DCS and Database Annomolies

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DCS and Database Annomolies

Post by VT-51_Thud »

Greetings all. I'm having some problems I need some help with. Last week something strange happened which caused some data to get posted incorrectly. See attached


This caused stats data to be delinked from each other. I went through and corrected the errors the best I could. This week all seemed fine until Cobraj attempted to update the DCS. It would not complete the process. I see where data has been posted to the various tables but the sector status table does not show analyzed.


Is it possible to scrub all the data out and reload that mission in the DCS or perform a task to advance to the next mission?

Also, the squadron enables HSFX via UP. Is UP the only source for HSFX or is there a stand-alone MOD strictly HSFX? Sorry to ask, I've been super busy at work and havn't had the chance to get too envolved lately. I'm wondering if the UP is adding some type of Rouge characters to the eventlog.

Any suggestions on what might be causing my problems? :(
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Post by VT-51_Thud »

Also, what number value in the Campaign_Settings Table represents HistoryFSX_MOD is enabled? While the DCS shows enabled, I see a number value of "0" which I believe would represent disabled. Correct?
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Thud,

You can try to rewind back to the previous build state and attempt a re-analyze, but that can be tricky, and will not give you the 100% correct answer. I recommend:

1. Take a copy of the DB as it is now, for safekeeping.
2. Add an "Analyzed" line to Sector_Status, and check out how the campaign looks. Tweak as necessary, get it to a reasonable state and move forward.
3. If step 2 doesn't give me a link to d/l the database (in step 1, plus latest mission file and eventlog) and I'll try to correct it.

I am not sure what the sequence of events was, but it is NEVER a good idea to repeat a failed Analyze or a failed Build.

Oh, and HistorySFX_Mod = 1 turns the Mod support ON.

SEOW Developer

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