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Bug Reports: SEDCSv3.1.x, MP4-v4.360, SEDB31

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 12:12 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi Guys,

Please post your bug reports here. Please try to identify the kind of error and support with screenshots etc.


Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 7:53 pm
Ah the much awaited release!!! :D

I installed this release as fresh new installation using MSaccess DB on an IIS server.

I couldn't use the Admin tool to setup which DB to use because I think it is missing the MP-Connection-URL.php, so I copied the old one in it's place. That didn't work for me (maybe it is no longer used anyway). I get a write error when clicking the save settings button on the admin DB configuration page. No big deal I just manually entered the DB info in the MP-Connection.php file and life is good

But then while playing with it I discovered that the reinforcement function for the admin isn't working for me either. You log in as admin go to manage ->then add reinforcement forces as usual. But, it does not create the table above the drop down boxes showing the units you've just added, nor does it add them to the DB.

I tried unchecking the historic dates box, that didn't help. I turned on debugging in MP-Config and it shows that "0 forces are being held in supply points" after I add forces and it returns to the page after the post.

Not too sure what's going on there, but thought I'd mention it. Maybe it's on my end. I made a mess of my old version. So I zipped it all up and installed this new release fresh and clean, no edits anywhere so it should be okay.

Thanks! Looking forward to cutting those allied supply lines :twisted:

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 8:18 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Hi RC,

First, thanks for your contributions to the new release!

Now, when using the IIS + MSAccess platform, you do need to worry about filesystem permissions. Make sure your MP4/Scripts folder is writeable by your web server, and also make sure the file MP-Connections.php is also writeable.

Let us know how you get on.


Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 8:21 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Bug reported by IV/JG7_Warg:

Missing Sector_Climate data for Ostfriesland, in all versions of SEDB31.

Fix: Open your DB Sector_Climate data table and add a new record for Ostfriesland. I suggest copying the Berlin record.


Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 9:22 pm
by Hitcher
Imperial Japanese Navy squadron missing from Airforce_Units table:

Japan IJN_H_703z03 PTR Axis ja

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007 10:09 pm

Yup that was it. Works like a charm now thanks a bunch.

After I zipped up the old install and created a new MP4 folder I forgot to make it writable.

Works great thanks!

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007 12:06 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
A Soviet ground attack air regiment missing from the Airforce_Units table:

Russia 525ShAP PFB Allied ru Lvov

Report by IV/JG7_Warg.


Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007 3:20 am
by Goanna
S` Shades,
Dunno whether this a bug or a problem at my end, when I schedule a demolition team instead of a tick in the box I get a placeholder instead - the functionality works just no tick in the box. After commiting changes, when I return the ticks are in the box, however clicking on them returns the placeholder.

EDIT: all works ok for taskforce management ie ticks in boxes, no placeholders.




Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007 5:07 am
by Goanna
found the little sucker :-) Lines 6127 to 6140 in the Mp-Head.js file reads;

Code: Select all

function toggleDemoTargets(index) {
if (PlayerAuthority == 'READONLY') {return;}
var index;
var DTstatus;
var currentobj = document.getElementById('DemoTarget'+Math.abs(index));
var currentimg = currentobj.src.substr(currentobj.src.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
DTstatus = ( currentimg.toUpperCase().indexOf('CHECK0') > -1 ) ? 'on' : 'off';
if ( DTstatus == 'on' ) {
	currentobj.src = IconLocation+SectorPrefix(PlayerNation)+'-CHECK1.gif';
else {
	currentobj.src = IconLocation+SectorPrefix(PlayerNation)+'-CHECK0.gif';
Changed the CHECK to Check on Lines 6135 and 6139 and all works well.



Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2007 6:56 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Thanks Goanna! I develop on Windows which has case-insensitive filenames. But you must have installed on Linux/Unix where things are not so forgiving.

Much appreciated!


Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2007 2:45 am
by Goanna
IV/JG7_4Shades wrote:Thanks Goanna! I develop on Windows which has case-insensitive filenames. But you must have installed on Linux/Unix where things are not so forgiving.

Much appreciated!

No worries 4Shades, yes my installation is on Linux and as you said a little less forgiving :-) By the way should have Manchuria finished off by the end of this weekend.



Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2007 10:33 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
New bug report from II/JG77Hawk_5: error in subGenerateAllInfrastructureTargets() for Berlin sector.

