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New Release: SEOW v7.2

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015 7:35 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
We are delighted to announce a new SEOW update release that is compatible with the current HSFX7.0.3 and the previous TD4.12.2 versions. The purpose of this SEOW release is to introduce some new maps (Battle of Kursk, ItalyExp, MarianasExp, Sakishima and West Front 40), some consolidation of the v7.1 code base, and a revolutionary new system for combining air operations (using IL-2) with ground operations (using Artma2/Iron Front).

Many people need thanking for the thinking, changes and testing going into SEOW v7.2. I will mention just a few of the major figures behind the scenes (in no particular order):


All of these guys have spent countless hours developing, testing, probing, questioning and playing. They all deserve thanks and respect as do many others that I haven't mentioned.

Now to the software. As always, you can download it from There are three components to get (if you want to build your own SEOW server):

Mission Planner: MP4public v7.2.0 (semp folder)
DCS: SEDCSv7.2.0 (sedcs folder)
Database: SEDB72 (sedb folder)

Quick Functional Overview
In addition to all the previous functionality, SEOW now:
*) supports operations in 93 different sectors
*) supports all aircraft, ground and sea objects defined in TD4.12.2 and HSFX7.0, with the exception of vehicle columns with more than 32 members
*) supports the new meta-SEOW feature that allows players to run missions either in IL-2, or Iron Front, or both,
and much much more.

Change List from v7.1
Mission Planner
*) Corrected FID-1 bug in seowprompt for FLoad and FUnload prompts (Luny)
*) Fixed reinforcements bug for Use_Skins = 0 (Dore)
*) Corrected bug in EditSM tool when UseTriggers=false
*) Fixed up Mission_Triggers SQL in MP-SQL to prevent all sectors showing signal notices. (Dore)
*) Added check to default-sepia etc to catch unregistered sectors (e.g. from mismatch between MP and SEDB versions), plus changed MP-Misc.php to define information page (Badger)
*) Corrected SectorLink() function in default front pages to detect no DB connections and to detect no sector data (using Sector_Dominance table).
*) Fixed semicolon error in MP-Head.js for TA_ occurrences in defaultBriefing (Dore)
*) Improved the incrementID logic in the Merger tool to cater for underscores in object names (Kopfdorfer)
*) Created MP-News.php (skin independent) with twin column format + Language pack support in code. (Riksen)
*) Corrected logic tests for UseTriggers to be ternary rather than binary (Tabarnak+Dore)
*) Revised Commander honorific logic
*) lengthened Commanding text box on MP-ManageCampaign.php page for greater delegations string length (Kopfdorfer)
*) Corrected supply budget for mission length (VARP_Thor)
*) New maps by Dore (The Fall, Marianas Exp), StG77_CountZero (Italy Exp), and by Badger and friends (West Front 40)
*) New banners (StG77_CountZero)
*) Updated Pilot Roster logic (Dore)
*) Release version of meta-SEOW tools: DMT, MM_Engine, MM_BuildMission, MM_AnalyzeLog
*) Release version of MP support for meta-map requests
*) Context transfer for hotkeys to Freight tools (Brandle)
*) update MissionBriefs after wp changes (Kopfdorfer/CountZero)
*) Initial integration of Meta Unit status logic in the core MP tools.
*) Added Meta Mode and Observation Cameras data to campaign settings screen, including campaign rating calculation.
*) 256 char limit for trigger directives (Catsy)
*) Corrected waypoint truncation bug for ship movements (bad intMaxGMOWP init).
*) Corrected handling of HTML -> Unicode in modUtilities.strHTMLEntities (Kopfdorfer)
*) Cosmetic enhancements to aborting flights notices.
*) Corrected blank line handling in modScenery.subGetDamageTiles()
*) Corrected AddForces tool for case where there are no ground units. In this case the centroid coords were not well defined. This is handled better now. (Badger)
*) Support for meta-SEOW operations
*) Fixed Yamato Hull01 error (CountZero)
*) Added support for Observation Cameras (Badger)
*) Added 11 new tables to cover meta-SEOW operations
*) Added Meta-Mode, Meta_Authority, Meta_Maps_Allied, Meta_Maps_Axis, Observations_Cameras fields to the Campaign_Settings table
*) Added Activated_By and Signaller fields to ObjMissionData table
*) Added data sets for Italy Exp, Marianas Exp, Sakishima, The Fall, West Front 40 sectors


Re: New Release: SEOW v7.2

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015 5:13 pm
by StG77_CountZero
Good job!

Thanks to all involved in this release on their hard work.