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Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 7:08 am
by PA-Dore
Thanks for your answer, it's clear ;-)

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2008 6:31 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Everyone,

I finally found the cause of Kapt's problem with the searchlights. :oops: Sorry it took so long Kapt, but is fixed as of SEDCSv3.1.9.


Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2008 5:12 pm
by PA-Dore
We have a Ostfreiland campaign in progress with SEDECS v3.17. No problem to admin it with v3.19 or must keep v3.17???

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2008 8:12 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Dore,

You should be able to move from v3.1.7 to v3.1.9 without any problems. Just make sure you remove any unwanted searchlights from your Scenery_Stationaries table.


Posted: Thu 03 Apr 2008 1:32 pm
by Grifo_rott
Hi all,

I am new here :) How are you all doing?

I found out about SE a few days ago and got really interested but, for some reason, I still am not able to fly any missions. The idea is to have have my squadron and perhaps in the future a Brazilian SE central running from it :)

I have downloaded many different mission templates (probably all of them), campaign templates and even created a very simple one with the Ardennes map, all to no avail. Once I initialize the campaign, it keeps telling me it cannot find any airfields to place the flights like it can't take ownership of them or something. I have then tried hosting a mission just for the troops to move around but still, the next build I had the same problem even though the airfields are well behind the front lines.

I have been trying to tweak it for about 14 hours now (12 yesterday and another 2 today) without any success. Everything seems to work fine except for the stats that I believe I read requires PHP5 which unfortunately my server will not have anytime soon :( I get this error when I try to go into the stats page:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_string() in /home/SEOW/public_html/Statistics/stats_functions.php on line 267

Is there any way to make it run on PHP 4.4.4 and MySQL 4.0.27?

Here is what I am running:
SEDB31 Aces on Linux i386
SEDCS v3.1.13 (but icon on desktop says 3.1.12 for some reason) on Windows XP Pro
MP v4.405 on Linux i386
MP Statistics v1.94 on Linux i386

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu 03 Apr 2008 8:00 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Rott,


First things first. Make sure you have installed the following libraries on the machine you will use to run SEDCS:

1. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
2. MyODBC 3.51.11 or later

If you aren't running these, SEOW will not work properly.

Next, with old-fashioned MySQL servers, e.g. MySQL 4.0.x, it is not always the case that they support InnoDB table engines, which SEOW makes extensive use of. You might want to check what table engines your server supports - perhaps it will be ISAM (pre-Jurassic technology).

Next, your error report does not make the exact symptom clear. You say:
Once I initialize the campaign, it keeps telling me it cannot find any airfields to place the flights like it can't take ownership of them or something. I have then tried hosting a mission just for the troops to move around but still, the next build I had the same problem even though the airfields are well behind the front lines.
Do you mean that as you are initializing, the DCS gives errors about not being able to find airfields? If this is what you mean, then I would immediately suspect that you are trying to run campaigns for sectors that are not represented in your DB. Which sector databases have you loaded? Perhaps you are trying to run a Malta campaign in a Moscow DB?

Maybe this information will give you a lead - please post back here with your progress.


Posted: Sat 05 Apr 2008 5:26 pm
by Grifo_rott
Oh you nailed it on the map thing. I thought I had to load ALL the .sql into the database... now I installed only the Ardennes .sql with an Ardennes mission and it all works like a charm :)

I had to remove the "default=latin1" from the SQL statement for MySQL 4.0.27 to be able to import it but it works fine and in InnoDB format.

The only thing that still doesn't work is the statistics :( There is that call to that function and I read it is a PHP5-only function. Do you know any work around that I could use?

Thanks mate! And congratulations on your work. It is outstanding!

Posted: Sat 05 Apr 2008 8:19 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I emailed you a copy of the the last Statistics version prior to the PHP5 language packs were added. Hopefully this will give you something to look at, although it is old and likely has some buggy calculations.


Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008 1:32 pm
by Grifo_rott
The stats even if they have any bugs are working great mate, thank you so much.

I am starting to hate that "40mm Bofors UK" though: the thingie decimated like 4 tanks, 3 hanomags, a howitzers and a supply truck in a single mission! LOL

That ack thinks it is an artillery piece and is doing better than the german artillery! :P

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008 8:58 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, we all learn very quickly that emplaced AAA guns are very difficult targets to attack. :)


Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 12:35 pm
by esmiol
just to tell a little bug.

i don't think it had been notice .

I have a sector operation with the ardenne and normandy map.

When i use the HQ management to transfer planes from ardenne to normandy or from normandy to ardenne. the planes are add correctly to the destination but they are not delete from the sources.

if i have 4 hurricane in ardenne....i ask to tranfer it from ardenne to normandy.... then i have four hurri on normandy and four hurri on ardenne.

well...excuse me if this bug has already been report.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008 9:28 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi esmiol,

you are right. I have a patch for this, but have not released it yet. I may issue an update patch this weekend. I have also patched the Merger Tool to handle rockets correctly.


Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008 5:29 am
by esmiol

thanks usually...good works!

well i'm going to put another candle in your name int the church of my new culte the shadesism :D

ok i :arrow:


Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008 5:11 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
We found an error on loading a mission where a U4 Nose Mk 108 loadout type was assigned to 109G6.
This is the mis created by SEDCS

Code: Select all

  Planes 4
  Skill 2
  Class air.BF_109G6
  Fuel 100
  weapons U4
Il2 did not recognize the "U4" loadout type

This is the mis created by FMB with "U4" loadout type on 109G6:

Code: Select all

  Planes 1
  Skill 1
  Class air.BF_109G6
  Fuel 100
  weapons U3-MK108
Maybe something to adjust into SEDCS building routine.

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008 9:14 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Gross,

All loadouts are programmable. Just edit the Aircraft_Loadouts table, correcting the list of loadouts available for BF_109G6.
