Error in generated mission: "index out of range 2"

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Error in generated mission: "index out of range 2"

Post by Fisch »

Hi @all,

got some problems (again :oops) and hope I can explain :

we started a new Iasi-campaign. It was running for 2 Missions without any problems. But the 3rd mission generated by SEDC could not be loaded, because of the error "index out of range 2". This error was displayed in IL-2 at 23% loading progress = ground units.
So we tried the following:

loading that mission in FMB:
mission did load, but not completely, I had to close an "Mission loading" window. After that I could work with it fine. It seemed that all units are displayed correctly.

saving the file opened in FMB as a new file
this new file could be loaded without any problems, could be played and could be sent to DB (we set up a second "test.db" therefore, an exact copy of the original db)

comparing the content of both .mis-files:
here we found that in original file are units included that were never in template (we set up Industrial production to "only produce materiel in template")
These units do not exist in FMB-saved file, so I assume, that these units are the problem.

I have absolutely no idea where these units come from. Can anyone help?
If wanted I can send both .mis-files for comparing.

Thx for help :wink:
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Yes Fisch, please send me the files or give me a d/l link.

Also make sure about your Mod status. If using "HSFX Mod Objects", make sure you are running HSFX as your game version.

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Post by Fisch »

Hi 4Shades,
thx for the fast reply :) .

We don´t use Mods and switcht using HSFX-objects off.
The .mis-files are on their long way to australia at the moment :D .

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Post by Fisch »

Seems like we are coming closer to the problem.
Can anyone explain what those Tags are for, found in the .mis-file:

Code: Select all

  C +
  u1 1
  98 +
  o3 +
  B3 +
  d4 f
  u4 f
  C20G2 +100
  D2wF2 3
  C2gF2 v00
  r20J2 10
Especially "r20J2 10" causes the problems. Deleting it in the mis-file lets the mission load and run without any problems.
Thx for help.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Fisch,

Under the Bridge section, those 7 obscure code lines tell IL-2 which bridges are damaged, and to what extent they are damaged. Consider line

Code: Select all

  u1 1
For example, the "u1" indicates bridge 94, and damage state "1" means 40% or 25% damage (see Bridge_Destruction table, birdge 94 has length 566 m).

Now under the House section, the codes refer to 200 x 200 m "map tiles" and their corresponding battle damage state.

Code: Select all

  r20J2 10
This refers to tile with X coord "r2" (31000 m) and Y coord "0J2" (138400 m) and partial damage state 20%. These values are cross-referenced in tables Tile_Codes, Tile_Urban_Destruction and Tile_Map_Codes, using the Max_Destruction fields.

If you have an invalid House line in your mission file, then you are probably using some invalid Tile_Map_Code entries for your map.

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Post by PA-Dore »

Yes, when IASI map has been updated, I guess Tile_Map_Codes changed. This table would be captured again. When I'll be back to home, I'll do that and compare to the old one.
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Post by Fisch »

How can one capture these Codes? If you guys tell me how I can do it :) .

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Post by PA-Dore »

Boss Shades said ;-)
" Tile Map Codes
This is really easy and fun. Open the map in FMB, select the Destruction tool, choose Destruction level Maximum, choose maximum Cursor width, click on the map, press "f" and move the mouse. You will paint all destroyable map tiles (green squares) over the whole map bright red. Save the FMB file. Open it up and you will see many lines of weird codes at the end of the file. You need to capture these with the new sector name into the Tile_Map_Codes table. No X,Y,Z coords needed as this information is already encoded into the tile codes."

I did it many times, it's not so funny, Shades has strange toys! :lol: But really, it's easy to do.
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Post by Fisch »

:D :D
Shades and his strange toys :lol: .
Ok, I will do it and report if this solves the problem.
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Post by Fisch »

Done - it work´s :) .
Nice, guys, thank You all :wink: .
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