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Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2007 9:00 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Irpus,

Just for completeness, let me go back to square one. I usually use the following method to check PHP installation. I create a file called "info.php" and put it in the web server document root. The file contains the following text:

Code: Select all

I point my browser at the file, e.g., and make sure I see a long formatted screen of configuration info about my PHP install. Unless this works properly, I do not even start installing SEOW.

If it does work, it should be easy to get the MP working, i.e. 5 minute job. If in doubt about the DB connection settings, view the Script/MP-Connections.php file in Notepad - there are detailed instructions and examples contained inside.

From your previous message it seems as if you have got PHP working, so that really just leaves your DB connections as the main suspect. I am not sure that re-installing PHP will benefit.
Also I'm not able to modify DB path using the interface for admin
You should concentrate on this bug - why does this fail? Are you using an IE-compliant browser? Have you selected the "Access" DB type successfully?


Posted: Mon 24 Sep 2007 4:24 pm
by Irpus
Hi everyone,
after other attempts the situation is still the same : a blank page presented when I call the MP page in IE.
To answer to 4Shades :
- yes, the test with phpinfo works, so my PHP should work, too.
- I was able to insert the path of my DB using the admin page, correctingly selecting Access as DBMS
- I have set all permissions to scripts files and to DB file, I have set the session variables path and directory

Now I really have no clue. I'm thinking about using Apache as a web server, but I'm not sure it will help.
However, many thanks for your help.

Posted: Mon 24 Sep 2007 9:33 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Irpus,

I am sorry that you are having a hard time with this. Perhaps we could talk on TS about your issues. Just after lunch (your time) on Saturday I am likely to be on Xtreme TS, so we could have a chat about it.


Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2007 6:36 am
by ivanivanovic

my problem with init. camp is resolved, but I have problem with MP now.

Confin database is done! I chooce a Tunis but i dont have commnader name and password?

Can I find any default or I must define owen? Where?


Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2007 8:02 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
The usernames and passwords are kept in the PilotData table of the DB. By default, the administrator login is:

login name: admin
password: password

The MP DB configuration screen has default password "admin" (set in MP4/Scripts/MP-Configuration.php).

To flush your DB or advance the clock, the default password is "penguin" (in the DCS_Authorization table of the DB).


Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2007 4:21 am
by Irpus
Hi 4Shades,
I'm grateful for your kind offer. Unfortunately, this Saturday I will not be at home so I will not be able to join TS, but we could arrange for the next week, maybe same day, same time, if you agree.
In the meantime I will keep trying.
Thanks again!