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Bug Reports: SEDCS3.00(A), SEDB30, MP4-v4.285

Posted: Thu 11 Jan 2007 9:57 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Please post here any bug reports for this SEOW system release. Try to include as much detail about the context of the error as you can, including operating system version, PHP version, MySQL/MSAccess version, campaign sector, campaign settings etc.

We will refer to this bug list when creating future software updates.


Posted: Thu 11 Jan 2007 7:40 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
BUG: Production Costs Tool returns broken page

IN: MP4-v4.285 with Linux-based MySQL databases

OK, Hitcher wins the gold elephant stamp award for reporting the first bug. :) The new "Production Costs" tool fails for Linux-based MySQL database connections where case sensitivity of SQL queries is important. The error does not occur for Windows-based MySQL databases or for MSAccess databases.

The error is inside Scripts/MP-ProductionCosts.php. There is a single occurrence of the string "object_Specifications" inside the definition of $SQLOC around line 45. This offending string should be replaced by "Object_Specifications" (note the capital "O" at the start). Correction of this error increments the MP version to v4.286, which can be done simply by editing Scripts/MP-ApplicationMetadata.php and changing the value of the $Meta1 variable.


Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2007 2:49 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
BUG: Factory Tooltips show raw FB unit production types

IN: MP4-v4.285 with Linux-based MySQL databases

I get the elephant stamp this time. This is a minor bug, but can be important where campaign admins edit the Verbose Names fields in Object_Specifications to rename unit types. E.g. Warg sometimes requires that B5N2 Kate bombers be renamed as "Fairey Battle" bombers for European early-war scenarios.

In the above case, a factory tooltip might show the factory producing the raw name "B5N2" instead the verbose name "Fairey Battle". The bug is purely in the rendering of the tooltip performed by Scripts/MP-Head.js; nevertheless the "Logistics : Industrial" tool will show the correct verbose name of all produced types.

Corrected in MP4-v4.287.

Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2007 11:24 am
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Missing Army Units in SEDB30

Army units for Imphal sector are not in DB. I'll extract from old DB here and supply to 4Shades.

Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2007 12:47 pm
by II/JG77Hawk_5
Get this error from DCS V2beta(K3) when starting.


DCS "flush database" was performed and restarted. Error still occurs.

Edit: Note DCS version above? I wasn't using DCS V3.00(A) and got errors. Downloaded the correct version and all was well. Problem solved!!

Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2007 8:13 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Here are the default Army_Units records for Imphal:

Code: Select all

Britain	9th_Bn_14th_Punjab_Rgmt	V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	Indian_23rd_Inf_Div	    V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	Indian_50_Parachute_Bgd	V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	Indian_5th_Inf_Div	     V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	Indian_254_Tank_Bgd	    T	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	Indian_17_Inf_Div	      V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Japan	  213th_Inf_Bgd_33rd_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  214th_Inf_Bgd_33rd_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  215th_Inf_Bgd_33rd_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  51st_Inf_Rgmt_15th_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  60th_Inf_Rgmt_15th_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  67th_Inf_Rgmt_15th_Div	 V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  21st_Field_Art_Rgmt	    A	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  15th_Const_Rgmt	        E	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  15th_Transport_Rgmt	    V	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Britain	3rd_Bn_8th_Gurkha_Rifles  V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	9_Field_Rgmt_20th_Div	  A	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	55_Light_AA/AT_Rgmt	    A	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	3rd_Bn_10th_Gurkha_Rifles V	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	38_Infantry_Wshop_Cmp	  E	Allied	gb	Imphal
Britain	305_Field_Park_Company	 E	Allied	gb	Imphal
Japan	  24_Ind_Bgd_33rd_Div	    T	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  33_Mtn_Gun_Rgmt_33rd_Div  A	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Japan	  20th_Ind_Eng_Rgmt	      E	Axis	  ja	Imphal
Thanks Hawk_5!


Top-ups not working

Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2007 10:42 pm
I'm using the Kursk map under an Access DB and noticed that the aircraft top-ups function isn't working. (it used to) anyway, when you top-up a flight, there is no confirmation page in the MP and the flight doesn't show up in the mission.

Good stuff in this last release! Production Works WooHoo!!!

Extra Resupply point in Kursk

Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2007 10:44 pm
There is a resupply point in Kursk that shows up for both axis and allied.

It is 3191 and it should be just Russian by the looks of it. I deleted the "g" version of 3191 Road Supply and that fixed it right up.


Posted: Mon 15 Jan 2007 7:53 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I have just issued a patch update to SEDCS3.00(A); the new version is SEDCS3.00(A1). Download from the usual place.

Corrections in SEDCS3.00(A1)

*) Improved Campaign Settings handling for multiple databases.
*) Corrected SQL statement in Rocket handler for MySQL databases.
*) Corrected Skins support in template loader.

I recommend that all users uninstall SEDCS3.00(A) and install SEDCS3.00(A1) in its place.


Posted: Mon 15 Jan 2007 8:45 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
I have just issued a patch update to the Mission Planner; the current incremental version is MP4-v4.288. Downloadable from the usual place.

Changes from v4.285 to v4.288

*) Corrected Top-Ups error reported by JAGD_RC.
*) Corrected Verbose Names bug in Factory tooltips.
*) Corrected Production Costs Tool bug reported by RAF74_Hitcher.


Posted: Sat 20 Jan 2007 10:08 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Just issued a new bug patch for SEDCS3.00; the patch version is called SEDCS3.00(A2). Corrections include:

*) Better formatting for in-game mission briefing text.
*) Corrected misspelling of "eventlog.lst" in "Files and Misc" tab.
*) Corrected handling of desktop icon in Uninstaller.

This bug patch is entirely backward compatible with SEDB30/30a and supersedes SEDCS3.00(A1).


Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2007 2:41 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Another bug patch for SEDCS3.00: this one is called SEDCS3.00(A3) and is available for download now. Corrections include:

*) Improved ClockAdvance logic to preserve barrage coordinates and skin settings.
*) Added Installation Initializer to set industrial alignment on template load
*) Corrected repair time bug for industrial facilities.

This release supersedes all prior versions of SEDCS3.00(A). Many thanks to =69.GIAP=VLADI for bug regporting.


Posted: Sat 27 Jan 2007 9:38 pm
by RAF74_Taipan
S! shades

i had aproblem loading the full version of the mysql database.


It queried to 262 and then stopped.

After a total of about 25 seconds, i got a message saying

[Err]2006 - MySQL server has gone away.
[Msg]Finished - Unsuccessfully

The way i avoided the problem was to load the split database and then just load the normandy files. That worked fine.

Thought you might like to know.

Posted: Sun 28 Jan 2007 2:10 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Yes, that is exactly why Katana developed the SPLIT databases. These days, the full SEDB file is so big that it is best used as a reference dataset, rather than an operational MySQL database.

Also, everyone please note that the current SEDB30a SPLIT SQL file for Singapore contains a formatting error. The corrected version is here.


Posted: Sun 28 Jan 2007 4:31 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bugpatch for DCS: this version is SEDCS3.00(A4)

Changes include:

*) Corrected aircraft parking functions. (RAF74_Hitcher)
*) Corrected industrial recon functions. (Ala13_Nachote)
*) Improved GUI behaviour.

This versions supersedes all previous "A"-series versions of DCS3, and is available from the usual place. Enjoy!
