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Cargo destruction

Posted: Thu 22 May 2014 7:05 pm
by Classic_EAF19
Just a thought and my apologies if its already been discussed but it occurred to me that sometimes units are destroyed far too easily when they are being carried as cargo, ie a supply column carrying soldiers gets attacked by aircraft or drives into an abush and the weak trucks get destroyed and thus the cargo units are destroyed without any resistance. I think in reality many soldiers would of course exit the trucks and seek shelter from air attack or engage the enemy ground forces or in fact retreat and stay alive. I appreciate we cannot reflect this in game in any way so I thought maybe we could do something at SEOW level, my first thoughts would be to have a setting for campaign admins which decides the maximum amount of units that can be destroyed by destroying a supply column. At the moment assuming a supply column consists of 6 trucks each carrying a full platoon of 4 infantry if the column is completely destroyed then the cargo is completely destroyed but with my suggestion the admins could set an upper destruction limit of say 25% meaning that in the event of complete column destruction 75% of the contents actually survive and in the next mission appear on map perhaps placed randomly within 1km of the destruction event. If such a system were possible this could better reflect a historical encounter and it would mean a more mobile infantry war without planners fearing the loss of lots of infantry in trains or truck columns and of course if the setting were on a % slider the admins could choose whatever they liked say between 25 and 100% of cargo destruction in the event of complete column destruction.

Re: Cargo destruction

Posted: Thu 22 May 2014 8:00 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Good idea Classic. I understand the concept for infantry units. What about armour/artillery etc? Should the slider be "universal" for all cargo types?


Re: Cargo destruction

Posted: Fri 23 May 2014 7:27 am
by Classic_EAF19
I'd not really thought that far Shades, I guess a slider for road and rail based transport would be good as it would take longer for a train to stop and infantry to escape. It would also be logical that heavy equipment such as AA guns and tanks or other vehicles could not quickly disembark from any vehicle so perhaps such an addition could only apply to infantry class units ie. foot soldiers, light automatic weapons such as the Mg.42 the Maxim 7.62, mortars and light AT guns such as the small 37mm pieces. It was just something that I thought of last night and brought it to the forum for further discussion, I dont even know if its possible :)

Re: Cargo destruction

Posted: Sat 24 May 2014 1:48 pm
by PA-Dore
I think the slider could be "universal" for all types of the Object_Specifications table where the Transport_Capacity field > 0 AND the Supply_Only field = 0 AND the Object_Class field different of (S.. OR P..) (Ships and transport aircraft must loose their entire freight)

This allows to give this slider to transport units as tanks if they are set as transport in the campaign.