Map ratio and objects are not produced correctly.

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Map ratio and objects are not produced correctly.

Post by VF-51_Cobraj »

Hi 4Shades and everyone,


I have been a planner of campaigns for years now. I have always had issues with planned movements not being correct or in most cases nowhere near how they were planned in MP. We are doing the last week of an Okinawa campaign in which after the mission is generated I have to open up the .mis in FMB and correct my ground movements because they were not produced correctly. I have tried everything from making only one waypoint too multiple waypoints. I plan 1.5 hours and it will produce 15 or 20 minutes of movement. Sometimes it will go down a road, a side road, and go back and forth 20 minutes and stop. This side road or other road is not even the close to the correct heading it should take to get to any of the waypoints planned in the MP.

I have tested a few ideas and my conclusion is this. The aspect ratio of the map produced in the browser and the objects and cursor point are not correct. We live in an age where some people use 4:3 monitors, and I think most now use 16:9 or 16:10 which is even more popular.

I am far from an expert in this field but I think my observations are correct. I don't know if maps have a set aspect like 4:3 when they are produced or not. I don't know what the fix is. Could it be something that can be changed in the php config so the map image and objects are produced at the same resolution? Or forced to show at the same aspect ratio images without making the image any smaller then it already is.

I guess in 1024x768 or less 4:3 the maps look detailed but in a higher resolution 16:9 / 16:10 planning ground is near impossible. Okinawa map is an example of poor resolution in a sector or even North and South sector viewing. Could the image of the map be made to enlarge or zoom and then have a fix that would not cause the image to be skewed out of context?
Last edited by VF-51_Cobraj on Sun 26 Dec 2010 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Cobraj,

Sorry to hear your experiences have been negative. The road/rail networks have been problematic while people are learning how to do the data captures correctly. I think the internal road code has been solid for a couple of years now, and finally the road/rail data networks are catching up. See Dore's thread which contains a completely reworked Okinawa data set, as well as many other sectors. Rest assured, once the data is correct, movement works as advertised. :)

The new data may help a lot, but I suspect that there may be some misconceptions about the way the system works as well. Note that the FMB waypoints are limited (DCS "Movement" Tab), so even if the commander plots 2 hours of movement, in some circumstances (e.g. winding routes) that planned route may be (properly) truncated well short of the 2 hour mark according to the defined FMB waypoint limit.

Anyway, such comments are academic. It is usually more productive to get on TS and show me the problems as they occur. That way I can check all software versions etc and get to the heart of the problem relatively quickly. We can even run little test scenarios and check things directly.

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Post by PA-Dore »

Pat attention to another parameter:
Shades had explained to me the importance of the " Maximum number of FMB waypoints per Allied/Axis platoon = ..." (DCS --> Movement).

For 2 hours missions, I set it between 30 to 50. A lower value could give missing WP in FMB.
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Post by VF-51_Cobraj »

I haven't been using our DB for this campaign and I'm not certain what version GroundZero is using, but I will check. Thanks 4Shades.

I will also check max ground movements, thx Pa.

Thank you for everything you do here 4Shades and other SEOW community members. This SEOW platform has truly kept IL-2 running for many years. Your tireless contributions to the community is legendary.

Thank you all!

Air Group 51 / 51 Group, CO
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