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About the new strategic bombing feature..

Posted: Tue 14 Aug 2007 6:56 pm
by Loon
Are just my thoughts on this....

Having all the live targets available for a bomb run gives it less "real feeling". No flight and target selection should be made now. Just sending some bombers elsewhere will be a succesfull mission. With the pervious system, the air commander should prepare a flight for the bombers and the pilot should know the target area to drop the load in the right place. That is previous recon and some target pictures in the briefing. Even a precise bombrun must be done to have success. The "old" system simulates the damage that a bomb run can cause to a factory area. The bombers must drop exactly over the designated sector and just over one factory type. If you destroy a different one, you wont get credits. In a real bomb run, if you bomb the storage area or one assembly lane, you wont stop the factory production or maybe just reduce it in a percentage. This can't be simulated by the game cos no partially building destruction is modelled, but I guess the system we had simulates it in the best way.
Maybe instead of a single soft vehicle inside each building, a couple of them would be more interesting. If after the run you just kill one of the vehicles, the production can be reduced to a 50% or production time becomes longer, repair costs should be reduced of the production ammount and so.... yes, maybe too complicated and is not the subject.

And of course, dealing with 500 static objects plus ground units, army movements, ground combats, AI flights and human pilots, will be an interesting challenge for any top computer and extra-wide DSL connection.


Posted: Tue 14 Aug 2007 9:04 pm
by IV/JG7_4Shades
Agreed, Loon. But the new feature is optional - you don't have to use it! :D
