Moving trawlers in Stalingrad map... issues

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Moving trawlers in Stalingrad map... issues

Post by =69.GIAP=ARTUR »

S~ gentlemen!

Last night we ran a test SEOW for an upcoming campaign and I had some trouble with trawlers sailing down the Volga.

I've moved them around before with no troubles, but last night several were loaded with freight for the first time (don't know if that matters).

--During the mission I spotted several trawlers that were sailing along but were 1/2 km inland or sailing right through an island!

--Several trawlers appear to have hit bridges (both wood and metal), sinking the boat and killing the bridge. Can't have that!

--I know I used minimal waypoints, as in I only plotted 2 or 3 for the length of their journey and assumed they would at least follow water.

--What did I do wrong?

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Trout,

SEOW does not have coastline data for maps, so it does not know where beaches and river banks are located. Therefore it cannot force ships to stay in the water. In general, ships will follow their plotted routes exactly. This means that it is the commander's responsibility to ensure that ships have reasonable and appropriate movement orders.

Ships cannot move underneath bridges except in rare circumstances. That is an IL-2 limitation.

SEOW Developer

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Joined: Thu 26 Nov 2009 4:16 pm

Post by =69.GIAP=ARTUR »

Ok. That answers that. Thanks for the info 4Shades!

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