The Mission Planner now supports rudimentary skinning, i.e. the ability to change the "look and feel" of the MP quickly and easily. The skin choice is set by the PHP variable $MPSkin in the first few lines of "Scripts/MP-Configuration.php". As of MP-v4.285, the allowed values for this variable are "green" (default) or "classic".
The Statistics pages can be made to conform to the MP skin, or to use their own colour scheme. This choice is governed by the PHP variable $StatSkin in the last few lines of "Scripts/MP-Configuration.php". Valid choices for the value of $StatSkin are "MP" or "self".
The skin scheme consists of several colour definitions for each skin:
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// MP Skin Section
// "classic" Skin
$Background_classic = "#424242";
$BackgroundHigh_classic = "#626262";
$BackgroundLow_classic = "#323232";
$BackgroundListHigh_classic = "#585858";
$BackgroundListLow_classic = "#505050";
$BackgroundStrong_classic = "#1a321a";
$BackgroundBold_classic = "#77771a";
$Text_classic = "#aaaabb";
// "green" Skin
$Background_green = "#708b96";
$BackgroundHigh_green = "#75929c";
$BackgroundLow_green = "#4c6069";
$BackgroundListHigh_green = "#607c87";
$BackgroundListLow_green = "#557275";
$BackgroundStrong_green = "#1a321a";
$BackgroundBold_green = "#77771a";
$Text_green = "#b5c2c7";
// Statistics Skin Section - allowing stats pages to have a different colour scheme to the MP
// ... see Statistics/stats_functions.php for coding details.
$StatSkin = "MP"; //"MP" means use MP scheme, while "self" means Stats use the following decorative colours.
$Background_Statistics = "#ffffff";
$BackgroundHigh_Statistics = "#cccccc";
$BackgroundLow_Statistics = "#aaaaaa";
$BackgroundListHigh_Statistics = "#cfcfcf";
$BackgroundListLow_Statistics = "#c0c0c0";
$BackgroundStrong_Statistics = "#aabbaa";
$BackgroundBold_Statistics = "#aaaacc";
$Text_Statistics = "#333333";
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