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Recon Questions

Posted: Fri 25 May 2007 5:39 am
by II/JG7_Warg
I guess this might be a question for you 4Shades.

I'm about to finalise an SE template titled ?The Yank He Cometh?. It's a late 1943 8th Air force v Luftflotte 3 scenario on the Normandy map. Designed around the Commanders Edition campaign format (see my earlier post on SE Extreme Development forum). Is mainly flyable fighters and light bombers with AI American heavies going after industrial targets. No land battle going on, just AAA. Anyway, I just need to clear up a couple of things before finishing the thing off.

While I realise that factory locations are always visible on the map, I'd like to confirm if their ?status?, i.e. if ?functional or destroyed?, are also disclosed with zero intelligence. If yes, would it be possible to hide this information, along with what the factory is producing and only reveal it upon a successful reconnaissance of the target? Regardless of this, would a successful reconnaissance of a factory, improve the accuracy of AI bombers sent to destroy it?

Whilst on the subject, can the number of photographs taken by a reconnaissance aircraft be adjusted for a particular scenario? I'll include this in my template notes anyway. For this template, only the Americans have recon aircraft. These will be the F-3, F-5B and F-6C, which are variants of the A-20, P-38J and P-51B.

These are:
F-6C (P-51B) unarmed single seater, with 2 x cameras = 2 shots
F-5B(P-38L) unarmed single seater, with 4 x cameras = 4 shots
F-3 (A-20C) default armed, multicrewed, bomb bay full of cameras = 10 shots.

Apart from adding the recon flights, everything is ready to go.

Hope your having a good holiday break and I'll catch up with you later on.

Regards, Warg

Posted: Sat 26 May 2007 5:13 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Can't remember what the default (recon=0) info for an enemy installation is. Hawk_5 or Brandle, etc will be able to check it out and report.

Recon photo capacities per aircraft type are adjustable by simple DB edit.

See ya Warg,