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Stalingrad Summer to Stalingrad Winter

Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013 1:34 pm
by gec100
Hi all.

we have done one part of our Stalingrad campaign and would need to transfer the situation to the Stalingrad winter map.

is there any good howto for doing that?

tried initializing winter map with last played mission but that's a no go cause the number of unit's get's tripled.

any thoughts?


Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013 3:52 pm
by gec100
i know that Stalingrad Winter needs a new database.

And i've made a new one and syncronized importnant tables (like Settings, Object_Specification, Object_Costs, ...)

i would initialize everything on a new sdcs and MP.

my thinking was just to initialize the campaign with the last played mission, but then i'd get all units tripled.

Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013 10:59 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Turn off "Load Units at Full Strength" first, I guess.

But it may be best to copy the DB and do a global change of "Stalingrad" to "Stalingrad Winter" in the campaign-active tables.


Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013 2:18 am
by gec100
I can turn off "Load all Ground/see Units with Maximum Strength". But this setting is in the Campaign Modes tab that is marked as "Set these options before starting each new campaign and leave them unchanged for the duration".

If i change id for the initialization, will it work if i change it back after initialization?
But it may be best to copy the DB and do a global change of "Stalingrad" to "Stalingrad Winter" in the campaign-active tables.
hmm, .... so basically what you say is to change all the Stalingrad entries in the database with the Stalingrad Winter? There are two values where that name shows. Sector and Map are both Stalingrad Winter?

on a side note, this situation is basically a multisector SEOW. Although the map is the same with just a season change, For SEOW this is like a new sector. I know i'm not the first one doing a multisector. so how did the others combine sectors?

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013 2:51 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
It is not really a multisector in the normal sense. Typically multsectors have 2 or more maps being run concurrently in different geographical locations. In your case you wish to substitute one map by another version of the same location, whilst retaining the order of battle in place. That means that you need to change your DB so that it looks like Stalingrad Winter - in all the tables etc. And you need to tell the MP that it should be using the Stalingrad Winter map set rather than the Stalingrad map set. Not hard, may take an hour if you know your SQL commands!
If i change id for the initialization, will it work if i change it back after initialization?
Should do, yes.
so basically what you say is to change all the Stalingrad entries in the database with the Stalingrad Winter? There are two values where that name shows. Sector and Map are both Stalingrad Winter?
Yes. It may be easier to load a Stalingrad Winter DB from scratch, and copy campaign data tables from the Stalingrad database into it, changing "Stalingrad" to "Stalingrad Winter" for the tables.

You will need to consider preserving your Army_Units, Airforce_Units definitions, Airbases, Bridges, Combined_Unit_Status, Combined_Unit_Losses, MissionData, ObjMissionData, Pilot_Recon_Reports, Demolitions, PilotMissionData, Sector_Weather etc etc. I haven't listed them all here!