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Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2007 7:02 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Gross,

Very observant! There are some changes in the new stats engine. First, the Gross Score has been changed to include KIA/MIA penalties. Second, the point scores for destroyed vehicles inside combined units, e.g. vehicle columns, now awards points on an individual basis. That is, before you would get the whole column point tally for each vehicle killed in the column. Now you get a reduced score for each vehicle, so that only if you kill ALL vehicles in the column, will you get the full column point score to your credit.

As an example, consider Pilot A attacking an enemy transport column of type "RussiaCarsColumnB". This column contains 10 vehicles in normal configuration and is worth, say 20 points. Pilot A strafes the column, destroying 3 vehicles.

In the old stats, Pilot A would be awarded 3 kills at 20 points each, a total of 60 points.

In the new stats, the awards are calculated using the average point tally per vehicle, 20 points divided by 10 vehicles = 2 points per vehicle. Pilot A would be awarded 3 kills at 2 points each = 6 points. Makes more sense, Pilot A has destroyed 30% of the column so should get 30% of the column value to his credit.

Regardless of the stats versions, once hit the column is deemed to be sufficiently disrupted to have been eliminated as a viable combat/transport unit.


PS: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2007 1:35 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
very well,
I was worried that I had ruined your code :roll:
I agree with new features
tnxs again for your job

Always hoping to have a sorting feature in the future :wink:


It woud be nice to print a new column in the cumulative pilot stat with current pilot status (Alive - Captured - KIA etc.)