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Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2010 6:44 am
by No457_Squog
II/JG54_Emil wrote:yes, I ran it as admin
64bit or 32bit Windows 7?

Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2010 12:30 pm
by II/JG54_Emil
I use Win7 64bit btw., maybe that´s the reason why it won´t work.

Posted: Thu 23 Sep 2010 5:05 am
by PA-Dore
Special Note: If you choose to use the AutoUpdater, your MP will not work until SEDB32F has been released/installed
Of course! Sorry for my noobie question ;-)

Posted: Sat 02 Oct 2010 9:44 am
by 22GCT_Gross
My installation attempt was fault.
I pointed to a one above directory than MP4 (that is the localhost/SEOW/ for me), I didnt order the restart of the server, I confirmed the C:\Program Files\Apache2.2\htdocs\SEOW\ as directory where MP4 is, but at the end of installation I had this message:
Windows Script Host:
Script: C:\Program Files\Apache2.2\htdocs\SEOW\create.vbe
Line: 10
error: Invalid procedure call or argument
Code: 800A0005
Source: Microsoft VBScript rutime error

(I have a Windows 2003 Server standard edition)
(I have a MP4, MP4public, and other old MP4 dirs, as MP4-v4.671, MP4-v4.593 etc.)

Posted: Sat 02 Oct 2010 10:52 pm
by No457_Squog
I had a look at Gross' problem over a remote desktop/Teamviewer connection and the second time the installer ran it appeared to run normally. Very odd little glitch. I eagerly await news of anyone else having this same issue.

Posted: Sat 02 Oct 2010 11:04 pm
by No457_Squog
II/JG54_Emil wrote:I use Win7 64bit btw., maybe that´s the reason why it won´t work.
I'm not sure whether it will work on a 64bit installation. Is there an error code that it throws? or does it just stop progressing?

Posted: Sat 09 Oct 2010 7:15 am
by 22GCT_Gross
after your reinstallation, I launched the updater; it ran as before: uploading data. I leaved it run all night, but I saw no updating the day after.


Posted: Sat 09 Oct 2010 12:14 pm
by PA-Dore
Hello Squog,

I have a MP4public folder
When I run the SEOW AutoUpdate.exe I have this windows that remains 5 hours and more, nothing seems run...


When I delete (or rename) the MP4public/CVS folder:
Immediatly, Update runs and after 10 minutes it's done with this windows:


Is my Update correct?

Posted: Sat 09 Oct 2010 8:24 pm
by No457_Squog
Hey JP,

Yes - the bottom screen means that it has updated. Because there wasn't any CVS folder, it presumes that you have been naughty and putting files with exactly the same name (but different content) where it wants to work, so it "moves them out of the way" (deletes) them and downloads the newer version.

I need to look into why it is showing a blank screen when updating, it is obviously conflicting with the CVS folders spread throughout the MP installation.

Posted: Sun 17 Oct 2010 4:41 pm
by PA-Dore
Hello Squog,

I tried to upload the new MP v4.719 (with Pilot Roster) using SEOWAutoUpdate:

1st trial: The DOS windows stays inactive as in the first screenshot above
2nd trial: I delete the CVS folder, then all files appear as "in the way" and I got only 1 new file: /Scripts/MP-PilotRoster.php
3rd trial: I delete the scripts folder, then I got 3 new files MP-PilotRoster.php, MP-Misc.php, MP-ApplicationMetadata.php

It seems that my SEOWAutoUpdate download only if the file does not exist...

Posted: Fri 22 Oct 2010 1:12 pm
Hi Squog,

I am having trouble getting this auto-updater installed on Windows Server 2003. The installation appears to go well (installing as user 'root'), then tells me to reboot, but once that happens I have the full cvsnt directory but no shortcut on the desktop, so no way to start an update. Is there someplace else I could look for the update program so I could create a desktop link?

I have a fully populated MP4public. Just can't find how to start an update for it.

[edited to add]: Just tried this on my Windows XP box, with the same result. This probably means I am making the same mistake on each machine, although I *think* I am following the instructions to the letter. :)

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010 6:37 pm
by No457_Squog
Try it again, but this time don't restart ;)

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010 6:21 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Hi squog,
just a report;
I ran twice the updater on ITA-SEOW to update the MP to the 4.729.
First of all I had to delete the CVS folder to let the updater run;
New CVS folders apart, the newest files I find are updated at 2009/12/12, and the metadata file is still reporting the 4.274 version.
So I think the update was not succesfull, and I like to know if you can understand where I was wrong..

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011 5:29 am
by No457_Squog
Hey Diego,

I'm guessing this is on the new server, yes?

So - you copied the MP4Public v4.274 from the old server to the new one and ran the updater? In the black window was there a lot of "move file it is in the way" ?

If so, it means that it is complaining about files that are 'in the way' and it won't update them to a new standard. Contained within the CVS folders are the bits of information the updater needs to figure out which files it had downloaded previously.

My guess is that the updater doesn't like working on CVS folders from another PC, even if the folder structure is the same. It's a quirk in a program that was made over 10 years ago :oops:

My advice is to completely blast your MP4public folder and let the updater get the whole shebang to make it happy.

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011 6:11 am
by No457_Squog
I've updated the package:
v1.1 Changelog wrote:
  • Found & Included an updated version of CVSNT
  • Changed the way the installation process occurs
  • Added 'extra smartness' to the 'create.vbs' script (;))
  • Changed cvs command from "checkout" to "update"
  • Added in ignore commands for
    • MP-Connection.php
    • MP-Configuration.php