How to add a new Sector Map to SEOW

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How to add a new Sector Map to SEOW

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Everyone,

Many people have asked about how to add a new map to SEOW. In this thread we will tell you how. I encourage all the master map-builders (Prof, Hawk_5, Squog, Pavel, you know who you are!) to post here.

There are two main lines of effort involved in adding a map to SEOW. THe first is the data capture effort for the database, and the second is the map-making effort for the MP.

Data Capture

The following data needs to be captured from the FMB:
  • Roads and Railways (all of them!)
    Bridges (defined by Road and Railway data)
    Industrial Installations (factories and fuel dumps)
    Tile Map Codes (from the Destruction Viewer in FMB)
Additionally, the following data defaults need to be added for the new Sector in the respective database tables:
  • Army divisions in Army_Units
    Climatic settings in Sector_Climate
    Opposing forces in Sector_Dominance
    Recon effect parameters in Sector_Recon_Parameters
    FMB map strings and seasonal changes in Sector_Seasons
    Resupply points
How to Capture Roads and Railways
This is brute force work, especially for large European maps. Pacific/Asian maps have much smaller road networks. The method is to open the map in FMB and place a moving vehicle to drive along every stretch of road between each pair of intersections. In some maps this might give you several hundred moving vehicles as you cover all possible road routes between intersections (and to the edge of the map). Do the same for trains. Sometimes it is very hard to get trains to stick on the map. Save the FMB file and open it in a spreadsheet. The road coordinates for each of the vehicle routes are shown under the "[nn_Chief_Road]" headings, like the following:

Code: Select all

  13121.03 39863.88 120.00 0 14 3.055555582046509
  13100.00 39100.00 20.00
  13100.00 37700.00 20.00
  13300.00 37500.00 20.00
  13300.00 36300.00 20.00
  14100.00 35500.00 20.00
  14100.00 33300.00 20.00
  14900.00 32500.00 20.00
  14900.00 31500.00 20.00
  15900.00 30500.00 20.00
  15900.00 30100.00 20.00
  16300.00 29700.00 20.00
  16300.00 29300.00 20.00
  16359.55 28979.78 120.00
  24502.58 12659.96 120.00 0 19 3.055555582046509
  24500.00 12900.00 20.00
  24300.00 13100.00 20.00
  24300.00 15100.00 20.00
  23700.00 15700.00 20.00
  23700.00 15900.00 120.00
  23700.00 16300.00 20.00
  23700.00 16700.00 20.00
  23700.00 16900.00 -4.00
  23700.00 17300.00 -4.00
  23700.00 17500.00 20.00
  23700.00 17700.00 20.00
  23100.00 18300.00 20.00
  22900.00 18300.00 20.00
  22500.00 18700.00 20.00
  22300.00 18700.00 20.00
  22100.00 18900.00 20.00
  22100.00 19100.00 20.00
  21935.15 19317.45 120.00
Each record has 3 values, the "highway node" (X,Y,Z) coordinates. In the examples above, the first and last records for each Chief are where I click the vehicle waypoint (Z=120.00), while the other records are generated by FMB to following the internal highway node locations (Z=20.00). We want to capture the complete list for each Chief except the first and last nodes. Each of these Chief highway routes should be assigned a unique "Route" number and then entered into the Highways table of the database. Every route on every sector in SEOW has its OWN Route number. As an example, if we say Chief2 above represents Route 123456 in the Sector "Rhami Land", then we would add it to the Highways table as

Code: Select all

Route   X_Axis      Y_Axis     Orientation    Waypoint_Number   Map
123456   24500.00 12900.00 20.00  1    "Rhami Land"
123456  24300.00 13100.00 20.00  2    "Rhami Land"
123456  24300.00 15100.00 20.00  3    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 15700.00 20.00  4    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 15900.00 120.00  5    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 16300.00 20.00  6    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 16700.00 20.00  7    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 16900.00 -4.00  8    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 17300.00 -4.00  9    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 17500.00 20.00  10    "Rhami Land"
123456  23700.00 17700.00 20.00  11    "Rhami Land"
123456  23100.00 18300.00 20.00  12    "Rhami Land"
123456  22900.00 18300.00 20.00  13    "Rhami Land"
123456  22500.00 18700.00 20.00  14    "Rhami Land"
123456  22300.00 18700.00 20.00  15    "Rhami Land"
123456  22100.00 18900.00 20.00  16    "Rhami Land"
123456  22100.00 19100.00 20.00  17    "Rhami Land"
The idea is that every route overlaps with another route. The same process goes for trains for the Railway_Waypoints table. Do not bother about updating the Highway_Intersections table - that is created by running a query in the MySQL database. For reference, I did all the roads and bridges in Khalkhin Gol in under 2 hours. But Paddington took a long time to do Gulf of Finland which is many times more complicated.

