Creation of Highways - Broken Routes

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Creation of Highways - Broken Routes

Post by Rejsyg »

After following the guide on highway creation. I have noticed my highways are broken at certain intersections:

What could be causing this? I did create new intersections with the SQL statements afterwards.

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Re: Creation of Highways - Broken Routes

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hmm, curious. Well, anyway, if your routes don't overlap you can always edit the corresponding data in the Highways table and correct any glitches (then re-run the Highway_Intersections SQL query).

Are you capturing data for a new map?

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Re: Creation of Highways - Broken Routes

Post by Rejsyg »

I think I may have found the issue with the broken highways, the spreadsheet was not converting waypoints that I placed, but kept the lines ending either 20 and 120. Used some regex to remove that unnecessary data after the Z coordinate.

But now the intersections are still sending my units in the complete opposite direction, all converging on one point. I need to take another look at the intersection SQL and re-run it.

IV/JG7_4Shades wrote: Tue 14 Nov 2023 8:59 pm Are you capturing data for a new map?
I am capturing data for the Philippines map V2 by Delvpier. The map had some existing highways from the provided template in the but it was missing several roads and had no bridges. I decided to overhaul the map, including recreate all the ACHS for dogfight mode and add a new airfield as well as other industrial installations.
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Re: Creation of Highways - Broken Routes

Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

The way I do it is to start each route either at a road terminus (rare) or at a junction, then end the route at the next junction or terminus.
Using the snap feature in FMB helps to put your waypoints onto the 100 m grid, but this can be done in a spreadsheet or sql anyway.

Without seeing all your data it is hard to comment. My best guess based on experience is that perhaps you have defined a route that passes through a junction without stopping. That is definitely forbidden. Of course there may be other explanations for your symptoms.

SEOW Developer

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