Murmansk data capture for SEOW

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Murmansk data capture for SEOW

Post by WTE_Ikey »

Hi all,

Just in process of the above for the MiSp_Zapolar'e map & dont want to double up on any work that someone may have already started.

At the moment I have found small issues with spawn at seaplane bases Gryaznaya Guba & Polyarny.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Ikey,

I recommend you check with 5, he has some views on that map, I recall.

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Post by WTE_Ikey »

Ok m8, will do.
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Post by II/JG77Hawk_5 »

I had a look at both and they are limited in how many planes can spawn at one time. A max of 4 x MBR's or smaller can get away from both and while not great, when it comes to SPB's, starting too many at one time when close to shore or trying mixed AC types at takeoff can cause collisions anyway so as long as that is understood by commanders then I think they will be ok.

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Post by WTE_Ikey »

Yes, its a minor limitation which we can work around.
I'll finish roads early next week then will pester for info on doing airfield types.
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