In fact, after some investigation, I found that there is an error in the subGenerateAllInfrastructureTargets() code that processes railway station targets. Not all sectors have railway stations, so Hawk_5 happened to find the error in Berlin which does have railway stations. As a work around, simply deselect the "Combat Environments: All Infrastructure Targets" check box if you have railway stations in your sector of operations.

The bug has been fixed and a patch update to DCS3.1.0 will be issued shortly.


Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2007 5:47 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Some bug reports from Jg2001_Quax:

MP4/Italy/Italy_District_F.php: incorrect map image and coordinate transformations. The correct file contents are:

Code: Select all


// asp2php (vbscript) converted

//If the session variable is False or does not exist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
if ($_SESSION["CommanderGood_session"] != true) {
		header("Location: ../Scripts/default.php");

//Set page specific variables
// Sector F Italy.
$pageTitle="Scorched Earth Mission HQ"; //Title bar text
$pageName="Italy - District F"; //Title in top left corner of page
$GeographicMapImage="Italy_District_F.jpg"; //Bitmap of geographic area
$maxpX=1024; //Size of map image in pixels in x direction
$mincX=70000; //Min longitude of image in FB coords
$maxcX=130000; //Max longitude of image in FB coords
$maxpY=729; //Size of map image in pixels in y direction
$mincY=73700; //Max latitude of image in FB coords
$maxcY=116300; //Min latitude of image in FB coords
$mapOffsetX=0.0; //FB longitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetX=250; //Pixel offset of left edge of map image DIV 
$mapOffsetY=0.0; //FB latitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetY=0; //Pixel offset of top edge of map image DIV 
$ShowRoads=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road routes
$ShowRoadWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road route waypoints
$ShowRailways=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail routes
$ShowRailwayWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail route waypoints

include '../Scripts/MP-BuildPage.php';


MP4/Italy/Italy_District_G.php: incorrect map image and coordinate transformations. The correct file contents are:

Code: Select all


// asp2php (vbscript) converted

//If the session variable is False or does not exist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
if ($_SESSION["CommanderGood_session"] != true) {
		header("Location: ../Scripts/default.php");

//Set page specific variables
// Sector G Italy.
$pageTitle="Scorched Earth Mission HQ"; //Title bar text
$pageName="Italy - District G"; //Title in top left corner of page
$GeographicMapImage="Italy_District_G.jpg"; //Bitmap of geographic area
$maxpX=1024; //Size of map image in pixels in x direction
$mincX=800; //Min longitude of image in FB coords
$maxcX=80200; //Max longitude of image in FB coords
$maxpY=727; //Size of map image in pixels in y direction
$mincY=90300; //Max latitude of image in FB coords
$maxcY=146300; //Min latitude of image in FB coords
$mapOffsetX=0.0; //FB longitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetX=250; //Pixel offset of left edge of map image DIV 
$mapOffsetY=0.0; //FB latitude offset of map origin
$mapdivoffsetY=0; //Pixel offset of top edge of map image DIV 
$ShowRoads=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road routes
$ShowRoadWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined road route waypoints
$ShowRailways=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail routes
$ShowRailwayWP=false; //Turns on display of pre-defined rail route waypoints

include '../Scripts/MP-BuildPage.php';


Mp4/NorthSea/NorthSea-Intel.php: file name is wrong - should be replaced by "NorthSea-intel.php" for Unix/Linux case-sensitive filesystems.

Thanks Quax, I know some people are looking hard at using Italy for SEOW campaigning.


Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007 5:28 am
by IV/JG7_4Shades
A bug patch has just been released for DCS3.1.0. The new patch is DCS3.1.1 and contains the following fixes:

*) Corrected Front Line Marker calculation for railway stations with "All targets live" option selected (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Removed spurious index reference in modComplexGround (II/JG77Hawk_5)
*) Corrected SQL for setting failed Supply Drop outcomes in modMissionAnalyzer
*) Extended calendar data range to span from 17 Dec 1903 until 31 Dec 1960 to allow for WWI and post-WWII scenarios (13_Taipan)
*) Corrected supply use for small journeys - now the minimum supply usage per turn is equal to the idle supply use (II/JG77Hawk_5)

This bug patch supersedes DCS3.1.0 - the old version should be removed and the new version installed immediately. There should be no ill-effects of making the change.


Posted: Sun 19 Aug 2007 11:14 am
by Hitcher
Thank you, Shades!

I assume the other small items pointed out in this thread were also addressed?