du signaleur au moment de la détection.

En général, le signaleur, l'ennemi et le scrambler peuvent être de n'importe quel type d'objets. C'est donc un outil fantastique non seulement pour les créateurs de mission mais aussi très utiles dans le contexte SEOW où nous avons besoin d'autoriser des évènements imprévus, comme une destruction d'un signaleur par un tir indirect d'artillerie de 20 km ou plus!

Avec la version SEOW v7.1, nous avons dorénavant une gestion interne des signaleurs utilisant le mode Catsy's Trigger Mod v1.2.1. Voici comment cela fonctionne:

SEOW Signaleurs Matériel nécessaire

Vous avez besoin d'utiliser la version SEOW v7.1 (SEDB71, MP4public v7.1.x, SEDCS v7.1.x) et vous devez activer le mode Catsy's Trigger Mod v1.2.1 par le JSGME dans HSFX à la fois pour le host et pour les pilotes.enabled in HJSFX via JSGME for the host and every pilot in your SEOW campaign. You then need to enable the "Use Catsy Triggers for Signallers" option in the DCS Territorial COntrol tab. This turns on SEOW support for signallers and triggering.

SEOW Signaller Concepts

SEOW allows the campaign designer to provide ANY combat object with signaller ability. There is a column called "Signaller" in the Object_Specifications table of the database where signaller ability can be customized for each different object type. Signaller ability is programmed by the contents of the Signaller field. This field accepts character string values in two different formats: keyword and encoded mask. The campaign designer is free to choose between the two modes when specifying signaller abilities.

SEOW Signaller Keywords

  • All - a single trigger activated whenever any type of enemy unit is detected.
  • Ground - a single trigger activated whenever an enemy ground unit of any type is detected.
  • Air - a single trigger activated whenever an enemy air unit of any type is detected.
  • Sea - a single trigger activated whenever an enemy ship unit of any type is detected.
  • Coastwatch - two separate triggers activated whenever an enemy air unit OR an enemy ship unit is detected.
  • Lookout - identical to Coastwatch.
  • FOO - five separate triggers activated individually whenever an enemy armour, artillery, infantry, train or vehicle unit is detected.
  • Sentry - two separate triggers activated whenever an air unit OR a ground unit is detected.

SEOW signaller keywords are case insensitive, and cannot be combined. You can only use one keyword for each object type in the Object_Specifications table!

SEOW Signaller Encoded Masks

This format uses the internal code structure of the Trigger Mod. The structure has 12 possible values, so the encoded mask uses a string of exactly 12 characters to indicate which values are enabled and which are disabled. A "-" character indicates a disabled trigger mode, while an "x" or "X" characters indicates an enabled trigger mode.

The internal Trigger Mod mode order is given by the following (with the respective encoded masks written to the right):

  • no signaller : ------------ (equivalent to an empty character string)
  • All mode = 0 : x-----------
  • AI mode = 1 : -x----------
  • Humans mode = 2 : --x---------
  • Ground mode = 3 : ---x--------
  • Moving_Planes mode = 4 : ----x-------
  • Static_Planes mode = 5 : -----x------
  • Armour mode = 6 : ------x-----
  • Artillery mode = 7 : -------x----
  • Infantry mode = 8 : --------x---
  • Shipping mode = 9 : ---------x--
  • Trains mode = 10 : ----------x-
  • Vehicles mode = 11 : -----------x

Campaign designers can use encoded masks to mix and match any combination of trigger mode abilities for any combat object types in the campaign. This is a little harder to read, so here are some simple examples.

  • An encoded signaller mask of "-----x-x----" will yield two separate triggers for the signaller unit, activated individually on parked planes and on artillery.
  • An encoded signaller mask of "----------xx" will yield two separate triggers for the signaller unit, activated individually on trains and on vehicles.
  • An encoded signaller mask of "------x---xx" will yield three separate triggers for the signaller unit, activated individually on armour, on trains and on vehicles.
  • An encoded signaller mask of "----x----x--" will yield two separate triggers for the signaller unit, activated individually on aircraft in flight, and on ships. (equivalent to the Coastwatch and Lookout keywords)

Signaller Detection Ranges

Just as in real life, signaller performance will depend on the combat effectiveness of the signaller unit. A high combat effectiveness will mean that the signaller will see to long distance to detect approaching enemy units, and it will report the signal with high probability of success. A low combat effectiveness will mean that the detection distance will be reduced and there will be a strong chance that the signal is not reported to HQ. Observation balloons have extended detection ranges, as do ships.

What can be a Signaller?

Any combat object, mobile or stationary. Once an object type is given a signaller ability by editing the Signaller field in Object_Specifications, ALL instances of that object type in the campaign will have that ability throughout the campaign, unless their supply is exhausted or they are loaded as freight on another unit, or they are destroyed.

What can be a Scrambler?

Any combat object with a planned movement order, e.g. a mobile tank, vehicle, infantry team, ship or plane. The scrambler will spawn as usual in the mission and rest at its starting waypoint until the signaller sends the signal to commence moving. If the signal never arrives, the scrambler stays still and finishes the mission in its starting location. If the signal does arrive, the scrambler will commence its movement order as normal, but delayed according to the time that the signal is received.

Off map flights can be designated scramblers. In this case they will spawn into the game when the signal arrives. Human pilots cannot occupy off-map scrambler flights!

How many signals can one signaller send in a mission?

Each scrambler can only be linked to one signaller. Each signaller can be linked to many scramblers, so multiple units can start moving simultaneously based on signals from a single signaller. And each signaller can send up to 12 signals to a single scrambler (!) according to the encoding mask specified. It is recommended that designers are sparing with the number of signaller used in the campaign. By default SEOW specifies all combat ships to have signaller capability, plus all radio vehicles, seaplanes and radar stations.

A signaller will only send a signal for the first time it sees an enemy object of the appropriate type in a mission. For example, consider a signaller with only armour detection capability. The signaller has detection range of 1.5 km, and three enemy tank units are approaching from 3 different directions and distances. When the closest tank penetrates within 1.5 km, the signaller will send one signal to all associated scramblers and will also cause a message to appear on friendly pilot screens in game. As the second and third tank units draw within detection range, no more signals will be sent. Any signal is only sent once (upon the first qualifying detection event).

Mission Planner Support

The MP contains graphical support and other tools to help commanders use signallers in a very simple and realistic manner.