Couple of ideas for next version of MP

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Couple of ideas for next version of MP

Post by 62_Anubis »

Hi Shades,
We finally started our campaign... AMAZING!

And with my mates we´ve talked about some features that would be nice, maybe you already had them in mind, but just in case:

1. Possibility to hide/unhide past missions (as the campaign goes on, the list becomes longer and longer and having the ability to hide the ones with the "lock" symbol would be great)

2. Persistent map icons (we´ve talked about it, and you said that with cookies... great feature!)

3. Possibility of reviewing flights details (once the commander has planned the flight, have the chance to review the waypoints with its altitudes and type of waypoints, and times, etc-- the same that we have when we create it, but this time "read-only")

As always, these are only ideas :) hope they´re useful to you.


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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Anubis,

Great to hear it is working for you. I hope you have a bundle of fun with SEOW.

1. Yes, coding in progress...
2. Possible, but not on the list yet.
3. Possible, but not on the list yet.

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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

put in the list -if possible- the editing of a planned mission limited to the Fuel or Loadout, and maybe AI/Human and strenght. These would affect only the groupmission table data.
This would save a lot of time when you need to modify only a few parameters of a planned mission without deleting and re-making the mission.
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Post by =gRiJ=Petr »

+1 for Gross. Would be very nice.
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