Installation problem ?

For bug reports and fixes, installation issues, and new ideas for technical features.

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Location: Perth, Western Australia

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Emil,

That is a browser compatibility problem. You need to be using either of the following browsers technologies:

1. IE 8 with "compatibility mode" enabled.

2. Firefox with IETab installed and operational for your MP web site.

Either of these methods should give you the tools you require. Also, gvien that your browser is correct, all other MP tools should function properly.

Note that all the commander account data is kept inside the PilotData table of the DB, so you can edit this directly if you want. However it is recommended to use the MP Commanders tool to ensure formatting consistency.

SEOW Developer

Posts: 272
Joined: Thu 07 May 2009 10:45 am

Post by II/JG54_Emil »

The 1st did it for me.

Thank you once more.
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