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Some questions/suggestions

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2013 7:44 am
by Classic_EAF19
Hi all I have some questions and suggestions.

1 - Supply transfer between cargo carrying units.
Would it be possible to transfer supply directly between units ie. I have a freight train which has arrived at a station with fuel for the front. At the station I have several supply columns and the way to transfer would be to create a supply drop from the train and then 'pick up' some supply from that drop with the multiple columns. Would it be possible just to select a column and have the carried supply on the train appear as a source to take the supply from? This of course would apply to ships and every other supply carrying unit as well I suppose.

2 - Recon planes and droptanks.
As far as I understand if we wish to use a single seat fighter type to fly recon its only available loadout is default, would it be possible to enable droptanks for all applicable airframe types if they are scheduled to fly recon? Fighter types such as PR Spitfires had massively increased internal fuel capacity which is something we cannot replicate but we could use droptanks.

3 - Off map supply point aircraft fuel problem.
When planning from an off map supply I am able to select 100% fuel and whatever loadout I wish but if at a later date I decide to change the flight plan ie. more or less aircraft or different ordnance the fuel in the drop down box is now limited to 90%, is this a bug or intentional?

4 - Ordnance and fuel load.
So when we select an aircrafts bomb load most airframes have a reduction in fuel capacity which I am sure is accurate for some or maybe even most types but certainly it is not accurate for all types. I wondered if the data was used is accurate or is it a generalisation? The example which brought this to my attention is the Hurribomber which if planned with 2x500lb bombs is then limited to 70% fuel, this is simply inaccurate as no such fuel restriction is in place in reality. In fact the Hurricane could and did carry a lot more when we consider it was cleared to carry 2x90gal ferry tanks, the fuel alone would of been approx. 650lbs per tank plus the weight of the tanks themselves and of course if long range petrol tanks were fitted then the auxiallary oil tank would of been fitted which effectively doubled the oil on board. I like the system of reducing fuel load as ordnance load increases but I feel its perhaps a little too clumsy for single engine types and is more applicable to the heavies such as a B17 which had the range to hit Berlin and beyond but could not carry its full weight of bombs that far.

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2013 10:10 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Classic,

1. Yes, should be straightforward to code. Might take 5 hours.

2. Yes, possible, but it may be best to enable the droptank loadout only if flight time > 1 hour, for example.

3. Bug. What is the MP version number?

4. It is an example generalization, able to be edited in the DB very easily by designers. I don't think the system is clumsy at all, it just does not have accurate data in the table. If you have historical information on fuel constraints per loadout for different airframes, please compile your information and make it available. I would be glad to include it. That would help us give commanders more realistic choices to make about ordnance and endurance.


Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2013 9:58 pm
by Classic_EAF19
Thanks for your prompt reply 4S, alas my working knowledge of the behind the scenes type stuff in SEOW is really rather limited and my knowledge of coding is embarrasing.... 5hrs for what on the surface to an untrained chimp like myself looks easy enough really highlights the gargantuan efforts that have been put into SEOW.

3 - Regarding the MP version number, I first encountered this in a Stalingrad campaign played on 102nd's server several months ago but I dont have the MP version. But I have also experienced this in the multi-sector on Petrs server using MP v6.0.67

4 - I had a hunch it was a generalization but had no idea it was somethign which could be edited by the designers. The word clumsy was not really the best choice of word :oops: as you say if accurate data is not in the table then its just going to work out right and with the number of aircraft we have in IL2 I expect finding accurate data for so many airframes will prove impossible for one person, I only used the Hurricane as an example as after spending the last 5 years building a pair of them I've got to know it inside out, and the Mk.IX Spitfire we did previously taught me a lot more about the Spitfire airframe as well. Perhaps the best way to compile this data is if it were added on a campaign by campaign basis allowing the community and designers to source data for a few airframe types at a time.

Posted: Thu 19 Dec 2013 3:28 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
We are all chimps in our own ways, especially me. :D

3. We moved to 6.0.80 over time, now at 7.0.0 (dev). Hopefully the bug has been fixed!

4. Yes, I am not asking anyone for full loadout-fuel data for all airframes. But if people send in the stuff they are sure of, I will add it. As time goes on we can progressively compile a more accurate data set. All I ask is that people send in data that is SPECIFIC to the airframe models and loadouts that we have in TD4.12 and HSFX7. It would perhaps be best if someone started a thread here on loadout-fuel data contributions so we can track it all in one place.
