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Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009 7:29 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Dore,

Hmm, the pink B-29 is meant to have a takeoff start, not an air start. I will investigate.


Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009 8:09 pm
by PA-Dore
It's more complex hum...
I guess it's not a bug from SEOW. B29 has a take off point but when I start mission it's in flight. Like if there is not enough place to park it on artificial airbase.

I had the same problem when I wanted take off B24 on the artificial airbases I have built in this campaign. (no problem for B25)

Planes 1
Skill 0
skin0 radar.bmp
Class air.RadarControlChainHome
Fuel 100
weapons None
TAKEOFF -40000.00 -40000.00 0 0 11_Static 0 &0
NORMFLY -30000.00 -40000.00 2500.00 250.00 &1
NORMFLY 460000.00 -40000.00 5500.00 350.00 &1
NORMFLY -40000.00 -40000.00 5500.00 350.00 &1
NORMFLY 460000.00 -40000.00 5500.00 350.00 &1
NORMFLY -40000.00 -40000.00 5500.00 350.00 &1


Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009 8:43 pm
by PA-Dore
See next post

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009 9:06 pm
by PA-Dore
No I found. It's perhaps accidental:

TAKEOFF -40000.00 -40000.00 0 0 11_Static 0 &0

I removed 11_Static 0 and it works well!

I will check it for next mission :wink:

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2009 5:25 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
SeDB32E - Mediterranean
the Industrial Installation table is empty.

Code: Select all

  `Event_Date` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Production_Points` int(11) DEFAULT '0'

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of Industrial_Installations
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `Mission_Recon`
-- ----------------------------

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2009 12:50 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Gross,

It was in in SEDB32C and SEDB32D as well. Has anyone ever contributed industrial installations for the Mediterranean sector? :shock:


Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2009 3:21 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
Me :D

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009 2:14 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Dore/4S,

In putting together a template on Channel 1940 map I found that airfields that are type 1475 in DB Airfields Layout table do not appear in MP ie. they have no airfield icon nor can aircraft be assigned to them.

These appear to be all the landing ground airbases in the map.

I can easily activate them individually by changing them to another type like 475 on a case by case basis but was this done deliberately to restrict airbase numbers on map?

Hawk 5

EDIT: All ok!! I turned on temporary airfields and they are all there and operational where needed.

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2009 8:12 am
by PA-Dore
II/JG77Hawk_5 wrote:Hi Dore/4S,
... but was this done deliberately to restrict airbase numbers on map?
EDIT: All ok!! I turned on temporary airfields and they are all there and operational where needed.
Nice! Yes that was the reason :wink: All 1xxx airbases_layouts are temporary airbases. As there are many airbases on this map you can remove temporary ones with turning off "enable temporary airbases"
You can also (as you did) change 1xxx to xxx in airbases table to change a temporary airbase into a normal airbase. This could be useful to create historic campaigns between 1940 to 1945 (Channel 1940 + 1942 maps).

Posted: Sun 03 Jan 2010 11:21 pm
by JG6_Express
I am running MP v4.618.
Today I noticed when creating waypoints and then trying to delete them, it wouldn't. The waypoints would just be reformed wherever I clicked on the map. Both commands to either delete last waypoint, or all waypoints would not work for me.
I realize you have not started a new thread for this version but I thought you might want to know what I found.

Posted: Sun 03 Jan 2010 11:47 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Express,

Just to make sure - what browser are you using? Does a page refresh fix the problem?


Posted: Mon 04 Jan 2010 8:05 am
by VT-51_Thud
JG6_Express wrote:.....I noticed when creating waypoints and then trying to delete them, it wouldn't. The waypoints would just be reformed wherever I clicked on the map.
I've always had that problem. My remedy is to have my pointer somewhere off the map grid before right-clicking on the mouse.

Posted: Mon 04 Jan 2010 4:20 pm
by JG6_Express
I am running internet exploer 8 and refresh doesn't fix it. Thud's remedy is the easiest solution.

Clock Advance

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2010 1:40 pm
by PA-Dore
Not a bug but perhaps to check?

One month ago, I had updated our campaign Slot, from SEDB32C to SEDB32E to get radar functions. Difficult to do (i.e create and check all ships damage status), but it works very well (6 missions without errors with new release)

Yesterday, I advanced clock. I had an error "Total damage = 0 or is not a value". (I checked several times: No errors in normal time advance, only when using clock advance)
I simply dissolved all destroyed units and now it works well.
SEOW Mission Planner v4.616
DCS v 3.27

Posted: Wed 24 Mar 2010 3:52 pm
by Ala13_Mdie
Hi all:

We've seen a small bug in SEDB. When setting the weapons loadout for the Typhoon, there was some mistake, because no loadout appears.

I've found that 'aircraftloadout/Obj_Long_Name' field shows 'air.TyphoonMkIb', while in 'object-specifications/Mobile' is 'air.TYPHOON1B'.

The same happens with TyphoonLate1B. It should be 'air.TYPHOON1BLate' instead of 'air.TyphhonMkIBLate'.


P.D: I haven't seen this as reported. If it's been :oops: , forget this post. :wink: