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Posted: Mon 28 May 2007 6:38 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Gross,
what I found in Guadalcanal was the Nationality defaults had been changed from Axis to Jap and Allied to USN.
This is not allowed in SE so changing them back to defaults appears to have fixed the problem. I was able to log in under all login names with no problem and faster load times.

There was also 36 missions in progress. Was this just initialized? This will create long load times.

Here are some recommendations:

Erase all missions in progress with DCS as soon as template is initialized so that commanders have a clean map (ie. no missions in progress) with all units awaiting commands.

Standard SE convention is to set limits on mission length, number of units moved, A/C etc in an effort to maintain playability in game and manageable in mission planner. Every refresh of the web page requires all relevant data from database to be reloaded as well.

Mission planners should create missions close to one hour in duration to avoid missions in progress issue once it is analyzed. The mission duration defaults can be changed but 1 hour is default.


Posted: Mon 28 May 2007 7:17 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Hi Hawk,
I erased every scheduled missions and now it's all ok.

I only inizialized campaign loading the guadalcanal template available on seow/, nothing more. No editing on MP has been made.
Scheduled missions were generated by template.

Axis are japs and Allied are americans as well, only color icons on MP are inverted. I don't know why and how to recover it. Maybe have I to edit template by FMB changing arming attribute objects one by one?

How can I set a different mission duration?


Guadalcanal is right.
Not so for iwoJima......
I flushed iwoJima db, then reinizialized campaing loading standard template (Sands o iwojima 44), I erased every mission scheduled;
try to enter by standard access rights please, and say what you find.
Thank you

(our on line HQ at


Posted: Tue 29 May 2007 1:44 am
by Goanna
Hi Gross,
I logged on to your site and it is as you say, all fine when logged in as admin but nothing when logged in as either allied or axis commander. I don't have any solutions for you although I did notice that you are using version 4.285 of the MP. The most up to date version is 4.288. Maybe you could install that version and see if you still have the same problems.



Posted: Tue 29 May 2007 5:20 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Hi Gross,
I have now fixed Iwo Jima the same way as I fixed Guadalcanal.

Should be ok now.


Posted: Tue 29 May 2007 8:08 am
by 22GCT_Gross
Everything is good now.
Kisses 8)

Posted: Wed 04 Jul 2007 6:51 pm
by RAF74_Buzzsaw
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:New Patch for DCS:

the new version is This version is compatible with previous 3.00A series DCS campaigns, apart from one important change. A new field has been added to the Campaign_Settings table. This field is called "Informational_Popups" and takes integer values 0 (no popups) or 1 (popups enabled). To get the current popup mode of the DCS, use Informational_Popups=1.

To use SEDCS3.00( A11 ) with current SEDB30a-based databases, you MUST add the new Informational_Popups field to the Campaign_Settings table of each database. This is a 2 minute job, and can be done mid-campaign. To repeat, you CAN switch from SEDCS3.00( A8 ) or later to SEDCS3.00( A11 ) in the middle of a campaign as long as you add the new Informational_Popups field to the Campaign_Settings table.

I have tried to add a new field, but with no success.

Can someone run through exactly what is required to add the 'Informational_Popups field to the Campaign settings?

I am assuming we need to add this field to the Campaign_Settings table of each of the campaigns?

Thanks RAF74_Buzzsaw

Posted: Wed 04 Jul 2007 10:01 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Buzz,

Sorry, I've been busy. Using Navicat, open your database, left click ONCE on the Campaign_Settings table. Select "Design Table" from menu choices above (I forget where). This will open a window showing the definitions of each field (column) in the table. Add a new field called "Informational_Popups" of type "int". Save the changes. Then double-click the Campaign_Settings table, scroll to the right and add a value (either 0 or 1) in the "Informational_Popups" column. Click in another column (this saves your new value) and then close the table. All done!

This needs to be done for every DB you are using.


Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2007 1:11 am
by RAF74_Buzzsaw
Thanks Shades

Bug Report: Merger Tool bug for carrier operations

Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2007 10:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Everyone,

It has been a while since we had a look at the Merger Tool incorporated in MP4. RAF74_Buzzsaw has just reported a bug in the Merger Tool when merging template halves involving carrier-based flights. Essentially the Merger Tool works by renaming all Chiefs and Stationaries in the second half-mission to avoid naming conflicts with Chiefs and Stationaries in the first half-mission. Unfortunately, the naming transformation does not properly extend to "set" landing targets for flights in the second half-mission. Hopefully we can issue a patch for this soon.

Thanks Buzz!


Okinawa Split

Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2007 10:19 pm
by eaf92_brigstock
I just downloaded Katana Split v2 and promptly ran into an error loading the Okinawa.sql. I found an extra field in Highway_Intersections table called "ID"

insert into Highway_Intersections (`ID`,`Map`,`Intersection_X_Axis`,`Intersection_Y_Axis`,`Route`,`Waypoint_Number`) values
(7005, 'Okinawa', '104500', '17100', '9013', '103'),
Sorry if it's a known, I've been off the radar for a while and ain't up to speed yet

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2007 9:11 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Brigstock,

Definitely a "known". If you really want Okinawa, let me know and I will send you a corrected SPLIT sql file.

New release imminent though.


Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2007 11:44 am
by eaf92_brigstock
Our next Campaign is a BPF Okinawa adventure so it is really needed. I removed the ID field and data from the Okinawa split.sql and it loaded OK. Unless there is something else we will probably be OK.

However "imminent release" has pricked my ears up. Are we talking an across the board SE update, new Maps etc. :)

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2007 9:16 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes. New features include Berlin, Kyushu, North Sea, Italy maps, plus a whole new "Supply Tracking" system where fuel is limited for all units and must be supplied regularly using air drops, sea convoys and ground transportation. :)

Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2007 6:02 am
by eaf92_brigstock
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Yes. New features include Berlin, Kyushu, North Sea, Italy maps, plus a whole new "Supply Tracking" system where fuel is limited for all units and must be supplied regularly using air drops, sea convoys and ground transportation. :)
I like the sound of that :D
We've played out campaigns in the past where fuel supplies were targetted as a win objectives, but to actually have them in a campaign as dynamic objects.....I'm not often given to using haxxor talk...but here goes..... WOOT! :D

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2008 3:44 pm
by BBloke
I hope this is the right place to post this here.

I have the following errors as posted on Page 2 at the bottom:
row 277: string constant without termination
row 318: schedmission undefined
row 29: Nschedmission undefined
row 341: TURequest indefined

I have seen some where else that it could be down to a rogue character so I checked the pilot reports. I've updated the MP4 to the current version and this is where the problem is coming from.

I hvae tried using the earlier release 4.373 and it brings up the whole map etc.

Have I done something wrong?