Bridges are denoted in the roads and railways data by instances where Z < 0. In the example above we have the two lines

Code: Select all

  23700.00 16900.00 -4.00
  23700.00 17300.00 -4.00
The two lines give the start and end coordinates of the bridge. The Z value is converted into the Bridge ID number by BridgeID = -Z-1. So for our example, BridgeID = -(-4)-1 = 4-1 = 3, i.e. Bridge 3. The length of the bridge is given by

Code: Select all

length = SQRT((X1-X2)*(X1-X2) + (Y1-Y2)*(Y1-Y2))
In our example we see that Bridge 3 has length 400 m. The remainder of the fields in the Bridges table are easy enough to fill out, except Damage_Name. The Damage_Name is given by the BridgeID according to the corresponding entry in Bridge_Codes table.

Industrial Installations
As a rule of thumb, we usually consider any factory building with 3 or more chimneys as a valid major factory installation, and any fuel dump with 6 or more fuel tanks as a valid fuel facility. In FMB, locate all such facilities on the map and place a stationary object INSIDE the fuel tank or factory. Save the FMB file and find the X,Y,Z coordinates of the stationaries and use them to build new records for the Industrial_Installations table. In that table you can ignore the Sm_x,Sm_y,Sm_z,Sm_h,Destruction_Code,Event_Date and Production_Points fields, but the other fields are all necessary. Every factory and fuel dump should have its own unique name. Stick to the naming conventions already in the table.

Tile Map Codes
This is really easy and fun. Open the map in FMB, select the Destruction tool, choose Destruction level Maximum, choose maximum Cursor width, click on the map, press "f" and move the mouse. You will paint all destroyable map tiles (green squares) over the whole map bright red. Save the FMB file. Open it up and you will see many lines of weird codes at the end of the file. You need to capture these with the new sector name into the Tile_Map_Codes table. No X,Y,Z coords needed as this information is already encoded into the tile codes.

The idea here is to use FMB to capture landing and takeoff points for each airbase. By convention we land at the western end and takeoff at the eastern end where possible. The X,Z coords need to be entered into the Airbases table. Also identify what type of layout each airbase has (by reference to the SEOW Airbase Layouts PDF available from the donload site). In some cases a new airbase is encountered, so a new Airbase Layout must be built.

Now for the data defaults. Most of these can be done simply by copying data from other sector records in the tables, but some care must be given to Army_Units, Sector_Seasons and Resupply_Points.

This is where you specify the names of the Allied and Axis army divisions that will be ued to name platoons in the template. The Division Names are arbitrary, but the remainder of the fields must remain in standard format. Make sure you give at least 2 or 3 divisions of each type "V","T","A" and "E" to each side. You can have the same Division_Name in different sectors if you like.

THis table contains information about whether the sector uses the same FMB map all year around, or swaps between summer and winter forms, e.g. Moscow has a green summer map and a white winter map. This swapping is specified in SEOW by putting the respective map loader strings in the "Summer_Map" and "Winter_Map" fields. For Moscow the two map loader strings are

Code: Select all

Summer:   Moscow/sload.ini
Winter:   Moscow/load.ini
These map loader strings are found in FMB files near the top. Sector_Seasons also contains the dates on which Summer switches to Winter, and Winter to Summer. These dates are written as numbers in MMDDhhmm format, so "04010000" means "1 April at 00:00 hours". Map summer/winter dawn and dusk times are given to regulate the use of airfield lighting throughout the year.

Resupply Points
Again, some air, ground and sea resupply points should be added to the Resupply_Points table, where appropriate. The Supply_Point field is just an arbitrary name, but all other fields must be entered strictly in format. The Point_Z field for air supply points indicates the spawn altitude of aircraft using the point.

OK, that is about it for data capture. Airbases and roads are usually the hardest parts. Next, we will talk about the MP mapping side of things ...

SEOW Developer

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Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

Hi All,

Having been involved in recent additions to SEOW and while it is still fresh in my mind I'll give an account of how to add the MP (Mission Planner) section for a new map.

