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Posted: Sun 18 Feb 2007 4:43 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bugpatch for DCS: the new version is SEDCS3.00(A5)

Changes include:

*) Improved handling of Factory names containing apostrophes. (RAF74_Taipan)
*) Improved handling of V-1 rocket placement, including nation-specific ancillary vehicles.
*) Improved handling of pilot status for multi-crewed aircraft under the "Enforce Landings" option.
*) Corrected display of "Pilot Loss Penalty" in options tab.
*) Improved detection of sank/crashed events.

This new version may introduce some accounting issues in the statistics - I am monitoring these as more detailed mission briefs become available through SE Xtreme. A corresponding stats release will be issued soon.

This version supersedes all previous "A"-series versions of DCS3, and is available from the usual place. Enjoy!


Posted: Sun 18 Feb 2007 5:10 am
by Ala13_Nachote

I see the release of new version SEDCS3.00(A5) , many thanks by the hard work :).

We are running campaigns in Crimea and Prokhorovka (testing) with enabled production in factorys ,in the last mission we raided several of them and hit them with sc500 and Fav250 bombs ( direct hits )and the buildings resulted totally destroyed, but after in the Seow map these factories are producing the same as before the attack. Still more, in the next mission we fly over these factories and they are as brand new! The setting are: Automatic Industrial Repairs=3h.

I dont know if this have been changed, but i remember some time ago , the Seow way for enable factorys were locate some vehicle inside them, but if i edit the missions in the test campaign - Prokhorovka- i dont see any vehicle.
Anyway the factories continue producing after his destruction.

By other hand, as test, we have a group of factories in Stariy Oskol South (K-8) circled by 4 AA guns in order to ocupate and "activate" them, but if i destroy all these AA, the Factories continue ocupate by the enemy and producing. I thought the factories stop his production if there is not ocupation forces in the established distance ( 3KM). Is it correct?


Posted: Sun 18 Feb 2007 6:27 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Nachote,

To make an industrial facility "live", you must first target the area. You can do this by making any flight do a ground attack on any specific factory or fuel dump in the same industrial area. In the target drop-down menu, you MUST select a specific installation; using "Local Search" is not good enough. Once a facility is targeted by one flight, ALL nearby facilities become live for the next mission. In-game, you will see a list of "Confirmed Target Installations" in the briefing screen. This is a list of all areas that contain live factory/fueldump targets for that mission. Note that siting rocket barrages also makes any factories/fueldumps within 10 km live targets as well. The mechanism for tracking facility destruction is the use of dummy target vehicles INSIDE each facility.

Using specific GATTACK targets or using rocket barrages are the ONLY ways to make factories live. The normal SEOW convention is that fueldumps containing 6 or more fuel tanks and factories with 3 or more chimneys are targetable. Smaller fueldumps and factories are not SEOW targets in most sectors.

So, even though you can blow up any building in a mission without targeting it as above, SEOW will not register it. Generally, you won't be credited with destroying a facility unless:
1/ It is part of a confirmed target installation for the mission
2/ You get a "Vehicle Destroyed" message when you hit it.

Factories will continue producing for one nation until they are captured by another nation. :)


Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007 4:00 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bugpatch for DCS: the new version is SEDCS3.00(A6)

Changes include:

*) Improved handling of .properties files: better string initializations.
*) Corrected XML config file structure, allowing web service scripting to work again.
*) Enhanced web service scripting support (102nd_HR_cmirko).
*) Corrected SQL in subInterrogateCapturedPilots (=69.GIAP=VLADI).

This version supersedes all previous "A"-series versions of DCS3, and is available from the usual place. Enjoy!

4Shades and Katana

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2007 9:51 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bugpatch for DCS: the new version is SEDCS3.00(A7)

Changes include:

*) Corrected waypoint counting error in modComplexGround (II/JG77Hawk_5)

This version supersedes all previous "A"-series versions of DCS3, and is available from the usual place. Enjoy!


Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2007 7:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bugpatch for DCS: the new version is SEDCS3.00( A8 )

Changes include:

*) Improved factory targeting logic (II/JG4_Ivank, II/JG77Hawk_5)

This version supersedes all previous "A"-series versions of DCS3, and is available from the usual place. Enjoy!

