Ship kill stats change

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Ship kill stats change

Post by 102nd-YU-Devill »

Hi Shades,

I know personal stats aren't a priority, but if you get around to it would you consider changing the way ship kills are registered for each pilot in the summary tables?

Right now we can see the ship kills, ie. the last one who hit a ship after which it sank gets the kill. Instead of this I would propose to note every time someone HIT a ship during the mission, and log these hits in the ship kill field. This idea came from TD announcement that they will log aerial damage differently (shared kills) and we realized that we already have that capability for advanced ship damage logging.

The only additional thing that would be needed is to filter out multiple hits: for example you can hit a ship with a torpedo, or you can hit it from a dive with 3x250lbs bombs; if all 3 bombs hit, we should count that as 1 hit in the personal stats (1 attack), the same as 1 torpedo run. I would just use time stamp to filter out other hits and log in a single hit. So multiple hits within let's say 1 minute of time would be counted as a single attack.

Does this seem feasible for you considering you probably have lot of work on other more important stuff?

Thx in advance.

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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Devill,

Not feasible for me to do for a while yet.

Just look inside Statistics/MP-PilotDetails.php. Add your own SQL query to extract ship damage events for the pilot and display it somewhere in an existing table. Even if it takes you a week or two to get it the way you want, it will be much quicker than waiting for me to do it.

SEOW Developer

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Joined: Sat 29 Nov 2008 10:41 am

Post by 102nd-YU-Devill »

No worries mate.
Thx for the quick response and keep up the good work!
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