Submarine movement and AI pilot skill level

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Submarine movement and AI pilot skill level

Post by Grifo_rott »

Hi everybody,

Does everybody know how the submarine movement works? I know you can place them in the template either on surface or submerged but how can you switch between the two in the mission planning? Is that possible today? If not, it would be a neat feature :)

I left Genova and am going to try to sneak up on some transports that are in the Palermo port but if I am sitting on the surface the Destroyer will hit me 5km before I get to a shooting position. If I travel all the way there under the surface my range is only 128km (I think). I also would have to be set that in the template, before the campaign starts which is not an option now.

Also I was wondering how is the AI pilot skill level determined? Is there a tracking of kills and sorties for AI pilots? Do they improve or their skills is random on each mission?

I spoke with my squadmates and we thought it would be neat to have AI pilots start as rookies, acquire experience and improve their skills level and rank based on missions completed + kills.

It would be even nicer to have a "roster" of these AI pilots somewhere in the website (perhaps even in statistics) so we can tell who flew whose wing and how did they do. I know from looking at the log that we cannot have gunnery stats for drones but I see we can track their air and ground kills.

What do you guys think? :)
2º/3º GAv Esquadrão Grifo Brasil
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Rott,

Submarines, as you say, move on the surface and submerge when stationary (unless they have a breakdown event). But you can change this behaviour if you want. Simply edit the Object_Specifications table and change the Mobile, Stationary and Inactive forms for your submarine types to suit what you want. Typically, the submerged forms have a "P" at the end of the object directive in these fields. Also, if you want your submerged subs to have a greater range, then simply change the Range field in the appropriate line.

Note that in the upcoming SEOW version, you will be able to order subs to dive or surface in the MP between missions (using the right-click menu). Maybe that feature is in the release version you have now - I can't remember!

AI pilot skills are not modified throughout the campaign. The skills for each flight are set according to the DCS skills settings, and maintained through all subsequent missions or until the flight is destroyed and recommissioned with a new skill. I agree that it would be nice to track the performance of individual AI pilots, but I have no plans to build this feature myself. To do it properly is a lot more complicated than it sounds. If anyone else is interested in building this, they are more than welcome.

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Post by Grifo_rott »

Hey 4Shades!

I have some good news! We are seriously considering taking the task of developing the AI pilot tracking routine :) There are 3 programmers among us so hopefully between our real lives and endless dogfights we will be able to develop this "add on" to your excellent software.

Thank you for the tips on the submarine management, it helped a lot!

2º/3º GAv Esquadrão Grifo Brasil
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Post by II/JG54_Emil »

Why are submarines not firing any torpedoes?
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Location: Perth, Western Australia

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Emil,

There could be any number of reasons. When asking a question like this you need to provide more information. Here are some possible answers:

1) The submarine is "out of action". If your vehicle breakdown rate is more than zero, then there is a chance your submarine may have broken down and is "in repair" for the duration of the mission.

2) The submarine is out of supply.

3) No targets are within range and line of sight.

From my experience with submarines, it is very difficult to get a torpedo kill unless a fat target sails right in front of the submarine and close range. Test it out for yourself using FMB.

SEOW Developer

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