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Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010 9:18 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
With the improved road networks recently submitted by Hawk5 and Dore, the earlier "bad networks" listing now looks like:



Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010 10:52 am
by PA-Dore
I will try to generate a test mission using different options...

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010 10:59 am
by PA-Dore
For our next squad campaign, I'm building a partial map of Mediterranean map called "Italy-Greece", so, I will recapture roads for the whole sector.

Posted: Mon 18 Oct 2010 8:10 am
by PA-Dore
New Mediterranean Highways and Highway_Intersections tables
--> Some new missing roads (e.g.Anzio)
--> No bad intersections

The same sector without Africa roads:
Italy_Greece_Highways and Highway_Intersections tables

For the Italy_Greece sector - admin - password or for Mediterranean sector with "relaxed/normal/strict" ground movement in Europe and free in Africa.

Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010 6:21 am
by PA-Dore
We know this bug from a long time ago: When we have many supply drops after several missions, sometimes we cannot toggle Supply Drops/Supply Points without a page error.

Shades: In the Supply_Drops table, I had several drops with a negative Supply_Name. I guess they are old supplies (by using freight function)? If I delete them, I have no more page error. Is it correct?

Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010 9:24 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Dore,

Supply drops with negative values indicate propaganda drops. Maybe you can send me your Supply_Drops table and I can check it out.


Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010 12:43 pm
by PA-Dore
Here is my Original Supply_Drops table

There are 8 negative values, the #-22 (dropped during the last mission) is the only one Propaganda Drop that appears on the map.
--> If I delete all the 7 others negative values records (I keep the #-22) all works well

Posted: Wed 20 Oct 2010 9:21 am
by PA-Dore
About bad Railway_Intersections tables:

I tried several solutions around a Slovenia example:

On many short rail sections, we get only 2 WP from FMB like here near Karlovac:


I tried to add 1 WP in the middle ==> Bad result:


But with 2 others more (5 WP) it works perfectly (here and in all others locations where there were only 2 WP):


Here are Slovenia Railways without errors

--> It's a great work to modify manually, it would be fine to extract (SQL request) all 2-WP-Railways and calculate 3 others WP to add....

Posted: Wed 20 Oct 2010 10:47 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Very interesting! Dore, if you can be sure that this method works in other rail locations, then it should be easy for me to generate. I just need to know that in every other respect the rail routes are correct (no overlapping routes etc).


Posted: Wed 20 Oct 2010 3:31 pm
by PA-Dore
I'm quite sure that this method works perfectly.
I detail what I did:
In Slovenia map (your post above) we have 3 bad rail intersections. Locations are:
- Ljubljana
- Zagreb
- Karlovac
With the actual database (only 2 WP in these 3 locations), it's quite impossible to cross these locations with good results: false virtual WP, some trains stop everywhere, some trains go forward then reward...

Then I added 1 third WP: result was better but not correct in the 3 locations

Then I added 2 more WP (5 WP): Trains crossed these locations without errors.
You can see these screenshots with my orders when mission was analyzed (time of mission/flight = 2H00). Trains are exactly where they were ordered except collisions ;-)
Zagreb & Karlovac

"I just need to know that in every other respect the rail routes are correct (no overlapping routes "
If we add 3 WP to all 2WP-segment, then bad intersections will be only real bad intersections (overlapping routes). I guess that the number will decrease a lot, specially for trains.

Posted: Wed 20 Oct 2010 5:24 pm
by PA-Dore
Same work for Kuban Railways:

- 5 bad intersections ==> 3 locations indeed ( G16, O13, S15)
very bad results crossing these locations

- Added 3 WP (total=5) to these 5 railways sections ==> very good results but not perfect: 1/8 trains has a wrong traject

- Search: SELECT * FROM Railway_Intersections WHERE Waypoint_Number=3 ORDER BY Map; ==> o found

- Search: SELECT * FROM Railway_Intersections WHERE Waypoint_Number=4 ORDER BY Map; ==> 5 records. Then added 1 WP to these railways sections (total = 5 WP) ==> perfect result 8/8 trains reach the exact ordered destination.
Now, all railways sections >= 5 WP and only one ordered WP is needed even when there are many intersections:

Image Image Image

Kuban Railways without errors

Posted: Thu 21 Oct 2010 8:50 am
by PA-Dore
Trains orders only:

With new Railways_Waypoints table (each section more or equal to 5WP):
- When only one final WP is ordered in the MP, the result is excellent in FMB: WP#0 (departure) and WP#1 (final location)
- When 2 or more WP are ordered in the MP, the result is excellent but 3 or more WP are drawn is the FMB. It's not necessary and not logic with trains in FMB (only 2 WP)

Now, I will ordered only 1 destination WP for trains in our future campaigns.

In this case:

only 1 WP was ordered ==> the train begin to use the 1st north section, according with the final direction then go to his right destination point. To avoid this, just put a other WP on the west route, then the train will follow the west route without have a bend to the north (checked)

Posted: Thu 21 Oct 2010 12:27 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Great work Dore!!

Posted: Fri 22 Oct 2010 5:50 am
by PA-Dore
[EDIT 31/10/2010] This work is in progress. With help of Shades, I begin to understand how to remove all bad intersections (Highways and Railways). Bad intersections are not only on WP#2:
If a route has n WP, we have bad intersections when:
- WP-intersections on WP#2, 3, 4....
- WP-intersections on WP#(n-1), (n-2), (n-3)...
So we have to find all bad records where:
1 < WP-Intersections < n

I created a special TOPIC for this.

New Highways: (In progress) ==> no intersection <= WP#5 and number WP/route >4
Balaton Highways
Bay of Biscay Highways
Channel 1940 Highways
Channel 1942 Highways
France Highways
Mediterranean Highways
Italy_Greece_Highways (European part of Mediterranean Map)
Manchuria Highways (Hawk_5 ==>no intersection <= WP#3)
Moscow Highways (Hawk_5 ==> no intersection <= WP#3)
Smolensk Highways

New Railways: (In progress) ==> no intersection <= WP#5 and number WP/route >4

Balaton Railways
Berlin Railways
Channel 1940 Railways
Channel 1942 Railways
Crimea Railways
EnglishChannel Railways
France Railways
Gothic_Line Railways
Gulf_of_Finland Railways
Kiev_AP Railways
Kuban Railways
Lvov Railways
Malta Railways
Manchuria Railways
Moscow Railways
Normandy Railways
Ostfriesland Railways
Slovenia Railways
Smolensk Railways


--> Overlap in CentralMed and Slovakia Railways: Need to be captured again.
--> Channel was the "ultimate test"(great density of railways): Results were perfect in London (SEE)

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010 7:22 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
PA_Dore wrote:
When we have many supply drops after several missions, sometimes we cannot toggle Supply Drops/Supply Points without a page error.
Thanks Dore, I have located this bug and fixed it.
