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Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2007 10:41 am
by EJGr.Ost_Chamel
I found a small bug in the names of MP files. In the "North Sea" folder the intel script is named "NorthSea-Intel.php" with an uppercase "I". Therefore the NorthSea-sector does not work on Linux machines (which are casesensitive - unlike Windows).

If anyone has this problem - renaming the file to "NorthSea-intel.php" solves it.



Posted: Sun 14 Oct 2007 6:27 pm
by Kapt
A problem with airfields in dispute. The axis searchlights are re-spawning in and allied artillery are shooting them out again. Problem is other allied are getting collateral damage from friendly fire.


Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 1:01 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Kapt,


Normally SEOW just spawns searchlights at airbases as required at night time or in bad weather, with nationalities identical to the controlling side. But some people place searchlights in the template, which SEOW regards as scenery objects. All scenery objects are written to each mission file without interpretation.

I'm not sure, but perhaps you have here a case where the red side has captured a formerly blue base, and the scenery searchlights are being inserted each time as blue searchlights.

Anyway, the message is that scenery objects can be inserted and deleted from each mission file as the admin sees fit. SEOW updates the scenery objects list at each Analyze cycle. If you take them out before you fly the mission, then upon the next Analyze SEOW will update the scenery objects list accordingly and they will never appear again.


Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 1:47 am
by Kapt
Thank you for your reply. 8)

I took a look at the original template and no searchlights. But weather conditions have been poor during both missions that this has occurred. Mission times were 9am then 10am.
I will do as you suggested and remove from build before flying the mission.

Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 2:21 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
That's not exactly what I suggested. From your response it seems that the base is still blue-controlled and the weather is bad enough for blue searchlights to be auto-generated (but not as "scenery objects"). Anyway, deleting them from the mission file won't hurt your campaign.

However, if you control the airbase (turn it red), then the searchlights will generated as red. One way to look at the issue of aircraft destruction happening at the moment is that there are still enemies around causing mischief until you can get a large enough ground force in the vicinity to mop up.


Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2007 2:54 am
by Kapt
At the completion of our last mission it was fully changed into Allied control. The next build will answer that question.

Update edit: The base has been completely over run and searchlights have not changed over.

modUtilities.intTileCoord: no tile code for coord -x

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2007 6:59 pm
by EJGr.Ost_Chamel
I think I found a small and uncritical bug.
When a plane crashes at a place with a negative coordinate (x- or y-coordinate, doesn't matter), when analyzing the mission the dcs produces a "Scorched Earth DCS Alert" saying "modUtilities.intTileCoord: no tile code for coord -x". The campaign keeps running without any problem, but the alert is irritating for new and unexperienced players.
So if this is easy to fix, it might be worth the effort. If not ... I can live with it. ;)



Posted: Thu 18 Oct 2007 8:41 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Kapt,

Thanks for the report. I have never seen this bug before, so I will check it out.


Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2007 8:48 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
A new bug reported by =69.GIAP=VLADI:

Bridge 76 is missing in the Crimea DB, in grid AJ-7. Thankfully VLADI sent me a logfile showing a destruction event for the bridge, which made it easy for me to capture the following data:

Map Obj_Construction Obj_Name Damage_Name Obj_State Obj_Type Length X_Axis Y_Axis
Crimea Wooden 76 c1 0 Road Bridge 283 91200 63200

This is a new data record to be added to the Bridges table of SEDB.


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008 9:31 am
by 242Sqn_Chap
You probably are aware of this one already as its fairly noticable, but just in case you don't:-

In the MP settings, the initial starting intel % for Axis & Allies are displayed the opposite way around to in the DB and SEOW controller.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008 9:55 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Ah, well spotted!


Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008 11:02 am
by BS8th_Bulau
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:A new bug reported by =69.GIAP=VLADI:

Bridge 76 is missing in the Crimea DB, in grid AJ-7. Thankfully VLADI sent me a logfile showing a destruction event for the bridge, which made it easy for me to capture the following data:

Map Obj_Construction Obj_Name Damage_Name Obj_State Obj_Type Length X_Axis Y_Axis
Crimea Wooden 76 c1 0 Road Bridge 283 91200 63200

This is a new data record to be added to the Bridges table of SEDB.

I noticed a couple of bridges missing on the Ostfriesland map, in G5, Northwest corner, there is a road bridge and rail bridge side by side, which don't show up in the Mission Planner. We are using out-of-date versions of everything, so this might have been corrected since. We are planning to update, so I will check it again after that.

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2008 9:06 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, correct. The new Bridges table records for Ostfriesland are:
Ostfriesland Metal 19 j 0 Railway Bridge 600 60800 49900
Ostfriesland Metal 32 w 0 Road Bridge 400 60500 49700
This necessitates a change to the corresponding Highway Route 7105 for Ostfriesland. The route needs 4 new waypoints inserted, so the last 5 waypoints of that route in the Highways table now read:
7105 60100 49700 20 24 Ostfriesland
7105 60300 49700 -33 25 Ostfriesland
7105 60700 49700 -33 26 Ostfriesland
7105 60900 49700 20 27 Ostfriesland
7105 61200 49700 20 28 Ostfriesland
And, lastly, the Highway_Intersections table needs a single adjustment:
Ostfriesland 61200 49700 7105 28
Here the last value "28" replaces the old value of "24".

I will release a modified Lite SQL DB for Ostfriesland soon.

Many thanks Bulau!


Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 5:08 am
by PA-Dore
Is there some problem to use together?
- Scorched Earth Mission Planner v4.389
- SEDCS v 3.1.7
- SEOW Statistics Tool v1.93

(The latest are:
SEDCS3.1.7 (Aces)
MP4-v4.405 (Aces)
Statistics v1.93 (Aces)

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 6:59 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I would strongly recommend against using MP v3.389 with later DCS as the DCS will offer options that the MP does not support. Of course, you cannot use DCS 3.1.7 wiith any DB older than SEDB31Aces. So if you are going to use SEDB31Aces and DCS 3.1.7, then you ought to just upgrade MP too. :)