SEOW Developer

Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 8:50 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New Patch for DCS: the new version is SEDCS3.00( A11 )

Changes include:

*) Improved display of cycle times (e.g. the time taken to Analyze and Build)
*) Improved Web Script functions (thanks to 102nd_HR_cmirko and rnzoli who prompted this work to make SEOW interoperable with rnzoli's excellent DSC dynamic coop server software)
*) New option on Generate/Manage tab to turn off informational popup windows - used primarily for rnzoli's DSC, but anyone can use it! (102nd_HR_cmirko, rnzoli)
*) Corrected initialization of Rocket variables for repeated Build+Analyze cycles in the one DCS session.
*) Completely revised industrial targeting (II/JG4_Ivank, II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Added automatic Control Point identification in SEOW templates, using RacingPole objects (II/JG4_Ivank)

This version is compatible with previous 3.00A series DCS campaigns, apart from one important change. A new field has been added to the Campaign_Settings table. This field is called "Informational_Popups" and takes integer values 0 (no popups) or 1 (popups enabled). To get the current popup mode of the DCS, use Informational_Popups=1.

To use SEDCS3.00( A11 ) with current SEDB30a-based databases, you MUST add the new Informational_Popups field to the Campaign_Settings table of each database. This is a 2 minute job, and can be done mid-campaign. To repeat, you CAN switch from SEDCS3.00( A8 ) or later to SEDCS3.00( A11 ) in the middle of a campaign as long as you add the new Informational_Popups field to the Campaign_Settings table.

Once again, thanks to all who contributed ideas and reported bugs. Work continues on SEDCS3.1.0 which will contain all the 3.00 features plus supply tracking.


Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2007 10:16 am
by Hitcher
I have never added a column or field in a Navicat table and I am not having any luck trying to figure it out. Can you post info about how to do this, please?

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2007 4:57 pm
by Paddington
You can edit table structure by selecting table to edit and then klik desingtable. There you can add new line just like editing table data.

But in this case i'm not sure what is fields type. I did use integer but it did give me error message for that...

edit: now i du know why i did get the error.. My integer didn't have correct value.. But integer is correct.. it's in shades message..

sorry for my bad english... :?

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2007 5:49 pm
by Hitcher
Thanks for the help, Paddington!

Shades, I think I got it done on all of the databases on SE Xtreme. Please double check if you have time. It looked like you already added the field for Smolensk, so I tried to copy your work.

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2007 11:24 am
by Oscar
DCS 3.0 (A11) - "Informational_Popups" - Glad I read this - was getting all kinds of obscure messages.

Thanks 4Shades!

Just a thought - Might want to make a note in the Installation Instructions that the new DCS requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768. At lower resolutions, the right side of the tab area is off the screen. That, or the Databases window needs to resizable - left to right - so that the tab area can be brought on-screen.

Posted: Sun 27 May 2007 4:09 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
Hi guys,
While Tunis is ok, on Guadalcanal and IwoJima campaign based on downloaded template I have this problem on MP:
Accessing as Allied or Axis HQ, after choosing sector to edit, an error on map visualization occours. Screen stays gray with message " please wait...", but error message appears on bottom bar of the browser.
The same if one accesses as readonly.
Accessing as admin, system asks to me if I want to interrupt script: if I say No, regeneration seems correct and map appears.
Someone can help me, please?

SEDCS 3.00(A11)
Internet Explorer
Php 4.3.10
MySql 4.1.9

Posted: Sun 27 May 2007 6:31 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Gross,
it sounds like PHP may be timing out if there is a lot of activity in the campaign.
I had similar issues and made a change to the PHP ini file
I increased the execution time to 90secs. as per below from ini file.
max_execution_time = 90 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 90 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data

Sometimes it still takes a while but it does complete and reloads the page ok.

Are there a lot of missions in progress? That can cause the script message to appear. If so consider using the remove missions in progress button in DCS and see if that fixes it.


Posted: Mon 28 May 2007 4:52 am
by 22GCT_Gross
thank you very much. By inizializing IwoJima campaign some missiones are already in progress by default.
I'll try your suggest and report here.

Posted: Mon 28 May 2007 5:31 am
by 22GCT_Gross
I changed php.ini values, but no result.
Maybe too many missions scheduled or something wrong: I would have to erase every scheduled and check it out.
Anyway I had these messages.
row 277: string constant without termination
row 318: schedmission undefined
row 29: Nschedmission undefined
row 341: TURequest indefined

Try to enter Tunis by default access rights (no problem)
Try to enter Guadalcanal as AxisRanks-jap (problems)
Try to enter Guadalcanal as admin-guadalcanal (no problem) ... efault.php
