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by EAF92_Meako
Thu 17 Nov 2011 9:05 am
Forum: Campaign Noticeboard
Topic: New Scorched Earth Multisector campaign
Replies: 15
Views: 17755

EAF is interested in joining, what sectors are still free for us to join, we are interested in commanding a sector and planning if possible.
by EAF92_Meako
Fri 30 Oct 2009 1:39 pm
Forum: Campaign Noticeboard
Topic: next season - a big campaign you are invited
Replies: 40
Views: 33744

On behalf of EAF i would like to express our interest in taking part, i am currently assesing the numbers of pilots we can realistically field each mission and will let you know.
by EAF92_Meako
Mon 21 Jan 2008 3:32 pm
Forum: Campaign Noticeboard
Topic: SEOW Ace Series of Campaigns
Replies: 40
Views: 44984

Techy has'nt been online for some time, real life issues im afraid. Re Mods, EAF92 are currently flying with sound, gunsight and 6DOF only, these are sufficient to add extra immersion for us, but as has been stated earlier other mods allow previously unflyable aircraft to become useable and for a ca...
by EAF92_Meako
Sun 20 Jan 2008 5:38 pm
Forum: Campaign Noticeboard
Topic: SEOW Ace Series of Campaigns
Replies: 40
Views: 44984

Thanks for the welcome, as you know we have several squadrons, most of which are always interested in doing Se. So as you get nearer to going live i can get some idea of numbers of pilots for you. we have a number of us sufficiently experienced to plan or lead if that is required. I have read the co...
by EAF92_Meako
Thu 17 Jan 2008 7:05 pm
Forum: Campaign Noticeboard
Topic: SEOW Ace Series of Campaigns
Replies: 40
Views: 44984

Im a member of EAF, and we have between our squads flown a number of Scorched Earth Campaigns. Im intereseted in this upcoming campaign and would like to get my squad involved, but i suspect that as were europeans the timezones may be against us. When would to expect to be flying the missions for th...
by EAF92_Meako
Tue 09 Jan 2007 4:52 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Welcome to the Official SEOW Forums!
Replies: 15
Views: 23517

Nice to see the new site up, after all that lame spamming that went on.

Without Brig's help i would have been able to activate my account as the link on the activation email is wrong.

S! to the team.