Just for completeness, let me go back to square one. I usually use the following method to check PHP installation. I create a file called "info.php" and put it in the web server document root. The file contains the following text:
Code: Select all
If it does work, it should be easy to get the MP working, i.e. 5 minute job. If in doubt about the DB connection settings, view the Script/MP-Connections.php file in Notepad - there are detailed instructions and examples contained inside.
From your previous message it seems as if you have got PHP working, so that really just leaves your DB connections as the main suspect. I am not sure that re-installing PHP will benefit.
You should concentrate on this bug - why does this fail? Are you using an IE-compliant browser? Have you selected the "Access" DB type successfully?Also I'm not able to modify DB path using the interface for admin