Firstly however, there are some basics that I found are are required to make new map additions for SEOW.

Some of this may seem like you need a degree in extreme "geekness" to setup but I was a complete noob and had limited to no experience in any of this sort of thing before I started getting into SEOW map making. Its been a great education however and I'm considering putting it on my resume.

Oh yes, the basics.

1. Have your own web server or admin level access to one. I run a web server from a second home PC on the network. Its old and slow (500M cpu) but it runs Scorched Earth just fine. Setting one up is reasonably simple but that is for another thread.

2. A good graphics program such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. This is needed to create the final map images and trim them to size. Multi-layer capability is a must in my books.

3. A text editor program that can edit PHP files and understands the format. I started using Windows Notepad which can do the job but using a good software application designed for this type of thing makes it so much easier. I currently use a program called ConTEXT. It was a freeware download and there are so many of them it should be no problem to find one that suits you.

4. A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc.
This is used to sort captured data (as 4Shades described in his post) and formatting it so it can be imported into a database management application. Which leads to;

5. An MSAccess or SQL database management application. Scorched Earth can use either database types. I use SQLyog which again is a free download (like most of my software where I can help it). Navicat is another good application and there is a free trial version (at the time of writing) which can get the job done.

This is the "Toolkit" that lets you create maps but it also means you have your own functional Scorched Earth system to run campaigns.

More experienced people may be able to provide some simpler methods and shortcuts (I hope so :) ) where applicable but I think that covers the basics as I found them.

Personally I recommend that SE Campaign template makers consider having this setup so they can test the template in an SE environment before releasing.

Next post I'll go on to describe the map image and PHP editing process.

Posts: 162
Joined: Wed 10 Jan 2007 1:13 am
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

Ok then,
Lets start with the next step.
I'll assume from this point that you have your own Scorched Earth server operational or you can access the file system of a server from which you can copy, edit files directly etc. (It is possible to create a new map without a server to play with but how can you test whether your PHP files and links are working?).

Create new map folder

In Windows Explorer, go to the

"\Scorched Earth\MP4\" directory of the Scorched Earth installation

*Here you will see all the directories for the SE Map sectors currently supported.

Create a new directory with the name of the new map sector you wish to add.
*If possible and for simpler integration in the PHP files later on, use a single name with no spaces.

Now, which current Scorched Earth map do you think is most similar to the one you wish to add? In this I mean; the size of the map, the number of districts and the amount of cities in the drop down lists etc. that you think will be similar to your new map.

If its a large and complex map you will find a lot of files in the directory eg. Moscow, GulfOfFinland.

Use that map folder as an example of what you will be creating.
*When having a look at the files be careful that you don't make any changes otherwise that map may not work properly or at all!

Copy PHP files from another map folder

The fundamental files you will need to create in your new map folder are:

**(just copy these from another map folder and edit the names)**


"NewMap"-intel.php (this PHP file controls the sector, district and city drop down lists and the links on the main map image)




Note that the sector, district and city php files are the same internally but are just edited to suit. I'll explain further below.

Note that some of the PHP files has a jpg image file that goes with it. Have a good look at your reference map folder and see how this has been done.

Before we edit the content of the PHP files to suit the new map lets get some images to go with them.

Image Capture

Please allow me to assume you have a good understanding of the FMB and a good quality graphics application. Otherwise this would be a very long process to descibe.

I'll use the the Imphal map as an example. In game and the FMB this is the Burma map. It was named "Imphal" in SE as this map mostly deals with the Battle of Imphal in March 1944.

To create good resolution images ensure the graphic settings in game are at least 1024x768 x32bit in resolution. I used 1152x864 x32 when capturing the images for Imphal.

Sector Map

First one to capture is the whole map view. This will be used to create both the districts-small and whole sector maps.

Open the Full Mission Builder (FMB) and open the map you are adding.

Ensure that the whole map is visible and take a screen capture (print screen)

Open graphics program (ie PhotoShop etc) and open the screen capture file you just made.
This will be "grab0000.tga" in your Forgotten Battles main directory.

Use the Rectangular Marqee tool to cut out the map from the overall screen grab to trim the image of the surrounding FMB sliders and frame.
If the map doesn't completely fill a full grid then trim along the grid lines **only if the grid line in question is very close to the edge of map!!**
This makes mapping the FMB co-ordinates to the image a lot easier.

Copy selection
Create new file
Save as Jpg file

Take a note of the image size in pixels. This is needed for the PHP file.

