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Transfer Database to a new Server

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2013 6:50 pm
by Riksen
Hi all,

I'm considereing transferring my SEOW DB (SEDB60_Reference) into a new server. Since I've made a lot o fmodifications to it, simply downloading and importing the default DB is not an option. I exported the data from my current server using phpmyadmin but the output file is considerably smaller then the original DB (65mb compared to the 111mb of the default db). Is this correct or am I missing something?

Thxs in advance

Posted: Sun 22 Dec 2013 9:35 am
by 22GCT_Gross
The sedb60_reference database has all sectors data inside.
However, not all data are strictly required in order to properly run the MP.
On my side I usually tend to get several sedb60_reference tables empty (like highways or tile map codes (860.000 rows)) as I dont need into quiet sectors.
The sector_* tables are strictly required for MP to work, and some table are useful to show the map informations (such as industrial, airbases, loadouts) when you are planning some kind of new campaign.
Obviously, I keep a full copy of the database aside for any evenience.
Just try to upload your sedb60_reference copy and check if it works.

Posted: Mon 23 Dec 2013 10:20 am
by Riksen
Thxs friend. I followed ur suggestions and it worked correctly, at least it seems to be ok