Error MP4 in Web page...

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Error MP4 in Web page...

Post by OBT~karl »

hi all and my JP... :D

Two pb...


if I use MP4 in localhost not problem (with base initialized and campagne ok), the same MP4 on my Web page with a virgin base is ok =


with a base initialized =


for this reason I suspected the patch 733a of being at the origin of my Pb…

...and my SEDCS does not want to be connected with my MP4 on my Web page (localhost is ok).


MP4 733a
SEDCS 3.2.22
Net framework 2.0
Serveur web (page perso SFR)
Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/5.2.0-8+etch13
Version du client MySQL: 5.0.32
Extension PHP: mysqli
phpMyAdmin serveur web
Version: 3.2.4deb2.1

JP, he makes less the malignant
alors JP, on fait moins le malin... :lol:
I know you do not have Pb you :(
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Karl,

First, your DCS problem is that it does not have permission to read the DB on the remote system. Error 10060 is a username-password problem on the MySQL account. Remember that you need to explicitly ALLOW remote connections to MySQL servers, and then you must give remote connections PERMISSIONS to connect to the database.

If the DCS cannot connect, then there is little chance that the MP can connect. If I understand your setup correctly, you have a local MP that you are trying to connect to a remote DB. If all permissions and accounts are established correctly, then this should work, but it will be slow. It is always best to connect the MP to LOCAL databases.

SEOW Developer

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Joined: Sun 20 Feb 2011 1:42 pm
Location: France - Lorraine

Post by OBT~karl »

Thx 4shades,

my MP and my dB are on my remote Web site, it seems that this free solution is not good, because I cannot manage the phpmyadmin of this site.

I will try to find another solution.
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