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Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009 6:49 pm
by PA-Findo
grrrr :twisted: lol i hate you :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009 5:43 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Thanks 5, I always seem to forget that adjustment. It is really easy to do, just edit MP4/SOG/GS_SOG_Definitions.php and add definitions lines for the two sectors (with spaces removed from their names).

Too easy!! Done and fixed.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009 9:41 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades

A patch release is due very shortly. This patch will correct an intermittent bug with the MP Radar Screen, an annoying bug with the Radar Control host seat selection in the DCS, various minor errors in the DB loads. But, most excitingly, the patch will also include SEOW support for:

1. a new Central Med map (by Gross and Dax)
2. a new Midway Large map (by Charlie)
3. a new Korea map (by Dore)

Things are really moving fast!


Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2009 10:45 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Mising Corsair MkII loadouts:

Code: Select all

air.F4UCORSAIR2	2x154dt	2 x 154 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	1x178dt	1 x 174 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	1x178dt2x154dt	1 x 174 Gallon DT + 2 x 154 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	2x1541x178dt	2 x 154 Gallon Napalm + 1 x 174 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	1x5002x154dt	1 x 500 lb General Purpose Bomb + 2 x 154 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	2x500	2 x 500 lb General Purpose Bomb
air.F4UCORSAIR2	1x10002x154dt	1 x 1000 lb General Purpose Bomb + 154 Gallon DT
air.F4UCORSAIR2	2x1000	2 x 1000 lb General Purpose Bomb

Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2009 9:18 pm
by PA-Dore
Hello Shades ;-)

I'm checking the new KTO map (2 or 3 days it will be done), but I have some problems when I put in the template a F9F2 Panther (of course I am in 1950!)... No problem with all others planes. I have checked tables, F9F2 seems OK in object_specifications, object_costs and aircraftloadout tables.
If I replace the F9F2 by a F80 Shooting Star it runs well.

I cannot obtain the MP map where is the F9F2's airbase, all others sectors are OK. I have this message:

Message : ';' attendu
Ligne : 337
Caractère : 234
Code : 0
Message : 'SchedMission' est indéfini.
Ligne : 388
Caractère : 9
Code : 0
Message : 'NSchedMissions' est indéfini.
Ligne : 30
Caractère : 10
Code : 0
Message : 'TURequest' est indéfini.
Ligne : 412
Caractère : 9
Code : 0

--> New release Radar runs without problems ;-) but we have to take care not to create too large sector maps, because radar works correctly only if the whole map is in the screen. If it's too large, icons are not located at the right place, even when we refresh. You have explain in Seow Wiki that it would perhaps better to create a special radar map for each case (small maps, large maps...) ? I'll do that for KTO.

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009 3:39 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Dore,

Let me download your KTO stuff if it is ready. I am happy to debug the F9F2 problem. :)


Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009 3:57 am
by PA-Dore
Link sent by email with 2 templates

Thanks Shades ;-)

Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009 9:36 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
The error lies in the F9F2 loadouts defined in the Aircraft_Loadout table. The Description field contains a " character and a \ character for a couple of F9F2 loadouts. Remove these characters, and all works. :)


Posted: Mon 02 Nov 2009 11:22 am
by PA-Dore
Fine Shades, as usual you're the best unbugger chief!

Posted: Tue 03 Nov 2009 4:34 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Another bug came to light whilst I was working on Dores KTO additions. In his test template Dore was using the overstrength platoons available in HSfX4 for some tanks, e.g. there is a "10-T34_85" Chief object that as 10 separate moving tanks combined into the single Chief. This is diferent to the usual maximum 4 tanks per Chief.

SEOW DCS did not handle this as gracefully as it should have, so I have fixed it. This DCS release will constitute a DCS patch to be released with the "Korea", "Central Med" and "Midway Large" sectors recently contributed.


Posted: Sat 07 Nov 2009 8:19 am
by PA-Dore
P-47D-22.1x10002x500 1x1000lb.Bomb+2x500lb.Bombs

Posted: Sat 14 Nov 2009 9:06 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Medar let me know about a bug in the Airforce_Units table. The Country field "New Zealand" should be "NewZealand". The following SQL remedies this:

Code: Select all

UPDATE Airforce_Units SET Country='NewZealand' WHERE Country='New Zealand';
This problem has symptom that if a NZ air regiment is allocated for duties in your sector and you attempt to issue air reinforcements, then the MP sector map screens will not load correctly.

Thanks Medar!


Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2009 6:50 pm
by VF-51_Cobraj
Are the files all updated then with these changes from bug reports? Thank you. Starting a new DB just wanted to check.

Thank you!

Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2009 8:42 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Cobraj,

I am in between releases at the moment, so the SEDB32D database available for download does not have all the bug fixes listed in this thread.

The VB solution I gave you has also moved on since DCS v3.2.5 a little, as has the MP. I will give you a link to d/l a provisional SEDB32E Reference.


Posted: Sun 22 Nov 2009 6:09 am
by 102nd-YU-Devill
Hi all,
I am not sure if this is the right place or if it has been reported before, but the name for a unit "Autobelinda Scoutcar" is wrong, it should be "Autoblinda Scoutcar" without the "e".