Temporary Airbases

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Temporary Airbases

Post by Hitcher »

I have still never done this. Shades or anyone, would you please post some instructions or point me in the right direction concerning temporary airbases? Thank you in advance!
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Post by IV/JG7_4Shades »

Hi Hitcher,

There is a DCS campaign setting called "Use Temporary Airbases". If you turn this on and initialize a new campaign, any temporary airbases defined in the Airbases table for your sector of interest will become active. That means they will become visible in the MP and they will support all normal air operations.

By default SEOW includes a number of pre-defined temporary airbases (which are classified as Airbase_Type greater than 99 and less than 200 in the Airbases table) on several sectors. These have been contributed by SEOW users, most notably by RAF74_Buzzsaw and RAF74_Taipan for operations in Smolensk, Okinawa and Normandy.

Of course, you can add your own. If you want to add a new temporary airbase, you need to go to FMB and place a temporary runway object on the map somewhere sensible on a flat piece of ground with clear approach and takeoff vectors. Create a flight with a landing point on the runway. Save the .mis file and open it in Notepad. You will see the runway object coordinates (RX,RY,RZ) and the landing point coordinates (LX,LY,LZ). Now, open the Airbases table of your campaign database and add a record for the new airbase. Use the landing coordinates for Landing_X, Landing_Y, and for the Takeoff_X, Takeoff_Y use the following:

Takeoff_X = LX + 2*(RX-LX)
Takeoff_Y = LY + 2*(RY-LY)

Pick a temporary Airbase_Type value for your airbase layout from the list of airbase layouts in the "SEOW Airbases 2.0" PDF file available at the download site, or make your own layout to suit your scenario.

Note that it is perfectly possible to add a new airbase to the Airbases table during a campaign as part of the scenario rules. For example, you might allow the Allies to build new airbases as they capture vital towns or supplies. If the Allies succeed in the capture, then the admin could add a new temporary airbase to the DB, and it would appear on the map.

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Post by Hitcher »

Thank you!
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Post by JG26_Badger »


I am getting an error message when builiding a mission using the temporary runways. It worked fine in SEDB32F, however in SEDB32G I get an error message
"bas MissionBuilder.subParkAircraft: 3021 Either BOF or EOF is True or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. Error:3021
Description : 3021 Either BOF or EOF is True or the current record has been deleted."

Using the AirbaseType from the temporary runways on Airbase layout pdf 2.0 version. Curious why is not working in the new version of the MP and databse.


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Post by PA-Dore »

Hello Badger,
Have you checked this point?
and checked that your #Temporary_Airbase_Layout exists in Airbases_Layout Table?
SEOW_Wiki: (Airbases_Layouts

Since this page was first written approximately 25 maps have been added to SEOW. That means many more airbases have been added plus many new airbase layouts (nearly 300 in total!!). Accordingly, we have had to revise airbase layout numbering. Previously normal airbase layouts were allocated numbers 1-99, temporary airbases 100-199 and seaplane bases 200+. From SEOW v3.2 onwards, the allocated ranges are: normal airbases 1-999, temporary airbases 1000-1999, seaplane bases 2000+. The general approach airbase layout design remains the same, as described in the PDF file in the above link, but please note that Airbase_Type numbering may have changed for airbases listed in the SEDB32 Airbases table. The Airbases table is the sole authoritative source for airbase layouts used at airfields in SEOW.
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