Here is Imphal_Sector.jpg as an example:


You may see that the very top of map was trimmed . This was OK to do so as the edge of actual playable map was within the viewable image. This is how it was in the FMB and the map co-ordinates for the sector map had to be adjusted to suit as seen in the file below.

Edit Sector map PHP File.

Here is Imphal_Sector.php. This was copied from another map folder and then edited to suit Imphal. The highlighted text is what you need to edit to suit the new map.

// asp2php (vbscript) converted

//If the session variable is False or does not exist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
if ($_SESSION["CommanderGood_session"] != true) {
header("Location: ../Scripts/default.php");

//Set page specific variables
//Imphal Sector
$pageTitle="Scorched Earth Mission HQ"; //Title bar text
$pageName="Imphal Sector Map"; //Title in top left corner of page
$GeographicMapImage="Imphal_Sector.jpg"; //Bitmap of geographic area
$maxpX=1118; //Size of map image in pixels in x direction
$mincX=200; //Max longitude of image in FB coords
$maxcX=139200; //Min longitude of image in FB coords
$maxpY=799; //Size of map image in pixels in y direction
$mincY=400; //Max latitude of image in FB coords
$maxcY=99900; //Min latitude of image in FB coords
$mapOffsetX=0.0; //FB longitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetX=250; //Pixel offset of left edge of map image DIV
$mapOffsetY=0.0; //FB latitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetY=0; //Pixel offset of top edge of map image DIV
$ShowRoads=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road routes
$ShowRoadWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road route waypoints
$ShowRailways=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail routes
$ShowRailwayWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail route waypoints

include '../Scripts/MP-BuildPage.php';



As you can see there is not a lot that you need to change.

All your doing is editing the names, the image size in pixels and the FMB co-ordinates that the image shows.

The above PHP is an example for all the district and city php files as well!

Its the same file with appropriate changes made for each district. Look at another map folder and you will see how they are all the same bar the changes as made above.

*The critical and probably most time consuming aspect of this process is getting the FMB map co-ordinates correct for your image file. You can't do that with any accuracy unless you have an operational Scorched Earth system to test it in. Enable the "ShowRoads" and railways section above when tweaking the Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates once the map is basically functional. This ensures you will be able line everything up nicely.

Edit the "intel.php" file

This file brings all the php's and Jpeg's together.

Again, the highlighted text is what is edited to suit. At this point I like to think that you are getting an understanding of what the different lines in the file are actually doing.


// asp2php (vbscript) converted

include '../Scripts/MP-ApplicationMetadata.php';
include '../Scripts/MP-Connection.php';

//If the session variable is False or does not exist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
if ($_SESSION["CommanderGood_session"] != true) {
header("Location: ../Scripts/default.php");
$DBCon = $SectorDBCon[$_SESSION["SectorDB_session"]];
if ( $DBCon[0] == "mysql" ) {
$DBstring = "mysql://$DBCon[1]/$DBCon[5]";
else {
$DBstring = str_replace("\\",":",$DBCon[1]);
$DBstring = "access://".substr(strrchr($DBstring,":"),1);

<TITLE>Scorched Earth - Mission HQ, Imphal Sector</TITLE>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="<?php echo $Meta1; ?>">
<META NAME="COPYRIGHT" CONTENT="<?php echo $Meta2; ?>">
<link href="../Scripts/MP-Styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">

function CNAdjective(strNation) {
if ( strNation.toUpperCase() == 'GERMANY' ) {
return 'Axis';
else if ( strNation.toUpperCase() == 'RUSSIA' ) {
return 'Allied';
else {
return 'Admin';

