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Milne Bay - IL2 Movie

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007 11:02 am
by EAF602_Joe90
The European Air Force has had great fun flying Scorched Earth Campaigns, and I wanted to make a movie as a memento.

The Milne Bay campaign template by Cheech was flown by my squadron, 602, along with 19 squadron, and against our fellow Italians in 51 Stormo.

The campaign was based on the actual events of the Battle of Milne Bay. I re-created and dramatised the actual missions flown in the online version. I wanted to try and show the immersion in commanding ground forces and providing air support.

Historically, this was Japan's first major defeat of the War. They failed to capture the airfield in Milne Bay and had to withdraw.

Would the online battle have the same result? Watch and see:

Download from M4T

Mirrored on Filefront

Comments are welcome.

You will need the Xvid or DivX codec.
Comments are welcome.

Posted: Wed 30 May 2007 8:18 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Great movie Joe!

The use of historical pics and storyline was very nice.
The moment when the pilot grunted after being hit was magic. It puts you right in the cockpit and adds immensely to the action.

Visually the shots and camera effects were great.
For me, the music soundtrack worked pretty well up until John Lee Hooker. It was such a huge change in music style without a huge change in storyline to match. Using that just for credits alone would have worked for me. A small thing for me in an otherwise great production.

Top Job!!

Congrats to all who participated and put it together.

Hawk_5 :D

Posted: Thu 31 May 2007 4:22 am
by Goanna
Hi Joe,

Great movie m8, I'd concur with Hawk_5's comments except I like John Lee Hooker's music and (for me) didn't think it was out of place.

Good stuff



Its a beaut..

Posted: Thu 31 May 2007 4:06 pm
by Murdock
Really nicely done. I showed this to a lot of my droogs. They loved it. Shows off the system and sim beautifully.

Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007 6:40 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Very nice editing, slick production. :)

Milne Bay is a good scenario.


Posted: Fri 01 Jun 2007 7:07 am
by EAF602_Joe90
One of the many SE scenarios we have flown, but one of my favourites, 4Shades.

Simple premise - get the tanks from the landing bay to the airfield. Sounds easy, eh? But then there were those pesky Kittyhawks with big 1000lb babies, and armour ripping 50cals!

Ta for all the appreciation. The movie seems to have been a hit in other forums and I hope it helps the cause of SE - the best campaign generator yet, IMO :D

Of course, I also hope it shows how much fun you can have in a good squadron (like EAF :wink: )