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Industrials & other stuff.

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2007 7:36 am
by II/JG7_Warg
Hi there,

Just floating some ideas that I have in regard to Industrial and factory production, regarding SE. If they are already in train or have been discussed previously, then please forgive my oversight. Am using an actual example, so please bear with me.

In the summer of 1941, State Aircraft Factory 1, in the Moscow area was producing MiG-3's. Mass producing the things and given the date, they'd were probably the slightly improved MiG-3ud version. The factory was working around the clock, with four work shifts, which I presume would have overlapped and been of at least eight hours. Normal daily production was between 15 and 18 aircraft, with highest ever at 26 MiG's built. I'll be generous and settle on 20 aircraft. The factory was shut down early in 42 and shipped back over the Urals for IL2 production, ending the MiG-3 line, as the IL2's used the same AS-35 inline engine.

Other relevant information.
Wargs build cost list. (still finalising the aircraft)
MiG-3ud = 165 points
T-34/76 = 55 points
Human Pilot = 100 points
Factory build points per turn (hour) = 100

Allocated Factory Build Points per hour.
I propose that each factory has 100 build points per hour. Why, you may ask? Well, from the above example, we can roughly figure out how long it actually takes to build an aircraft. Assuming that 16 MiG's were built each day, a single shift would produce 5 aircraft over its allocated 8 hours. If it costs 165 points to produce one MiG-3ud, then one hour of production time = 62% of its value, which is very close to 100 build points.

Implementation of Factory Production in SE.
I'd like to link the build cost of the aircraft, artillery, tanks, vehicles and pilots lost in one mission, directly to the industrial allocation for the next mission. For example, (using above figures), at 9.00 AM, red side has 20 functional factories, each with 100 build points per hour. Nominally, a total of 2000 build points are available for the next mission at 10.00 AM. For ease of explaination, we'll say that they all are building MiG-3ud's. However, during the 9.00 AM mission, five MiG-3ud's were shot down and five human pilots were killed or captured. Also eight T-34/76's were destroyed. So when calculating the build point allocation the 10.00 AM mission, the number of build points would be:

2000 Factory build points less MiG's lost (5 x 165 = 825), less pilots lost (3 x 100 = 300), less T-34/76's destroyed (8 x 55 = 440) leaving a total of 435 build points available for the 10.00 AM mission.

Benefits / Realisim.
With this, each side is directly rewarded for protecting its assets, by freeing up production capacity to enable it to prosecute the war. It can be viewed in terms of your industry needing to make good the combat losses incurred, before providing reinforcements. How much of the enemy that you destroy is irrelevant to your own factories, that is your opponent problem. Overall, it places an onus on being careful, not too reckless and encourages pilots to preserve planes, pilots and equipment, as there's a direct correlation with what will be available for the next suceeding mission.

Reporting / Statistics.
Would it be possible to include a listing of all human pilots, totalling all points gained from offensive actions and losses incurred through them being shot down or captured? At least for the second part, to determine overall efficiency.

Factory Repair.
Automatically done, but takes eight hours or entire workshift? debatable.

Pilot Quality.
Would we be able to specify AI pilot quality, when we building aircraft in the industrials? Where for an extra cost, can have average, veteran or ace AI aircraft.
I.e. Novice AI = 0 points, Average = +25 points, Veteran = +50 points and Ace = +75 points on top of the existing build cost of the aircraft.

Additionally, can we enable a facility, where AI aircraft pilot quality is improved after successfuly completing a set number of missions? Say, 3 missions improves AI pilots to average, 10 missions improves AI pilots to veteran and 25 missions improves AI pilots to ace skill levels.

Aircraft Pools / Tank & Vehicle Parks.
Aircraft built by factories on the map, start at the nearest airfield to the factory that built it. Likewise with tanks, vehicles and artillery, except they are parked at the nearest railway head, depot or station to the factory that produced them. Up to the template builder and general in charge to make space available.

Off Map Factories.
For those maps that don't have industrial features, allocate a certain number of build points to each side per mission. Then do the same calculations as above. The reinforcements are pooled off map and are flown or driven in from a friendly map edge.

Okay, thats me done for awhile.

Catch you all later, Warg.