Radius Control

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Radius Control

Post by PA-Dore »

Perhaps it would be fine to remember for all users (and for me!), different radius used in SEOW.
4Shades could you give them again?

- Airbases/Bridges/Control Point radius: set in DCS
- Infrastructures control radius: ??? (idem that above?)
- Recon radius for each type of unit ??? (and for spy?)
- Load/Unload radius: ??? 3 km for boats I believe.
- Target radius (distance maxi between wp and target for a G order)
- Propaganda control radius: ???
- ....

Thanks again ;-)
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Dore,

Interesting question.

MP-Configuration.php Defaults
$TaskForceRadius=10000.0; //The radius over which units can be combined into task forces
$FreightRadius=3000.0; //The radius over which freighters can load/unload units
$SmallBaseRadius=3000; //Tight base search radius for determining whether units are starting en route or not (m)
$LargeBaseRadius=15000; //Loose base search radius to help users select landing airbases (m)
$RLmaxradius=3000.0; //Maximum uncertainty radius associated with imperfect recon information (m)
$GATTACKSearchRadius=20; //Default search radius for ground target selector (pixels)

MP-Head.js Coded
Shipping Freight Radius = (10/3)*FreightRadius;
Non-Shipping Task Force Radius = TaskForceRadius/5.0;

Campaign Settings
ControlRadius = 3000.0
This setting is used to govern the capture/control/demolition/repair of Control Points, Resupply Points, Industrial Installations, Railway Stations, Airbases, Bridges. It is also used to scale the recon ranges for each unit type that are now listed in the Sector_Recon_Parameters table. This setting also governs the calculation of proximity of enemy units when determining whether desperate units are likely to surrender, and works out those friendly units affected when a pilot is captured and yields to interrogation. This setting is also used to calculate morale effects from propaganda drops and from morale leadership units.

SEOW Developer

Posts: 469
Joined: Thu 01 Nov 2007 8:58 am
Location: Savoie-France

Post by PA-Dore »

Thanks 4Shades, I put it in wiki (SEOW Ground War)
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