Migrated from own PC to ext. hosting - now MP doesn´t work

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Migrated from own PC to ext. hosting - now MP doesn´t work

Post by 62_Anubis »

Hi Shades,

Sorry to bother you again, but I´m getting crazy here.

I have everything installed and working in my own PC but I want the MP to be available all the time for the pilots, so I was working on migrating everything to an external host. I´ve uploaded the whole MP system to the external webserver and but the MySQL Server keeps running in my own PC until I find a free MySQL server provider that allows for external connections (to be able to use the DCS). The thing is, that I´ve uploaded the content of the working MP to the external hosting using ´ftp´. As in my own computer, I was using `localhost` to access to the MySQL, when I open the new site in Internet Explorer, I´m redirected to the "No valid database connection" page


I click on Edit Connection Settings, and I set up everything as follows:


I´ve tested the connection by uploading to the web server a small script that tries to connect to an MySQL server with given host,user,password and db name, and I get "Successful Connection":


As you can see, I´m using same parameters as in the MP...

I also give you the url to the web server, I´ve uploaded the phpinfo.php script, maybe your eyes can see more than mine.


Again, sorry for all this big explanation and if you need any other information, pls tell me.

Many thanks in advance
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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

I was able to connect to your databases.
However, when I tried to link your database to my MP I had the same error you had. Also my SEDCS was not able to establish a connection with your database.

Check if you like.
I have some more enabled variables than you in the mysql&mysqli section, donto know if they affect.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Anubis,

I just tried to connect my Navicat to your MySQL server and it worked.

Then I connected my MP (v4.733 on my home PC) to your Crimea database and it worked, although slowly as we would expect. Note that I used "62seow_Crimea" as the connection name (capital C). So, from my perspective, the MP code works.

All I can think of, like Gross said, is that you might have a PHP configuration issue. Note that I usually do not enable the mysli extension.

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Post by 62_Anubis »

I´ve also seen that my own web server has ODBC Support, and the external hosting doesn´t. Can this affect?


Besides... why the Mysql test page can connect? It´s hosted in the external too....

I´m totally lost. Anyway I asked one of the admins if the php.ini file could be changed.... waiting for the answer to continue testing.
Last edited by 62_Anubis on Thu 20 Jan 2011 5:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

I run stock standard Apache2.2 on XP plus PHP v5.3.x. That's all I need to get the MP to work. MyODBC v3.51.x (+ .NET 2.0) is only required for the machine where the DCS is executed.

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Post by 62_Anubis »

Hi Shades,

Finally I´ve set up the site and the database in the hosting server, and for DCS functions, I will transfer the DB to my own computer and after analysis, will transfer it again to server... lot of transfers I know... but at least I won´t have to leave my PC all day UP.

It all works, but when entering in a "letter" sector (let´s say G in Crimea)...

I get all this:


After clicking the Accept button (I get lots of popup windows), the map appears and the untis too, but all the messages that you see in this picture, remains as background...

Any idea?

I used phpMyAdmin in both cases, to export from my own DB server and to import into external DB Server.
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Check your MP-Configuration.php file in Scripts. Set the $DEBUG flag to 0. If this doesn't fix it, then somehow we need to find somewhere a $DEBUG=-1 flag, probably in MP-SQL.php.

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Post by 62_Anubis »



You´re becoming my new personal Jesus! :)

Cheers and many thanks!

By the way... I posted some Ideas for next version and forgot about one.

The ability for commanders to change their side passwords. Right now the only one allowed to do it is the admin, it would be good that alliedhq user could change allied passwords and axishq user could do the same for Axis.
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Post by 22GCT_Gross »

Which was the problem? just for recordings!
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Post by 62_Anubis »

The one you told me, debug level was too high
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