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Regarding AA weapons...?

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013 9:09 am
by Kopfdorfer
I believe I read a thread discussing this previously , but I don't recall the reply. In any event the answer may have changed since the query was originally posted.
-Are AA weapons in the game able to target ground/sea targets as well as aircraft ?
-Is there an adjustable slider in the SEOW planner to reflect national doctrinal use of such weapons (as far as I know , the greatest proponents of this doctrinal flexibility were the Germans , and a slider for the % likelihood that a given unit would alter its targeting choices based upon opportunity could then be adjustable - so that the German inclination to do so would likely be higher in early war years , and the advantage gap would close somewhat for later war years).

Apologies for possibly repeating a well thrashed out topic.


Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013 12:51 pm
by 22GCT_Gross
Seow talks to IL2 by the .mis file and IL2 feeds back Seow by eventlog.
Actually I dont think IL2 allows some AI AntiAircraft parameter to be set in the mission file.

You could edit the technics.ini to customize the behaviour of the ground AI objects (see technics processor tools under "tools" MP menu or, save and replace your factory IL2 technics.ini file.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2013 3:28 am
by Zoi
I'm not sure that AA firing on ground forces is a problem. Think German 88mm flak guns famous versatility. There are many other examples of AA having a significant effect on ground forces but you get the idea.

The problem is that AA is often too effective against ground targets and the adjustments needed to make it less effective against ground forces may make it ineffective against planes. One solution I have used is to place it inside barriers that only allow it too shoot at ground forces at limited angles and told the commanders not to move it. Really this is a hard nut to crack in my opinion.