var CommanderName = "<?php echo $_SESSION['CommanderName_session']; ?>";
var CommanderNation = "<?php echo $_SESSION['CommanderNation_session']; ?>";
var CommanderdivHTML = '<div id="CommanderData" \n'+
CommanderdivHTML += ( CommanderName.toUpperCase() == "ADMINISTRATOR" ) ? 'height:125px;\n' : 'height:105px;\n';
CommanderdivHTML += 'background-color:#B0B0C0;\n'+
CommanderdivHTML += '<table align="center" width="100%">\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="left" colspan=1><span class="tiny">&nbsp;</span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center" colspan=1><span class="tiny">You are logged in as:</span></td></tr>\n';
if ( CommanderName.toUpperCase() == "ADMINISTRATOR" ) {
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center"><span class="small"><b>Administrator</b></span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center"><span class="tiny">with</span><span class="small"> <b>Full Privileges</b></span></td></tr>\n';
else {
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center"><span class="tiny">Commander&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span class="small"><b>'+CommanderName+'</b></span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center"><span class="small"><b>('+CNAdjective(CommanderNation)+' Forces)</b></span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center" colspan=1><span class="tiny"><a href="../Scripts/MP-Checkpoint.php?Sector_DB=Imphal&Status=new">Logout</a> | <a href="./default.php">Change Sector</a></span></td></tr>\n';
if ( CommanderName.toUpperCase() == "ADMINISTRATOR" ) {
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center" colspan=2><span class="tiny"><a href="../Scripts/MP-ManageCampaign.php?Sector=Imphal&Focus=">Manage Imphal Campaign</a></span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '<tr><td align="center" colspan=2><span class="tiny"><a href="../Scripts/MP-OptionsScreen.php?Sector=Imphal">View Settings</a> | <a href="../Scripts/MP-ProductionCosts.php?Sector=Imphal">View Costs</a></span></td></tr>\n';
CommanderdivHTML += '</table>\n</div>\n';

<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function loadSectorMap() {
var sectorURL;
window.location = sectorURL;
function loadCityMap() {
var cityURL;
window.location = cityURL;

<span class="large">Imphal Sector - Mission HQ</span><br>
<span class="small">Latest intelligence briefs and mission waypoint generation.<p>
<form name="SectorMapForm">
Request a District Map:&nbsp;
<select name="SectorMap" style="font-family:sans-serif; font-size:12px; background:#FFFFFF none; color:#000" onChange="loadSectorMap()">
<option value="#" SELECTED>Choose District</option>
<option value="Imphal_Sector.php">Whole Imphal Sector</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_A.php">Imphal District A</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_B.php">Imphal District B</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_C.php">Imphal District C</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_D.php">Imphal District D</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_E.php">Imphal District E</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_F.php">Imphal District F</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_G.php">Imphal District G</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_H.php">Imphal District H</option>
<option value="Imphal_District_I.php">Imphal District I</option>

<form name="CityMapForm">
Request a detailed city map:&nbsp;
<select name="CityMap" style="font-family:sans-serif; font-size:12px; background:#FFFFFF none; color:#000" onChange="loadCityMap()">
<option value="#" SELECTED>Choose City</option>
<option value="Chindwin_River_Sth.php">Chindwin River</option>
<option value="Imphal_Kangla.php">Imphal Kangla</option>
<option value="Imphal_Main.php">Imphal Main</option>
<option value="Kawkkwa.php">Kawkkwa</option>
<option value="Malon.php">Malon Airfield</option>
<option value="Palel.php">Palel</option>
<option value="Pantha.php">Pantha</option>
<option value="Sittaung.php">Sittaung</option>
<option value="Sittaung_Steamer_Station.php">Sittaung Steamer Station</option>
<option value="Tamu.php">Tamu</option>

<map name="Imphal">
<area shape="default" nohref>
<area shape="circle" coords="143,108,30" href="Imphal_District_A.php" alt="Imphal District A Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="401,108,30" href="Imphal_District_B.php" alt="Imphal District B Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="674,108,30" href="Imphal_District_C.php" alt="Imphal District C Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="143,280,30" href="Imphal_District_D.php" alt="Imphal District D Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="401,280,30" href="Imphal_District_E.php" alt="Imphal District E Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="674,280,30" href="Imphal_District_F.php" alt="Imphal District F Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="143,460,30" href="Imphal_District_G.php" alt="Imphal District G Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="401,460,30" href="Imphal_District_H.php" alt="Imphal District H Map">
<area shape="circle" coords="674,460,30" href="Imphal_District_I.php" alt="Imphal District I Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="40,30,78,64" href="Imphal_Kangla.php" alt="Imphal-Kangla Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="10,10,32,32" href="Imphal_Main.php" alt="Imphal Main Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="80,250,115,290" href="Palel.php" alt="Palel Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="250,405,288,444" href="Tamu.php" alt="Tamu Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="420,465,450,490" href="Sittaung.php" alt="Sittaung Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="725,15,744,33" href="Malon.php" alt="Malon Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="240,481,260,497" href="Pantha.php" alt="Pantha Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="422,499,439,515" href="Sittaung_Steamer_Station.php" alt="Sittaung Steamer Stn Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="572,312,610,340" href="Kawkkwa.php" alt="Kawkkwa Map">
<area shape="rectangle" coords="390,500,440,560" href="Chindwin_River_Sth.php" alt="chindwin River Map">

<IMG SRC="Imphal_Districts_small.jpg" ALT="Imphal Map Layout" usemap="#Imphal">
<span class="tiny">Scorched Earth Online War
<?php echo $Meta1; ?>
<?php echo "[$DBstring]"; ?>


I hope that this is clear to understand. I felt that posting the whole file would give you a better reference and understanding of what needs to be done. If not please post any questions.

Next post I'll go through making the districts_small image and provide further explanation on the intel.php file above.


Posts: 36
Joined: Tue 09 Jan 2007 5:23 am
Location: London England

Post by eaf92_brigstock »

Thanks for the info Hawk.. it's good stuff to have on the forum.
I'm looking forward to the next instalment, as I'm attempting to port Kuban over to a BoB campaign with English place names. So this thread is very handy as a reference.
Posts: 2220
Joined: Mon 08 Jan 2007 11:10 pm
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Map makers wanted for:

*) North-West Europe (Warg has already captured roads/bridges/railways)
*) Norway (should be pretty simple, only limited data capture required)
*) Online Desert (should be pretty simple, only limited data capture required)
*) Online Italy (a sizeable effort required here)

SEOW Developer

Posts: 27
Joined: Sun 14 Jan 2007 10:38 pm

Post by JAGD_RC »

I'm working on "Online 3 Summer" The small map with the channel running north south.

I have data captured. Added it to MP, industrial and supply points are done. So is sector and weather data, adding fields now. then if I figure out bridges, roads and intersections :)

...Let's see how far I get, so far so good :)
Posts: 162
Joined: Wed 10 Jan 2007 1:13 am
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

I'm currently working on the new Desert map.

To be called "North Africa".

This should be a real good one for those who like the desert campaigns.
Posts: 27
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Post by JAGD_RC »

ok the map Online3summer is the one i did, it seems to be working I have it up and running and gone through about 10 dummy missions to test it out.
I have only one problem during testing. If I bomb a factory it doesn't show up as destroyed. I have the industrial table filled out and the icons show up correctly and production is working. Maybe I'm not hitting them hard enough with fighters...I'll fly over them with a PE8 and drop and mega-ton on them.

2 questions:

1) I have nothing for Highway_intersections, however ground units don't seem to mind. they follow the roads ok and cross bridges. How do I create the table data for highway_intersections?

2) what do I do with it now? If I send it to you guys, to do whatever you see fit. What files do I include? and where do I send it?

(after I drop 10 million kgs of bombs on a factory...just to make sure :) )

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Jagd,

Factory bombing: see

Other questions:

1) Highway_Intersections is built by me from the Highways table.

2) To send it in as a new contribution, do the following. If your DB is MySQL, PM me the connection data to your server and DB and I will connect and grab the data myself. If it is MSAccess, PM me a url to download the entire DB from. As far as the MP material goes, you must have given the new sector a name. Find the corresponding folder inside your MP and zip it up and email it to me.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

I have just added Warg's data for the North-West Europe map. To observe the normal convention Warg and I have given it a realistic geographical name. In SEOW this sector will be called "Ostfriesland", to cover the northern border of The Netherlands and Germany. The particular area we have in mind is the Ems River valley, west of Bremen.

The Ostfriesland sector is approximately 100 km by 80 km. This new sector will appear in the next SEOW release. For Ostfriesland, think of 1940 blitzkrieg, then late-1944 Typhoon strikes.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

JAGD_RC has just contributed a fully operational map that he has called "Oslo", based on Net3Summer. It contains a north-south fjord and is similar in size to Ardennes. This will be a nice rapid-action map, like Ardennes, Tunis etc.

Many thanks RC, I have checked it out and all looks good.


PS: Hawk_5 is nearing completion of the North Africa sector too!
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Post by Hitcher »

Too, cool!

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

I have also just received from II/JG77Hawk_5 the data load for the North Africa map. Warg has been building a template for this based on the battle for Ayn al Gazala, so with this in mind we have named this new SEOW sector as "Cyrenaica", which is the relevant district of Libya. Hawk_5 has done a nice job on the MP mapset for Cyrenaica, and this is now all set to go the next release.

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Post by Hitcher »

Thanks, 5!
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Just had word from WTE_Goanna that he is close to completing support for Kyushu sector. Goanna is aiming for inclusion of Kyushu sector in the upcoming SEOW release.

SEOW Developer

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